Fortune Smiles on Fanboy
Posted: 2003-05-08 04:51am
Today afer I completely bombed my Bio exam I was walking towards the parking lot when I stopped and I saw a sign on the vending machine "Free Drinks while supplies last". Intruiged by this offer I started pushing the buttons on this pepsi machine and suddenly an almost empty backpack was full of sodas, Pepsi, Orange Slice, Mountain Dew, and a little cherry Pepsi for variety.
not to be outdone I ran to my car, unloaded the botty and came back, cleaning out most of the good brands, all in all I came out with $40 in free soda.
I knew these pants were lucky! Eat shit pants haters!
not to be outdone I ran to my car, unloaded the botty and came back, cleaning out most of the good brands, all in all I came out with $40 in free soda.
I knew these pants were lucky! Eat shit pants haters!