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Fortune Smiles on Fanboy

Posted: 2003-05-08 04:51am
by Darth Fanboy
Today afer I completely bombed my Bio exam I was walking towards the parking lot when I stopped and I saw a sign on the vending machine "Free Drinks while supplies last". Intruiged by this offer I started pushing the buttons on this pepsi machine and suddenly an almost empty backpack was full of sodas, Pepsi, Orange Slice, Mountain Dew, and a little cherry Pepsi for variety.

not to be outdone I ran to my car, unloaded the botty and came back, cleaning out most of the good brands, all in all I came out with $40 in free soda.

I knew these pants were lucky! Eat shit pants haters!

Posted: 2003-05-08 04:56am
by Frank Hipper
Darth Fanboy wrote:I knew these pants were lucky! Eat shit pants haters!
Oh yeah? Well he who pants last pants the loudest! Whaddaya think of that?

Good strafing run on the sodee pop, BTW.

Posted: 2003-05-08 04:59am
by Gandalf
You lucky bastard, I once found a pinball machine that gave free games. That was a few good hours.

Posted: 2003-05-08 05:00am
by Dalton
Reminds me of the leftover cookies and soda us TV students mooched from a speech comm class.

Posted: 2003-05-08 05:05am
by generator_g1
Be careful there isn't a catch to that free soda. For all we know, someone could have contaminated it with something...

Posted: 2003-05-08 09:02am
by Darth Fanboy
If they did then we'll find out in a few hours, seeing as how i've enjoyed two of the pilfered beverages already.

I used to get free arcade games on any game with the old skewl coin slot, I had this little wire i could use to give myself credits. I bought the Old dynsaty Warriors Arcade game (released circa 1988) for $100 and used that to figger it out.