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new question

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:11pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Exactly what age to male children become total assholes?

I seem to recall recovvering from the state at some point in adolecnec, my main gripe is that my girlfriend's son is now reaching that stage at age 9....

He talks back to us....
He's getting teacher's comments for harrassing the girls in school....
He's acting out in public....


sorry, just a little conserned...

poll added

and I am waiting for the for some word from the other parent's here.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:12pm
by Joe
It was twelve for me. I was horrible.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:14pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Why little old me? I've been a perfect angel since day one. :D

But my observatiosn of others have brought me to the conclusion that it's anywhere from 10-13. When men leave assholiness, however, is an enitrely different question altogether.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:16pm
by Larz
Its getting younger. I'd say anywhere from 8-14 pending on the enviroment the child grows up in.

Posted: 2003-04-29 08:20pm
by Queeb Salaron
6 for me.

6 months, that is.

::Corny drum roll::

Posted: 2003-04-29 09:03pm
by Lord Sander
I was always too damn good. I was so good, that my mother was concerned about the fact that I was never any trouble.
Then I overcompensated when I got to the latter part of high school :oops:

Posted: 2003-04-29 09:16pm
by Raptor 597
I am an asshole or so they say. Though my parents are morons so I smack then down egularly. I chanllege Creationism and their false statements so many say I act like an asshole. I don't really think so.

Posted: 2003-04-29 09:22pm
by aerius
I started showing signs of being a dick around 9-10, but other than outright lying to my parents on a semi-regular basis I was a pretty good kid. Didn't start talking back to my parents till I was about 18, and only when they were being complete dicks, which unfortunately at that time was pretty often. Things have settled down now, but unfortunately we've all lost some respect for each other that may never be regained.

Posted: 2003-04-29 10:00pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
I'd say I was around 9 when that started, since that's when I started getting a short temper. But it wasn't until I was about 11 when I became an asshole to my parents.

Posted: 2003-04-29 10:04pm
by Nathan F
I never went through that stage... seriously. I have no recollection of rebelling from my parents or doing stupid things most teenagers do.

Posted: 2003-04-29 10:44pm
by Cyborg Stan
I also never really been through that stage. As far as I can tell, I've had pretty much the same (internal) personality ever since I can remember, just some minor tweaks as time passes on. (Dealing with external things did change a bit though....)

Posted: 2003-04-29 10:51pm
by Ghost Rider
Started for me around 10-11(5th and 6th grades were particularly unkind for my being a complete nice-guy)

Didn't really hit it's stride at around 17-18(mostly because Dad and I had arguments of my college and what career I should have)

But for my cousins...around 10-14(I know big stretch) is around when they stopped being cute and started being a little prickish.

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:05am
by Gandalf
About 11 was where it all went bad for me, now I've recovered to being Mr. Nice Guy. 8)

Posted: 2003-04-30 01:08am
by TrailerParkJawa
Id say 8th,9th, and 10th grade are smart ass years for boys.

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:14pm
by salm
at about 13 when i wanted to stay at the bar longer than 10:30 and drink more beer.

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:16pm
by InnerBrat
Wait - it's a stage?

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:18pm
by Zaia
innerbrat wrote:Wait - it's a stage?

I put 9-11---kids that age are CRUEL, boys AND girls.

Posted: 2003-04-30 12:56pm
by Stampede
you try having Cal as a cousin. i've been driven to become a sarcastic asshole just to keep up with his bullshit and to have something to throw back at him. :evil:

Posted: 2003-04-30 01:08pm
by Admiral Valdemar
13, my brother was an angel prior to that age.

Anyone who has seen Harry Enfield's first Kevin and Perry sketch will know what it's like.

Posted: 2003-04-30 01:09pm
by XaLEv
Can't speak for myself as I've never been there personally, but the youngest I've seen it is about 5 or so.

Had to get 12 stitches on the back of my head because of that little bastard. Who knows just how fucked up that family really was. :roll:

Posted: 2003-04-30 04:17pm
by Lord Pounder
Personally i've been a wee cunt from the moment i leaned to talk. I only calmed down when i was faced with nearly losing my dad mainly due to my bad behaviour and acting up etc. The stress of my behavious gave him a heart attack.

Most males become back talking cheeky fucks arround the point where their balls drop. Some time in the early stages of puberty a male gets the impression that a female is impressed by cocky arrogance.

Posted: 2003-04-30 07:26pm
by Hades
i still maintain that i was ALWAYS angelic through out my whole life. pure and innocent :lol: