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Wooo an F4 evening!

Posted: 2003-05-04 09:43pm
by BrYaN19kc
Six reported tornado touch downs this afternoon, including one F4 tornado. But yet, Kansas City still lives!!!

This is the third F4 Tornado I've seen. Have you all seen any stuff like that?

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:07pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
You're nuts!

I'm glad you're okay tho. :)

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:22pm
by Kelly Antilles
Been through hurricanes. The eye is so.. odd. Everything is still and quiet and then... all hell breaks loose again. Have had really strong crosswinds and tornados nearby, but never seen them. WHat's really bad is I have a strong fear of lightning.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:26pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
No, actually. Just some strong winds not even powerful enough to send a tree crashing down at most. For some reason, the area I live in is somehow immune to major disasters.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:26pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I'm watching that on the news right now.

Lucky for me the area I live in we don't get any natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes(we at most, heavy rain, it's already lost all it's power when it reaches central Texas), tornadoes or giant monster attacks. The worst we get is flooding in areas of the city far away from me. And thats after 2 or 3 days of constant raining.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:31pm
by Kelly Antilles
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:No, actually. Just some strong winds not even powerful enough to send a tree crashing down at most. For some reason, the area I live in is somehow immune to major disasters.
Be glad of that, Smi.

Posted: 2003-05-04 10:45pm
by Howedar
Contrary to some beliefs, not everybody lives in the Midwest.

Posted: 2003-05-05 12:42am
by irishmick79
We get the occasional tornado touchdown over the summer in southern Wisconsin. I've never actually seen one, but we've had some touch down a little too close for comfort.

Posted: 2003-05-05 02:59am
by Dalton
No twisters up here, but we do get those fucking Nor'easters.

Re: Wooo an F4 evening!

Posted: 2003-05-05 07:13am
by Nathan F
BrYaN19kc wrote:Six reported tornado touch downs this afternoon, including one F4 tornado. But yet, Kansas City still lives!!!

This is the third F4 Tornado I've seen. Have you all seen any stuff like that?
An F-4 (almost F-5...) hit my town once, strongest storm ever in the state of Tennessee.

Posted: 2003-05-05 08:05am
by Darth Fanboy
Quakes are much more entertaining.

Edit: I prefer all of these to Blizzards.

Re: Wooo an F4 evening!

Posted: 2003-05-05 09:24am
by Enigma
BrYaN19kc wrote:Six reported tornado touch downs this afternoon, including one F4 tornado. But yet, Kansas City still lives!!!

This is the third F4 Tornado I've seen. Have you all seen any stuff like that?

No, but here in Ottawa, we get a small taste of everything. Once in a while there'd be a small quake (usually at night, not enough to wake people up), rarely we'd get a tornado, but when we do it's pathetic, there's also some strong thunderstorms, an occasional ice storm. We don't get any extreme weather here except for the heat and cold. (40+degrees Celsius in the summer and -40 degrees Celsius in the winter.

Posted: 2003-05-05 09:28am
by haas mark
I used to live in Norfolk, VA, where there were hurricanes and tropical storms all the time. I lived in Lawton, OK, when Hurrican Andew hit. If Hurrican Felix had hit the jet stream in the Atlantic, we woulda been screwed over in Norfolk..

Posted: 2003-05-05 09:29am
by Sea Skimmer
The area west and south of Philadelphia gets a few small tornadoes every year, but they generally do little damage and don’t pass F2. I only seen one once while visiting a relative a couple years ago, and it was weak as shit.

Posted: 2003-05-05 10:36am
by Col. Crackpot
i've been through two hurricanes, (gloria, 1986 and Bob 1992) three nasty blizzards (1978, 1996, 2003) and more Nor'easters than i can remember. of all of those, only once did i ever fear for my safety. Hurricane Gloria, a category 2 storm was a direct hit on Providence with its northeast quadrant (the strongest part) back in '86. 3, 6 story pine trees went down in the backyard one atop the other and missed the house a few inches. Our neighbor's stockade fence blew down and the individual planks blew through the neighborhood like wooden missiles...they hit a few cars and bounced off a few houses. The branches from a weeping willow tree three houses down broke off and blew into everything. i was only 10 and it scared the crap out of me.

Posted: 2003-05-05 01:49pm
by Bug-Eyed Earl
It missed my home, but people a few blocks away lost everything.

Posted: 2003-05-05 02:48pm
by aphexmonster
I live in sacramento... the worst thing we have to worry about here are boybands comming through ever so often ¬_¬

Posted: 2003-05-05 07:04pm
by Nathan F
And on a side note, my home county got blasted with a storm including tornadoes earlier today.

Posted: 2003-05-05 08:02pm
by Vertigo1
Which one Nate? Tipton county (where I live) got blasted with 3 of them. One being within a MILE of me! :shock: Luckily nobody was hurt though. Jackson got blasted with yet another one at about 2:30 today. This just isn't their week. Half of Madison county is in shambles because of those damned twisters, and they're on a boil alert because the water treatment plant (very close to their electrical CO) got taken out. This is worse than January of '99!

Posted: 2003-05-05 09:03pm
by Andrew J.
I'm glad I live in Upstate New York now; it's boring, but at least we don't get anything worse than a mild earthquake or thunderstorm.

Posted: 2003-05-05 09:51pm
by Vertigo1
Andrew J. wrote:I'm glad I live in Upstate New York now; it's boring, but at least we don't get anything worse than a mild earthquake or thunderstorm.
And the occasional white-out. :D

Posted: 2003-05-05 10:57pm
by Cal Wright
Somehow the bad stuff went just south of my city. It's pretty active right now, but I haven't recieved word of getting anything more than a shitload of lightening strikes.

Posted: 2003-05-05 11:11pm
by Nathan F
Vertigo1 wrote:Which one Nate? Tipton county (where I live) got blasted with 3 of them. One being within a MILE of me! :shock: Luckily nobody was hurt though. Jackson got blasted with yet another one at about 2:30 today. This just isn't their week. Half of Madison county is in shambles because of those damned twisters, and they're on a boil alert because the water treatment plant (very close to their electrical CO) got taken out. This is worse than January of '99!
Ah, January '99... I remember that one well. There was a fatal tornado in the same system (iirc...) that hit Perry County, the previously mentioned strongest ever in TN.

The one that hit Perry County (my home county) this time destroyed some homes, but thankfully no one was in them at the time. They were approx. 10 miles from my house, but the power lines and trees were down in my front yard.

Posted: 2003-05-06 09:27am
by Cal Wright
It hasn't stopped yet. Meridianville just about 5-10 miles north of me was hit by a tornado. Right now we're under a tornado warning and the interstate which is about 3 miles north of me is where they are projecting possible touch downs.

Posted: 2003-05-06 12:16pm
by phongn
Here in Florda we occasionally get some F1s, unless a hurricane comes by.