Rant: Just Pay My Fucking Ticket Damnit!
Posted: 2003-05-01 05:02pm
Today I was reminded of why I never go to the bank unless I absolutely have to. I go to the bank today to pay my parking ticket and it went downhill from there. My first warning sign was a teller who could not fucking speak English and just mumbled shit at me, and apparently she couldn't understand English either. What part of "I need to pay a parking ticket" is so fucking hard to understand? After she mumbles some more shit at me which I vaguely make out as "I don't know how to do it" I say "well get someone who can do it!", and after wandering to the back of the bank she got another teller to help me.
And so I tell this new teller the same thing, "I need to pay a parking ticket", so she takes the ticket and starts typing stuff into the terminal. She asks me if I'll be paying from my account (did I mention that this new one also spoke barely understandably English with a heavy accent?) to which I replied "yes", and she swipes my card through the reader and types more stuff into the terminal. And then she just look at the screen and stops everything..
Her: Do you work?
Me: yes
her: do you have a job?
me: yes, why?
her: well, you have a lot of money in your account
me: so?
her: well, you should invest it or something, we have...
me: yes, I know, and I don't care
her: but you should invest your money in some mutual funds and..
me: I'm aware of my options and I'm not interested
her: we also have other investments such as term depos...
me: listen, I'm here to pay a traffic ticket not to see a financial advisor, understand?
her: but why have all that money in your
me: is my ticket all paid for and done yet?
her: ummm....
At this point she stamps everything and gives me the reciepts, and I'm thinking "fuck this shit, I have nothing better to do today, it's customer complaint time!". I asked the helpful receptionist at the front if I could see the manager regarding a customer service issue with the tellers. I met with him after a short wait and I told him of the issues I had trying to get the ticket paid at the tellers. He starts apologizing for my inconvenience and starts going on and on about how he values customer feedback and my business and I'm thinking "how stupid do they think I am?", so after he ran out of breath I say "listen, apology accepted, but I think it would be a lot better if it didn't happen in the first place", and then I gave him my standard speech on the stupidity of having non-English speakers in customer service positions. And I left after telling him to make sure it doesn't happen again.
And so I tell this new teller the same thing, "I need to pay a parking ticket", so she takes the ticket and starts typing stuff into the terminal. She asks me if I'll be paying from my account (did I mention that this new one also spoke barely understandably English with a heavy accent?) to which I replied "yes", and she swipes my card through the reader and types more stuff into the terminal. And then she just look at the screen and stops everything..
Her: Do you work?
Me: yes
her: do you have a job?
me: yes, why?
her: well, you have a lot of money in your account
me: so?
her: well, you should invest it or something, we have...
me: yes, I know, and I don't care
her: but you should invest your money in some mutual funds and..
me: I'm aware of my options and I'm not interested
her: we also have other investments such as term depos...
me: listen, I'm here to pay a traffic ticket not to see a financial advisor, understand?
her: but why have all that money in your
me: is my ticket all paid for and done yet?
her: ummm....
At this point she stamps everything and gives me the reciepts, and I'm thinking "fuck this shit, I have nothing better to do today, it's customer complaint time!". I asked the helpful receptionist at the front if I could see the manager regarding a customer service issue with the tellers. I met with him after a short wait and I told him of the issues I had trying to get the ticket paid at the tellers. He starts apologizing for my inconvenience and starts going on and on about how he values customer feedback and my business and I'm thinking "how stupid do they think I am?", so after he ran out of breath I say "listen, apology accepted, but I think it would be a lot better if it didn't happen in the first place", and then I gave him my standard speech on the stupidity of having non-English speakers in customer service positions. And I left after telling him to make sure it doesn't happen again.