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I have my first cavity, ever

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:24pm
by HemlockGrey
Dammit. I have to go in on the 27th for what is sure to be an incredibly painful drilling-and-filling.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:25pm
by Joe
Tough luck, man. It's not terribly painful - no worse than giving blood, really - but it's far from comfortable.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:31pm
by Sea Skimmer
That sucks.

I consume vast amounts of sugar but I didn't get a cavity until I was 17, heck that was only two months ago. Didn't hurt very much, though my deeply crevassed tooth needed a lot of drilling for a fairly minor cavity.

Course I had it filled a few minutes after it was discovered, so I didn’t have a long period to wait and think about it.

Re: I have my first cavity, ever

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:35pm
by Next of Kin
HemlockGrey wrote:Dammit. I have to go in on the 27th for what is sure to be an incredibly painful drilling-and-filling.
Its not a root canal so don't sweat it.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:35pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I put my dentist's kid through college. My enamel is not very good. If its a little cavity you wont have much pain. If its deep then that can suck. A crown is a shitty experience.

In fact I think I have a cavity now, but no dental insurance. :-(
This will be the last 4-5 years however.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:38pm
by HemlockGrey
He said it's a minor cavity. I hope that equates to only minor discomfort.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:39pm
by Joe
The novocaine nullifies the pain, but it's still going to feel fucking weird as hell.

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:40pm
by Next of Kin
HemlockGrey wrote:He said it's a minor cavity. I hope that equates to only minor discomfort.
Be a trooper and make your dentist drill with a rusty a bit and decline a shot of novocaine!

Posted: 2003-04-29 05:54pm
by aphexmonster
You probably wont even notice it. You hear some sounds, taste your teeth, then he fills it, and the deal is sealed. Its so not so bad. ^_^

Posted: 2003-04-29 06:40pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
I've had only one cavity in my entire life years ago in a baby tooth that had a silver cap.

And to make you feel even more miserable, I never had to have my wisdom teeth removed... :P

Posted: 2003-04-29 06:46pm
by Sea Skimmer
Durran Korr wrote:The novocaine nullifies the pain, but it's still going to feel fucking weird as hell.
Sufficient Novocain nullifies the pain. Don't hesitate to have them use some more.

Posted: 2003-04-29 06:52pm
by Shinova
Never had anything like a cavity. Never. :P

Posted: 2003-04-29 06:56pm
by Larz
Never had a cavity, I still have my tonsils, and my wisdom teeth seem to be growing in quiet nicely...

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:10pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
My teeth are stupid. They're crooked, in fact I wear braces. I've had about five cavitites in my time, and this metal POS in my head isn't helping. My baby teeth would NOT come out; I had to get (minor) surgery to get the little fuckers removed, and I couldn't eat an enitre day before then. Boy was I hungry.

I hate my teeth with a passion.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:33pm
by aerius
Durran Korr wrote:The novocaine nullifies the pain, but it's still going to feel fucking weird as hell.
Forget the novocaine, and break out the nitrous mask! :lol:

I'm one of those people who just doesn't get cavities, though on the downside my teeth stain real easily. It's a tradeoff I'm willing to live with.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:36pm
by Joe
aerius wrote:
Durran Korr wrote:The novocaine nullifies the pain, but it's still going to feel fucking weird as hell.
Forget the novocaine, and break out the nitrous mask! :lol:

I'm one of those people who just doesn't get cavities, though on the downside my teeth stain real easily. It's a tradeoff I'm willing to live with.
Oh, how could I forget? That's some good shit, plus the mask smells really good.

I remember when I had my first cavity filled, they let me keep the nitrous mask. I sniffed on it for days (I was in fifth grade).

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:37pm
by Joe
Never had a cavity, I still have my tonsils, and my wisdom teeth seem to be growing in quiet nicely...
Wisdom teeth? Be prepared for a lot of pain later in your life if you don't have them removed while young.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:40pm
by Hamel
My teeth must be made of an adamantium/enamel mixture, because i've not even been close to a cavity

Wisdom teeth have been in for years and don't hurt at all

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:41pm
by Queeb Salaron
TrailerParkJawa wrote:I put my dentist's kid through college. My enamel is not very good. If its a little cavity you wont have much pain. If its deep then that can suck. A crown is a shitty experience.
Y'know, they invented these funny things called toothbrushes... I dunno if that technology's made it out to the trailor parks yet... ;)


How can you tell that the toothbrush was invented in Maine?

Anywhere else, it'd be called a "teethbrush".

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:45pm
by Hamel
Queeb Salaron wrote:
TrailerParkJawa wrote:I put my dentist's kid through college. My enamel is not very good. If its a little cavity you wont have much pain. If its deep then that can suck. A crown is a shitty experience.
Y'know, they invented these funny things called toothbrushes... I dunno if that technology's made it out to the trailor parks yet... ;)

You must take lessons from Bob Saget

As with toothbrushes, sometimes people are born with "soft" teeth, and brushing doesn't always help. My dad was a good example of this and ended up with dentures in his mid 20s

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:45am
by Darth Yoshi
Don't worry about it, HemlockGrey. There'll be some slight discomfort when he applies the novacaine, then you hear the drill, and you feel him pushing down on your jaw. Done. Just hope he doesn't use silver amalgams for the filling. They contain mercury.

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:51am
by RedImperator
My wisdom teeth were just fine but that Goddamn quack dentist probably was getting a kickback from the oral surgeon and said I needed them pulled. Do yourself a favor whent the time comes to get them pulled: don't be macho and say, "Oh, just give me Novacane. You don't need to put me under."

Re: I have my first cavity, ever

Posted: 2003-04-30 01:06am
by Kuja
HemlockGrey wrote:Dammit. I have to go in on the 27th for what is sure to be an incredibly painful drilling-and-filling.
Don't worry about it. Just order the laughing gas, and enjoy the procedure. :lol:

Posted: 2003-04-30 03:23am
by Gandalf
I've never had any surgery like this, my tonsils are where they belong, and I have wisdom teeth.

Posted: 2003-04-30 03:46am
by Enforcer Talen
Ive had . . . two cavities.

but what really hurt is having a molar gone (I forget why) and them putting a metal ring in so other teeth dont take it's space. . . then digging around to make sure the roots were gone.
