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Another High School Shooting.

Posted: 2003-04-25 01:44pm
by aphexmonster
I donno if any of you have heard of this yet, but there was another high school shooting. Some 14 year old kid shot his principal, and then turned the gun on himself. Im not sure of any names yet, but i just heard about this. =/ ... this is so horrible, they are comming more frequently now... :?

Posted: 2003-04-25 01:46pm
by Crayz9000
A junior high school in Philadelphia, IIRC.

Heard about it yesterday.

Posted: 2003-04-25 01:49pm
by InnerBrat

Posted: 2003-04-25 01:49pm
by Colonel Olrik
Did they both actually die?

Posted: 2003-04-25 01:51pm
by Montcalm
Heard it yesterday too i wonder whats wrong with kids today some of them can`t use words to say if they`re pissed-off,they use guns.

Posted: 2003-04-25 02:09pm
by Dalton
Montcalm wrote:Heard it yesterday too i wonder whats wrong with kids today some of them can`t use words to say if they`re pissed-off,they use guns.
Nobody listens to what they have to say, nobody gives a damn about them. They need to go to extreme measures because of this.

Posted: 2003-04-25 02:17pm
by Crayz9000
The concept of the nuclear family and the working parent family are mutually exclusive, leading to latchkey kids and the gang problem. The kids feel left out and ignored, so they turn to their peers and form gangs. (That is a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea.)

I don't know who thought up the nuclear family idea, but they should have been shot for it. If we stuck to the extended family concept, then kids would have a place to be after school--grandparents, uncles, etc could keep an eye on them. Not babysitters that don't give a shit unless they get paid.

Posted: 2003-04-25 05:16pm
by Enforcer Talen
-blink- when I first saw this topic, I thot it was, fav school shooting.

Posted: 2003-04-25 08:03pm
by Saurencaerthai
This is indeed unfortunate, but everytime one of these school shootings come up, I can only ask three things:
1. What was going on with these kids beforehand?
2. What could have been done to prevent it?
3. Where did they get the guns?

Honestly, this is why I seriously want to limit the access to firearms. If one wishes to purchase a M-16, they should be allowed to.... provided the trigger is welded, the sight filed off and the firing pin removed and welded.

Posted: 2003-04-25 08:39pm
by Sea Skimmer
Crayz9000 wrote:A junior high school in Philadelphia, IIRC.
No, it was a suburb of Harrisburg. Kid died instantly, the principal died sometime later in the hospital. No one has any idea why, as the kid had no "history" with the principal.

Posted: 2003-04-25 10:04pm
by mantakai
these are some sad days we live in when people turn guns on each other for no reason :(

Re: Another High School Shooting.

Posted: 2003-04-25 10:17pm
by Hotfoot
aphexmonster wrote:this is so horrible, they are comming more frequently now... :?
I agree that it's horrible, but are they really coming more frequently now? It would seem that following Littleton, they're somewhat less frequent.

It might seem terrible to say this, but I hope that this is just a generational thing, and that in 15 years or so we will have seen the a dramatic decrease in these kinds of events.

Does anyone know of a resource that has collected the details on all the school shootings/killings in the US, by time, geography, weapons used, etc.?

Posted: 2003-04-25 10:31pm
by aphexmonster
I go to a pretty bad high school for my radio class. ALOT of metal detectors, cameras, guards, and police officers. As well as the 7ft fence around the school.

Posted: 2003-04-25 10:42pm
by Hotfoot
aphexmonster wrote:I go to a pretty bad high school for my radio class. ALOT of metal detectors, cameras, guards, and police officers. As well as the 7ft fence around the school.
Er...yikes. That sounds more like Juvie hall school or something.

Posted: 2003-04-25 11:04pm
by Sea Skimmer
aphexmonster wrote:I go to a pretty bad high school for my radio class. ALOT of metal detectors, cameras, guards, and police officers. As well as the 7ft fence around the school.
That's just paranoid, my high school has a couple cameras watching some doors but no one monitoring them as far as I can tell. It had guards for six months three years ago before they where discarded as a waste of money, and the fences exist only in areas with playing fields and even then they have no gates

Posted: 2003-04-25 11:10pm
by Zaia
*sighs* I have a couple friends who went to Red Lion back in the day... Very sad.

Posted: 2003-04-25 11:29pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm surprised that their hasn't been a shooting at my school yet, there is a large feeling of hate against the 6 or 7 administers that are there, seemingly, just to enforcedress code, absolutely no security(now that I think about it I haven't seen a rent-a-cop on campus in 2 months) and everyone I've talked to can't believe there hasn't been a shooting, we've had kids able to come in and spray paint nearly every wall in my school(note there are about 2000 kids on the campus alone) overnight, and a kid was able to go a smash up every vending machine during one period( over 15) without getting caught, there are 5000 students total at this school, were crammed in, hasseled constantly, and I can't believe a powder keg hasn't gone off.

Posted: 2003-04-25 11:32pm
by Gil Hamilton
I'm not sure that school violence has been all that much on the rise, it's just that the potential lethality of a violent school encounter is. I mean, before it was guns there were knives can chains and certainly no lack of gangs. In recent history, there have always been gangs involving kids. You should here the stories my dad tells about going to high school in the late 50s early 60s. He didn't have to worry about Bloods or Crips with guns or anything, just greasers or the militant minority gang du jour with knives, chains, and baseball bats.

