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Wierd kids at your school.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:25pm
by Anarchist Bunny
When you were in High School(or still are in some cases) did you ever have any odd kids there. Like special ed, or just barely not special ed kids, but with quirky personalities? I'm kinda wonderin if my school is chock fool of them, or is it not that uncommon.
My school has:
Flowmaster: one of the most popular kids at school, I'm not sure whats wrong with him. Most of the time he goes around like he's got a constant tune in his head, attempting to do different dances and flow(improtu rapping) and seems like he's crazy, but other times he acts more normal. Also often drinks from an empty cup.
That dirty kid He doesn't really have a nickname, and isn't as well known as Flowmaster, but he's in normal classes. What makes him stand out is that he masturbates, at school, a lot. He masturbated during the TAAS(texas standardized test you have to pass to graduate), and blew it all over his hands from what people in the class have told me, in the 8th grade, a friend caught him in the middle(not in a stall, standing in the middle) of one of the bathrooms jerkin' it, he's also been caught doing it in this room where the slightly mentally challeged kids go to take test. I've also heard a lot of other stories of his public masturbation, but the seem questionable if they happened or not. He also pics gum off the bottom of desks in class and chews it.
New Car Guy He's a self abusive kid with autsism. His parents put him infront of the TV all the time and he's constantly spewing gameshow lines. Even though it's sad, it's kind of hard not to laugh when he goes into a little fit(I knew this girl who worked with him and wanted to work with mentally retarded kids when she grew up who could help but smirk when he did it). They have the special ed kids eat breakfast at the same time as everyone else in the cafeteria, and when he goes into his fit he SCREAMS "IT'S A BRAND NEW CAR! IT'S A BRAND NEW CAR! WOO!" and then smacks himself in the head.
The Administrator Another one of the kids thats not in the general public, he walks around all the time with a walkie talkie and a set of keys telling kids to tuck in their shirts and other things.
The Bull Again, another one without a real nickname, he'll do something like go up and attack someone(not really hitting anybody, usually just some people who talk to him) or when egged on will rake the ground with his feet and charge like a bull. Also will occasionally come up and hug some chick out of the blue, freakin' her out. Often hangs out with Flowmaster.
That Crazy Chick I don't know what her problem is, she seems normal enough except for the fact that she's often talking to herself. And I don't mean cursing or a few words to yourself, I mean a full on conversation, moving her head and showing emotion.
Crackhead Accually a friend of mine, doesn't have any mental problems he just does crazy ass shit. This week for example he spilt his milk on to the table at breakfast and was sucking it off when we conviced him to snort it off the table. He also has a habit of eating food of ours that falls on the ground(he's not poor), including pizza that landed cheese down outside. Also, last year we were kicking a bottle of Dr. Pepper around, and we got bored with that so we just kicked it away and he went "Hey I wanted to drink that". What he didn't know is that we found it on the ground their from a previous lunch. He picks it up and start going "No Cracky don't, don't,... YEAH CRACKY DO IT, DO IT" and after explaining it to him, and properly restraining her girlfriend, he took a big gulp out of it.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:32pm
by TrailerParkJawa
WALLCRAWLER: There was a guy named Stephan in my high school. He used to walk along the side of the walls turned towards the wall. He had crazy, funky hair, thick and wiry. He looked like he was Spiderman crawling along a building so we called him Wallcrawler.
Anyway, oddly enough I saw him recently at Target. He still walks along walls, but not facing them anymore.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:38pm
by Gandalf
Scammer: Guy at my school, he always walks up to anyone he can see asking for food, it isn't like he's poor or anything. He just does this to everyone. Especially my gf and her friends.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:40pm
by aerius
Fan Boy (not to be confused with "fanboy"
This weirdo in my university lab class always had one of those Chinese folding fans with him, and he'd always be fanning himself in class. Never mind the fact that it was winter and we were wearing coats 'cause the heating was shit in the building, the weirdo would whip out his fan and begin fanning himself in the middle of a lecture. It was like "what the fuck man..", goddamn it was weird.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:43pm
by Singular Quartet
Dammit, I know most of the weird kids at my school.
Batman the Man-Whore: Yes, this is his actual nickname. We once asked him "What's your name?" He responded "I'M BATMAN!!" It stuck. He go the man-whore title later. He's crazy, does more drugs than most of the other druggies in the school, and owrries me.
ICP-Freaks: A clique name, given unto them by the various preppies I know. Not a bad bunch, although some of are a little on the violent side.
Myself: That weirdass kid who looks like he's on large amounts of drugs, apparently has no life, is a computer geek, and "Is that guy who dates Racheal(My girlfriend)." Sadly, that one has happened to me more than ffive times. "Hey, you're that guy who dates Racheal, right?" This, of course, is coming form her history teacher, the son of the ex-principal of my elementary school, who (the principal) lives right down the street from me.
That crazy chinese guy: He was given a disposable camera, took out the capaciter for the flash, and purposly electricuted himself. Three times. In under one minute. You be the judge.
Posted: 2003-05-09 11:49pm
by aerius
Forgot a couple
Wet the Field This guy was in the school choir, and he wet his pants not once, but twice during performances. 2nd time he left a friggin' puddle of piss all over the floor.
Pyro This would be me. I was a bit of an arsonist in high school, and there was this highly exaggerated rumor going around that I'd burned down my middle school. So I always carried a lighter around despite being a non-smoker, and I did light stuff on fire, but the name was not deserved.
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:20am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Everyone's wierd to me. They're either being immature, asking for some of my lunch money, giving me crap, or getting hot chicks despite being ugly.
But, there was one kid that stood out. I haven't thought up of a name for him, but during Algebra class, he said a lot of stupid things. Sometimes, he'd be singing out loud at random intervals, other times he'd say something acting like he had no clue. There's a line between "Class clown", and "village idiot", and I'm sure he's well beyond it.
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:24am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I was kind of thought of as the weird psycho guy that's also always right by quite a few people in HS...
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:28am
by Enforcer Talen
Fish - I dunno what was with this kid. We were like total opposites, but I admired him. I always took time for my clothes to be fashionable - he choose clashing things. He once wore a dress, high heels, and a wig to school, and pulled it off. He also once held a spoon in seig heil salute, and walked through the halls with it. He finally wore a yellow rubber glove, and jumped above lockers to dust them.
Nerd - I dont remember his real name, but he definitly played the part of his title. I still dont know if he was really this unconnected to social forums, or he was just doing an elaborate joke. He always wore plaid, a pocket protecter with pencils, never brushed his hair, and wore ultra thick glasses - as well as always choosing the longest words in his sentences.
Sauren - You see him post sometimes here. This man rocks. He looks like Jesus, and fully intends to be crucified on the wall at school on the last day. With duct tape. He marched with a war drum through the peace protests. Also has the strange tendency of speaking as a renissance lord. . . and everyone around him follows his lead.
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:40am
by XaLEv
There's only a couple I can think of, and they go waay back.
Third grade. Weirdo one is Jason. Didn't bathe, didn't comb his hair, frequently confused right and left (whether he was really like that or just being a troll is unknown), would put ice cream on his chili dogs, insisted hundred was bigger than thousand, and probably volumes which I can't remember.
Weirdo two is Larry. Compulsive liar. Would often dig through your stuff while you were away from it, would spit in people's water bottles, or on them directly. Quite the malignant little shit, he was. Had a tic. We called him Pigeon.
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:45am
by Spanky The Dolphin
I just read the first 2.5 entrees in Bunny's OP.
Where the FUCK do you go to school?!
Sounds like the mix the retards and fucked-in-the-head's in with all the normal classes...
Posted: 2003-05-10 12:52am
by Anarchist Bunny
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:I just read the first 2.5 entrees in Bunny's OP.
Where the FUCK do you go to school?!
Sounds like the mix the retards and fucked-in-the-head's in with all the normal classes...
I'll probly do a topic on how much my school sucks, but here's a quick run down, Judson High School, San Antonio TX, only high school in the district, 5000 students, one of the highest drop out rates in the country, over crowded so we'll have a good football team, 2 campuses with a creek between them, so we have to be bused if you have different classes on different campuses, the Freshmen-Soph on one campus, Junior Seniors on another, so the Freshman campus is like a 2500 large middle school and it was built across the street from a waste treatment plant.
Posted: 2003-05-10 01:24am
by Trytostaydead
We had this one weird kid who can't speak properly (we're thinking it's not a real speech impediment but he's just a moron).. well, one day I was engaging my old AP Bio teacher in a tetris deathmatch when he walks into the office and says, "I had a dream last night where a chicken was giving me a blowjob."
He's responisble for a bunch of other things that just really really made him weird.
Posted: 2003-05-10 02:56am
by Frank Hipper
Chris C. Smartest guy in school, had a perfect GPA his entire school career, and absolutely nuts. Would whip his dick out on a whim, and had a left breast. Not a pec, but an honest-to-gawd boobie. Got his first F as a freshman at UCLA.
Scooter Psychopathic. Disruptive attention whore. Brought a gun to school in 1982, years before it became fashionable. Wouldn't be surprised if he's dead, or in prison now.
Cathy My best friend in HS. Very smart, very strange. We would have band practice on the football field in the mornings, and one day, I thought to myself, "Why is there a clown talking to the band director?" It was Cathy, she'd dyed her hair extra blonde, and was wearing some kind of plaid pantsuit. She would wear a Robin Hood style cap, with a stuffed toy mouse stapled to it. The mouse's name was Violence.
Posted: 2003-05-10 03:52am
by The Yosemite Bear
The Scary One(Me): I was the kid who always had books by Poe, Lovecraft, Barker, The Anarchists Cookbook, Hacking Guides, Niezche or something on Criminology. The skill at which I handled sharpening knives, and filleting meat, made everyone suspect I was going to wind up being a slasher killer. The fact that I was one of the nerds being picked on by the bullies didn't help....
Strangely the only people I hurt were those that were abusive to women. and I really didn't hurt them that much.
Posted: 2003-05-10 04:43am
by Cyborg Stan
Here's some I can remember when I was in high school.....
Mad Max, Hey You!, Disquieting Guy - I was noted because the way I walked apparently made me look constantly angry. Also, I had a few odd habits such as almost never talking, kicking open doors, and sleeping while standing up. Apparently, I was enough to scare most of the nerd contingient. I suspect I had more to my reputation than that, but I don't exactly ask.
From what I can tell, my brother got know as the Crazy Drunken Party Guy - the most notable story I can remember is the time he went into a chemistry class all stoned and apparently could not remember his name when asked and pulled out his driver's liscene instead. (He assured me that he was actually fully aware but figured it would be funny.) Other than that, I don't know much.
My sister also claims she was a reputation for being wierd, but I don't know what it is.
As for other people, I didn't get around much, but a few stuck in my mind.
The Militant Lesbian - Noted because she was in my German class for a few years. Apparently known for 'the government is corrupt' speeches in the middle of class, proclaiming that gay guys are the only nice guys around, and caught having sex with her girlfriend in the bathroom. (This last one is notable, not because I would care that they did it, but the location. During the time I was there, they couldn't afford to pay the janitors enough to clean it enough and so (at least for the men's bathroom) there tended to be four foot wide puddles of piss on the floor along with occassinal turd - if the women's bathroom was anything near like that.....)
The Really Short, Really Smart Chinese Kid - Notable that he was a few years ahead of most people in math, (other subjects he was pretty much normal in) and by that I mean he probably took Calc III/Differential Equations while a sophmore. Other notes - he wears thick glasses and contacts at the same time and still requires tests that are printed in large size, and he managed to walk straight into the flagpole one day.
And before my time.....
Smoke - Always heard him refered to as this, and never his real name. Apparently a genius-programmer of sorts that after finishing high school, immediately got hired by the defense department. Noted for making a 5 line program for ACSL and having it rejected because the judge thought 'if this works, then pigs could fly' (apparently, said judge never tried actually running the program). Responded with an essay about how pigs could concievably fly, with no result.
Anadtech Guy - I believe the founder went to my school, but I can't really remember.
There's some others, but I can't remember/never heard of them at the moment.
Posted: 2003-05-10 04:53am
by El Moose Monstero
The Charvas
Imagine a group of about 8 - 15 people, roughly about 14-16 years of age, usually with a couple of really short kids who think they're the hardest things on two legs, all hanging out together like a colony of sponges (and seemingly, only slightly more intelligent), and all hanging round under underpasses, outside small shopping areas and generally intimidating parents and senior citizens and mocking those who are different (ooh, look, I've got long hair, I must be a scruff because I obviously wouldnt choose to have it this long, and I obviously cant afford it as I'm wandering round in a leather jacket... dumbasses). This in itself is not particularly unusual, and would not usually distinguish them from 'townies' or 'scallies' (both words for the similar type of group), accept that these people hang around in sports gear, baseball caps, tracksuit bottoms and occassionally enormous anoraks, and all speak in the type of geordie accent best reserved for episodes of Byker Grove.
Example - 'Ow, Charv, Nyah, Jeff's dead man, he burned to death in the gruuve, and PG's bliind man...'
Translation- 'I say old bean, that jolly fellow Jeff has been burned to death in that youth club we go to, and our chap PG has discovered he is somewhat lacking in the eyesight department, rather...'
Note- these should not be confused with Jawas, who are considerably more intelligable, better dressed and generally more intelligent.
Posted: 2003-05-10 05:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
I'm trying to remember the movie it was in but I have this line stuck in my head.
Shopkeeper: Missy, look out there's some weird ones out tonight.
Teenage Girl: Mister We ARE the weird ones.
Posted: 2003-05-10 05:20am
by Dalton
The Yosemite Bear wrote:I'm trying to remember the movie it was in but I have this line stuck in my head.
Shopkeeper: Missy, look out there's some weird ones out tonight.
Teenage Girl: Mister We ARE the weird ones.
The Craft?
Posted: 2003-05-10 05:30am
by aphexmonster
There was a group of indian kids at my school that would purchase bean and cheese burritos, squirt out all the insides, fill them with mayonase, and eat them like that. That was pretty wierd i guess... and i know a girl now that eats bolagna, penut butter, and mayonase sandwitches on a regular basis. ::shudders:: ... shes a sweetheart though ^^;;;
Posted: 2003-05-10 05:39am
by Dalton
I don't remember much from high school (though I was often considered the weird, quiet one) but we had some characters in college, let me tell ya...
Famous People in the Computer Labs
Ty Luu! Vietnamese dude who spun around in a wheelchair with some placard on the back of it. Notorious for organizing protests, but always had the students' best interests in mind. However, he was about as annoyingly persistent as a Jehovah's Witness. Very, VERY active, vocal, outgoing. Apparently met Bill Clinton (I saw a pic of them shaking hands). Would elicit an alert from the back office every time he rolled into the lab. "Code Luu! Code Luu! Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty Ty..."
Smokey the Bandit had a nicotine habit that would make any
Bebop resident choke. Back when we had free printing, she printed reams (Literally. I am not making this up. She printed
reams of stuff) of legal matter and would go off for a smoke break every ten minutes. Singlehandedly responsible for print queue lockups and jams. Probably the main reason we went to pay for print.
Jackie Chan was called Jackie Chan because his real name was Jackie Cheng. Once a pain in my ass, but became a friend. Notable cracker; had a stash of anime, movies, music et cetera. Former
employee of the computer center. Favorite target of my boss
Famous People in Dempster Hall
Chyrob is me. For about three years I was the local expert/guru/go-to guy for the Chyron, our building's main CG device. I was responsible for graphics for quite a few shows in my time; apparently my legacy will endure forever. I was once apprentice to a nice guy named, of all things, James Cameron. Taught several folks the Zen of Chyron in my time. Noted for being the big, scary guy. Favorite antics include the hat-smash and dazzling speed on the one device almost every single other TV student hated.
Space Station Justin Strauber. VERY oddball character, but an A/V and Computer
genius. Absolutely amazing at getting a show together technically. He has a lot, a fucking
lot of equipment that he frequently grafts into the house for a show. Very notable personality too; at once both silly and sarcastic, with a tendency to get very angry at times and run around between the studio and the control room like a madman, fixing what needed fixing. Also apparently a big
Sailor Moon buff. Actually listed on IMDb.
Doug. Ohh, Doug. Everyone's favorite professor. Well, love-to-hate maybe. He is a nice guy, Heavy lisp, screwy teeth, has his pants hiked up to his chest, and taught us to "drive the bus" with a GVG-1680 "Commence Primary Ignition" production switcher in Video Boot Camp (AVF44). Dressed in his Don Johnson suit at last Thursday's Senior Banquet. Heard a lot of stories about this dude...
That's all for now. Best I could do
Posted: 2003-05-10 02:53pm
by Lord Pounder
Fat Fishy Fucker - Me. I was labeled that for some reason because my family name is Herron. I never got it, but apparently they derived Herring from my name. I was the quiet kid who was a raging torrent underneath. It came apparent that i wasn't a guy to fuck with when in my last year of school i picked a guy up and threw him out a window. He had tortured me for 5 years and i'd had enough.
Posted: 2003-05-10 03:47pm
by Jadeite
Derek: One of my best friends. He came to school last year one day in a tank top and skirt. Nearly got expelled after that. Then recently, he cut his arm open on purpose, and got sent to a hospital pysch ward.
Posted: 2003-05-10 06:28pm
by Darth Gojira
Christian Hart One of the sole wrestling fans in the class
That bitch A girl who thinks she can sing, wears enough makeup to warrant a gas mask, changes her hair to uglier 'dos from time to time, and has that one disorder where you spontaneously swear at the top of the lungs.
The weener Some little immature punk who visits escort sites and voew porn ON THE SCHOOL'S COMPUTERS!!!! Hart is a good friend of mine, and bitch has a few henpecked fans, but weener has no friends and has gotten into fights with everyone
Dave Prus Yours truly. The only smart kid except for that cute girl I have a crush on. 'Nuff said
Posted: 2003-05-10 07:30pm
by Ravencrow
Hairy Strange Girl - She was obviously hairy and had hints of a moustach. She's actually a pretty nice person, but the strange thing about her is that she eats what other people leave untouch on their plates.
Trance Masochist - There was this guy in my class who liked to cut himself and poke safety pins through his palms. When hes doing this, his eyes stare into the distance and he looks like he's in a trance.
Ouijia Board Club - Whenever there's free time in class, this group of girls would draw out a ouijia board, use a coin as a pointer and start calling the "spirits".