Can they afford it, really? I would suspect that Medea Benjamin does not have the kind of access to Nike's financial information that Nike has.
Nike doesn't seem to be hurting. They're making a killing by selling cheaply made shoes made at sweatshops for over a hundred dollars when another shoe company already mentioned is making a sound profit while paying US workers a decent wage. If they can't afford to pay their workers a decent wage, then they're about as good with managing their money as (^o^);
If the skills of the workers in question were worth more than the amount in question there would be someone more than willing to pay it to them. Make them pay too much and unemployment will result.
Or maybe these people are simply underpaid because Nike WANTS to underpay them and can get away with it.
It is also important to note that these workers are not confined to these low wages forever; income mobility is getting better and better in the undeveloped world. Furthermore, real wages are still on the rise overall in third-world nations.
Do tell! Where is your source on this?
How exactly a voluntary contract between employer and laborer amounts to economic exploitation is a mystery to me, but then again I am not a Harvard graduate.
It doesn't take a Harvard graduate to see that Nike isn't treating their employees with respect and giving them a good wage, when in all likelyhood these people have no other place to go to for work.
Hey, America had to go through this also. It's an unfortunate but inevitable part of development. I'm not trying to pass Nike or any other multinational corporation as saintly, I'm just saying that employment at Nike at a low wage is better than non-employment.
There is NO excuse for an American company, which I should be holding to HIGH moral standards, to be turning a blind eye to an abuse of their workers when they are financially able and
morally obligated to be taking care of the problem
Posting whole webpages is a lazy man's way of debating, so I won't read it.
Actually, no. If I just quoted the entire webpage and said "durrr read this", then you would have a point here. I posted quite a few points on Nike, and I merely invited you to view the webpage for further evidence of their evilness
Refuted not at all. Nike is one corporation. On average, multinational American corporations pay outstanding wages to their employees, comparatively. I base my argument on comprehensive statistics; you base yours on the actions of one corporation, Nike.
Where are your comprehensive statistics, and where do they show that these corporations are treating their workers soundly?
I could point out the outstanding growth that China has experienced over the past decade, but that would be pointless with you, since you have refused to concede any benefit that globalization has for developing countries. For God's sake, if you want to bitch about globalization, fine, but produce a better alternative.
Durran strawman. I'm railing on corporations abusing foreign workers
And the Indonesia reference is simply unfair. Indonesia's economy is in the shitter because of shitty management of the economy by the government, not American corporations.
I neber said their economy is in the shitter because of american companies. Another strawman. And even if Indonesia's economy sucks, that's no excuse for exploitation
I was exaggerating a bit, I will concede; however, railroad strikes were very destructive to their sector of the economy. Nearly 2 million American workers went on strike during this period.
That's a fact, jack. You won't find a disagreement with me on that one