What I will say is that the amount of school violences involving students that aren't your various gang member / gang member wannabe is on the rise. After all, it's far easier for some average picked on kid that has gone over the edge of sanity to get a firearm than in the 60s. If Crazy Joe Picked-on in the sixties brought a knife to school in order to get even with some greasers who pounded him for his pocket money the other day, he's not nearly as likely as a Crazy Joe Picked-on Jr. who instead brought a handgun to school to inflict serious injury. I'm sure the Crazy Joe Picked-on types existed in the 60s, they were just far more helpless if they tried to get even. A handgun, after all, doesn't take nearly as much skill or physical prowess to kill a person, nor do you need to be right up in a persons face where you can be potentially overpowered.

Also, the speed and scale of media coverage is a factor. News is now instantaneous countrywide. Plus, things are hyped up in order to grab the most attention. Nowadays, if something like Columbine happens, people can practically watch the events unfold, in real time. You get news broadcasts that go "It's two hours into the stand-off and nothing has changed in the last hour. Here is our on-hand panel of "experts" to speculate what is going on right now and what could have caused such a thing..." This allows people to connect the dots faster. Part of my personal theory on why Columbine was touted as such a wake-up call is that news propagates so quickly and the sheer volume of discussion and coverage of such an event dramatically hypes the event itself. A newspaper can only rely information so fast (new information comes out only as fast as new issues of the paper are printed and published, which at the very least is once a day) and is limited by size and space. There is only so much room a newspaper can devote to an event and can only reiterate itself only so fast. With CNN blasting out the story all day long, cross country, filling all that programming space with up-to-the minute coverage and wave after wave of panelists going over the issue, it can turn a tragic, but small scale, event like Columbine that wouldn't have made all that big a splash because how slowly information travels with only newspapers and radio, into a Super Colossal Disaster of Death and Mayhem. Combine this with the fact that it happened in a relatively wealthy suburban/rural area, all that saturation coverage made the country go "Omigawd omigawd omigawd! That's the sort of thing that happens in New York or Los Angeles, where all the minorities and sinners live! That's not suppose to happen there! Omigawd omigawd! It could happen to us! HAVE MARILYN MANSON HUNG, START THE PRAYER VIGILS, AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THINK OF THE CHILDREN!"

This saturation coverage also assisted in copycat incidence. With stuff like Columbine, with the media and the country of large (outside of the cities, of course, Pittsburgh for instance had a school yard triple homocide a week before Columbine that no one bothered to cover at all) running around like Chicken Little, screaming about how the sky is falling, suddenly Joe Crazy Picked-on thinks "Hrm... if those kids could get away with it... maybe I can too." Suddenly, it was not so unthinkable and impossible to "get even" in their twisted little minds and take some of the assholes who made their lives hell with them. It's like a vicious cycle, something happens, instantly the media has it covered and talks about it 24/7 on TVs across the country, some young crazy watches and thinks that if those kids could do it they could too, they get a gun, and the cycle begins anew.


Posted: 2003-04-25 11:47pm
by MKSheppard
Gil Hamilton wrote:After all, it's far easier for some average picked on kid that has gone over the edge of sanity to get a firearm than in the 60s.
Yeah right. :roll:

Your post lost all credibility then and there. Go look up firearms laws
pre 1968 GCA. You could literally buy a handgun through the mail,
no questions asked and it would be delivered right to your doorstep,
along with 20mm anti tank rifles...

Posted: 2003-04-25 11:50pm
by Sea Skimmer
MKSheppard wrote:
Yeah right. :roll:

Your post lost all credibility then and there. Go look up firearms laws
pre 1968 GCA. You could literally buy a handgun through the mail,
no questions asked and it would be delivered right to your doorstep,
along with 20mm anti tank rifles...
My dad had one of those when he was 16. The Finns make some good weapons.

Posted: 2003-04-26 01:11am
by MKSheppard
Sea Skimmer wrote: My dad had one of those when he was 16. The Finns make some good weapons.
Does he still have it?

Posted: 2003-04-26 02:48am
by Stampede
one of the high schools i went to here started with the metal detectors and more security, etc. after the outburst of school shootings. i dont think it makes that much difference how much of this kinda stuff you bring in. you could still sneak a weapon in if you wanted to. example: i was in the band so i would have my instument with me most mornings comming into school. i remember going up to the metal detectors with all the cops and security guards around. they didnt even make me go through!!! they saw my trumpet case and just said "go on by". WTF. whos to say i didnt have a weapon in the case or in my backpack for that matter. i know this is Alabama im talking about, but....damn!!

Posted: 2003-04-26 02:54am
by Stampede
oh and btw....i got suspended and later expelled for having a toy beretta and an empty air pistol that looked like a .45 at school. THEY WERE PHOTO PROPS!!!! i was trying to bring them back to a friend but forgot to give them to him earlier in the day and got caught with them as i was getting them out of my locker as i was about to leave school. bastards. :evil:

Posted: 2003-04-26 05:49am
by Kamakazie Sith
They really need to make the warning signs clear to other students. In almost every school shooting there has been some type of warning sign, this one happens to have some of the most obvious.

Awareness would have prevented this if this kids friends could have recognized the warning signs.

Posted: 2003-04-26 06:48am
by Companion Cube
Tragic. :o :cry: