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who was more worthy of deification?

Posted: 2003-05-09 09:35am
by Enforcer Talen
who should keep his temple?

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:08am
by Faram
Alexander all the way

Ceasar cried at his statue in envy for what Alexander did acomplish.

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:14am
by Alyrium Denryle

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:15am
by Faram
Alyrium Denryle wrote:BEHOLD OUR BISEXUAL GOD!

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:45am
by Darth Gojira
Alyrium Denryle wrote:BEHOLD OUR BISEXUAL GOD!
Greeks were bi, but alot(inculding Alex) were gay. The Romans, however, were pretty straight.
FIRST ROMAN MAN: Must.....hump.....something....
SECOND ROMAN MAN: Hands off! We're Romans, not Greeks!

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:55am
by Stormbringer
Greeks were bi, but alot(inculding Alex) were gay.
Isn't there a fair amount of debate over whether he was bisexual or gay? I've seen things be treated both ways.

Posted: 2003-05-09 11:04am
by Stormbringer
I'd honestly say Casear was more deserving.

He was Alexander's equal on the battlefield to judge from the accomplishments. It's just Casear's wars were mostly civil. Had he been allowed to get into the conquering game he would have equalled or bettered Alexander.

And in politics Casear was clearly better than Alexander. Casear laid the foundations of the Roman Empire and was effectively the uncrowned King of Rome. He outmanuvered his foes in the political arena time and again while setting the foundation of Roman Imperium. Alexander's Empire was torn apart after his death.

Add to that Casear was supposed to be a brillianmt orator, poet, and artist I'd say there's no question.

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:10pm
by The Prime Necromancer
Of the two, Caesar definitely shines in the political arena. However, militarily, I think you underestimate Alexander. Caesar may have had some impressive conquests, but keep in mind that he had the support of Rome, and he was fighting comparatively unadvanced, ill-equiped, and undisciplined Galic peoples. Alexander took down the greatest empire of the time and led his army from the front lines.

FIRST ROMAN MAN: Must.....hump.....something....
SECOND ROMAN MAN: Hands off! We're Romans, not Greeks!
The Cartoon History of the Universe is really funny. I really wish he'd make a part III.

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:14pm
by Iceberg
Betsy's response upon seeing her first episode of Reign the Conqueror:

"Behold, your small-batched king!"

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:17pm
by Darth Gojira
The Prime Necromancer wrote:Of the two, Caesar definitely shines in the political arena. However, militarily, I think you underestimate Alexander. Caesar may have had some impressive conquests, but keep in mind that he had the support of Rome, and he was fighting comparatively unadvanced, ill-equiped, and undisciplined Galic peoples. Alexander took down the greatest empire of the time and led his army from the front lines.

FIRST ROMAN MAN: Must.....hump.....something....
SECOND ROMAN MAN: Hands off! We're Romans, not Greeks!
The Cartoon History of the Universe is really funny. I really wish he'd make a part III.
He did. From the formation of Islam to the beginning of the Renaissance.
Favorite quote: "Bloody #$^$&* pervy horse"-Mahomed of Ghanzi apon entering India.

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:20pm
by Knife
You can also look at it this way; what Caesar built lasted another 500 or so years. What Alexander built lasted about 10 seconds after his death.

Alexander's military conquests were very impressive but there was no consolidation nor continuation of the 'empire' after his death. His conquests were empty and hollow because very little came from them. Caesar's exploits laid the basis for him to take charge of an already impressive civilization and then he expand it. He also laid down the foundation for the Caesars for the next couple of centuries.

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:32pm
by Darth Gojira
Knife wrote:You can also look at it this way; what Caesar built lasted another 500 or so years. What Alexander built lasted about 10 seconds after his death.

Alexander's military conquests were very impressive but there was no consolidation nor continuation of the 'empire' after his death. His conquests were empty and hollow because very little came from them. Caesar's exploits laid the basis for him to take charge of an already impressive civilization and then he expand it. He also laid down the foundation for the Caesars for the next couple of centuries.
Let's not forget he got laid! Alex had Haphaestion and some harem girls, but Caeser had Liz Taylor! :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-09 12:47pm
by Enforcer Talen
Im fairly sure both were bi. . .

Posted: 2003-05-09 01:08pm
by Stormbringer
Enforcer Talen wrote:Im fairly sure both were bi. . .
There have been some suggestions of that but the best sources say Casear was not bisexual. In fact he's rather notorious for cutting a swath through the ladies of uppercrust Rome.

Posted: 2003-05-09 01:10pm
by Darth Wong
Caesar made many political enemies who spread rumours that he was bisexual. One must take their bitching with a grain of salt. He was fucking their wives, after all. I don't think they were too pleased.

Posted: 2003-05-09 01:14pm
by The Prime Necromancer
Knife wrote:You can also look at it this way; what Caesar built lasted another 500 or so years. What Alexander built lasted about 10 seconds after his death.

Alexander's military conquests were very impressive but there was no consolidation nor continuation of the 'empire' after his death. His conquests were empty and hollow because very little came from them. Caesar's exploits laid the basis for him to take charge of an already impressive civilization and then he expand it. He also laid down the foundation for the Caesars for the next couple of centuries.
That's very true, though I wonder how much credit we should give Julius himself for that. I think the fact that Rome didn't immediately collapse after his death was more due to 1. the fact that Rome already had a pretty strong foundation of government that continued to go on in the background and 2. the fact that Augustus was also a shrewd bastard who ultimately discredited and destroyed Marc Antony just like Julius did to Pompey.
He did. From the formation of Islam to the beginning of the Renaissance.
Favorite quote: "Bloody #$^$&* pervy horse"-Mahomed of Ghanzi apon entering India.
I just checked, and you're right. I was certain he was never going to make another one, since the last one was made something like 7 or 8 years ago! Even so, I still used to check at the bookstore but I never found it. I have to go find a copy. :D

Posted: 2003-05-09 01:15pm
by Vympel
Alexander. IMO, Caesar was a political inept who got himself assassinated- Octavian was the one who created the Roman Empire. Noone was prepared for Alexander's extremely early death, all we know is that he had the greatest character shield ever.

Posted: 2003-05-09 02:29pm
by RedImperator
Octavian Augustus founded the Roman Empire. It's hard to say what Caesar might have accomplished had he lived, but he took a knife and the Republic fell into full-scale civil war.

Alexander's empire was doomed from the start, but it was a hell of a show while it lasted and it was around for long enough to spread Hellenic civilization to the entire Near East, which in turn impressed the Romans so much that they took it back west with them. In a very important way, Alexander laid one of the foundations of Western civilization. Much as I hate to stiff Caesar, Alexander definitely deserves the title more.

Posted: 2003-05-09 03:29pm
by HemlockGrey

Posted: 2003-05-09 04:11pm
by Connor MacLeod
Durandal. Its the hair, baby.

Posted: 2003-05-09 04:59pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I am so waiting for Pressfield to get done with his third book after reading "Gates of Fire" and "Tides of War"

Posted: 2003-05-09 06:59pm
by Stormbringer
IMO, Caesar was a political inept who got himself assassinated-

I don't know how much credence to give it but the Discovery Channel had a special and the theory of a number of researchers is that he in effect staged an elaborate suicide. The theory being that his epilepsy was finally getting the better of him and he wanted to die a spectacular death. The fact that he dismissed his lictors (bodyguards in effect) and ignored a lot of warnings from credible sources give a certain amount of credence to the idea.
Octavian was the one who created the Roman Empire.
Largely by carrying through what Julius Casear had begun. The Roman Republic was over with Julius Casear (even if it was yet acknowledged) what came afterward is largely of his making. The mere fact that Casear picked Gaius Octavious to adopt and make his heir over Marc Antony shows a great deal of foresight on Casear's part.

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:24pm
by kojikun
Julius may have volunteered his life to end his epilepsy, but the Senate still hated him. He would have made a great Dictator for Life, tho, considering how he acted when the people made him Dictator.

On topic tho, I'd say Alex, because he frelled boys and was GORGEOUS. :)

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:33pm
by Gandalf
This for the most part is tough to decide, I'd say JC because his empire lasted long after his death, but both were nothing compared to Augustus Ocatavian Caesar.

Posted: 2003-05-09 10:54pm
by kojikun
yeah, Octavian was great, he thought romans were decadent immoral bastards and he killed his own daughter cause she slept around! Man, what an emperor. :roll: