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In the spirit of the Near Death Threads

Posted: 2003-05-12 04:50am
by Gandalf
Last Friday night, I was at Timezone (A games aracde), and was playing a racing game, anyway, a few laps in, I have a seizure, I dodn't know it, all I thought was that I was falling asleep.
While I was unconscious, my friends who were with me all sprang into action (We'd done a First Aid course last year).
When I came to, I was in an ambulance, strapped down, so I couldnt move, so after the basic things like where am I, and the such, they explain I had a seizure and the such.
I spent 4 hours at Westmead Hospital, mantakai (as you would know him) waited with me for several hours, then left to look after my sister.
So now I can't drive for at least 3 months and am to avoid video games ( :x ), and on Wednesday I am to see a neurologist.
As a note, I know this isn't a near death experience, but it's a little story I felt like posting.

Posted: 2003-05-12 04:56am
by mantakai
well he almost gave me a heart attack so is that close enough :P

nah, gandalf freaked me out as i have been friends with him for years and never heard of any reason for him to have a seizure, but luckily all is good now so :D

Do I see a pattern here?

Posted: 2003-05-12 05:16am
by Batman
Hmm. Not only are these things becoming more frequent, they always happen to the longtimers. The health hazards seem to be proportional to your post count. I think I shall keep my posting frequency where it is now...
Glad you're OK, Gandalf.
Well done, mantakai.

Re: Do I see a pattern here?

Posted: 2003-05-12 05:20am
by Gandalf
Batman wrote:Hmm. Not only are these things becoming more frequent, they always happen to the longtimers. The health hazards seem to be proportional to your post count. I think I shall keep my posting frequency where it is now...
Glad you're OK, Gandalf.
Well done, mantakai.
By longtimers I take it you mean longtime gamers? :shock:

Re: Do I see a pattern here?

Posted: 2003-05-12 05:22am
by Batman
Gandalf wrote: snip
By longtimers I take it you mean longtime gamers? :shock:
No, I mean longtime posters. If it's longtime gamers I'm as good as dead...

Re: Do I see a pattern here?

Posted: 2003-05-12 05:27am
by Gandalf
Batman wrote:
Gandalf wrote: snip
By longtimers I take it you mean longtime gamers? :shock:
No, I mean longtime posters. If it's longtime gamers I'm as good as dead...
Phew, thought I was a dead man there, I've been playing games since I was like 4.

Posted: 2003-05-12 05:28am
by Hotfoot
I had a similar experience once. I was playing a light-gun game at an arcade (the only games I usually play these days, if at all). It was one of those stupid old ones what was 2D and dark (Area 51, IIRC). Of course, the way light gun games work is by flashing a burst of white light when you pull the trigger. Additionally, I was playing with a friend, so we were both shooting at the same time. Naturally, the way to go in these games is to fire quick bursts, reload, then fire quick bursts again.

Dark screen + numerous rapid flashes of white light = bad things

Most games I can play for hours on end, no problems whatsoever. That night, as I remember it happening, I started to get really tired for no reason. I could barely hold the lightweight plastic gun in my hands, and I was having trouble standing up straight. I tried to shake it off, but I couldn't. Finally, I put the gun down and walked away, offering my credit to anyone who wanted it. For the rest of the night, bright lights irritated me, which was really annoying since it was night time and I was walking around with dark glasses on, like an idiot.

In retrospect, that was most likely some sort of minor epileptic attack. It was the first one that I had ever experienced, and for a time I swore off light gun games. Since then, I've been able to play some of the newer ones (like Time Crisis) without any problems at all, and I've not had any sort of similar attacks since, thank goodness.

Sorry to hear that you had such a nasty attack, Gandalf. Hopefully it's not a recurring thing.

Re: Do I see a pattern here?

Posted: 2003-05-12 06:19am
by Hethrir
Gandalf wrote:Phew, thought I was a dead man there, I've been playing games since I was like 4.
Argg! so have I!!

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:26pm
by aphexmonster
Well, just be glad you had it on a practice run, instead of on the streets where you could of gotten hurt :?

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:32pm
by Zaia

I am starting to get a bit freaked out here. I feel like I'm in a B-movie or something....

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:37pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
I doubt this is just bad luck that members of our board are just happening to be nearly killed. Whose doing it?

Trekkies? Fundies? Idiots in general? This board has pissed off so many...

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:38pm
by El Moose Monstero
Well, in all honesty, I reckon that we can actually be close to death on many occasions without actually getting hurt, but never really stop to think about it, the illnesses and such like are far more terrifying and dangerous, but happen less frequently than the other kind.

E.g. Today, we were scrambling round loose industrial hillsides looking for water samples, am attempting to climb a very steep and very loose patch of scree and debris, rock underneath my foot slips, triggers small rock fall (by small, I mean really small, like about a dozen small boulders), nearly burying my foot and causing me to lose balance, now, if I had put more weight on that foot, then I would have probably fallen, and given the steepness of the slope, would most likely have done something nasty to my head on the sharp rocks below, or at the least have gotten severely scraped and battered (and wet).

E.g. II, a few years ago, me and my dad were involved in a small canooing accident, nothing broken, but a few inches either side and my dad could have battered his head on the rocks around us

And from all these various events, where afterwards I have generally thought - we were bloody lucky to get out of that without major injury - I have come to the conclusion that if we actually sat down and started thinking about the amount of near-death experiences we've all had, we would have a long list and would probably be gibbering in the corner somewhere.

So, what have I concluded from this? I am immortal until otherwise proven... :)

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:38pm
by Batman

I am starting to get a bit freaked out here. I feel like I'm in a B-movie or something....
3081 posts as of now. Be careful, dear.
We wouldn't want something happening to you :(

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:42pm
by Zaia
Batman wrote:

I am starting to get a bit freaked out here. I feel like I'm in a B-movie or something....
3081 posts as of now. Be careful, dear.
We wouldn't want something happening to you :(

Well, if we're going with the post-count idea, I have roughly twice as many posts as Gandalf, which means whatever happens to me should be twice as bad as what ha--*collapses into a heap on the floor*


Posted: 2003-05-12 03:51pm
by Companion Cube
*Looks at Zaia*

Oh my god!

This is obviously the work of...the Illuminati!

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:53pm
by Batman
Zaia wrote:
Well, if we're going with the post-count idea, I have roughly twice as many posts as Gandalf, which means whatever happens to me should be twice as bad as what ha--*collapses into a heap on the floor*

Right, go ahead, scare me silly just for giggles. But don't complain when some day I find you battered and bleeding in a backalley somewhere and all I do is go 'Very funny Zaia. The bruises look really convincing' and leave.

Yes, I could do that. I'm mean.

No really, I could.


You don't think you're fooling anybody, are you Master Bruce?


EDITed for typo elimination

Posted: 2003-05-12 03:56pm
by El Moose Monstero
Wow, I'm honoured, 3rd impact, fame at last... the only problem is that the burden of proof lies with me... ho-hum...

*sets off to find yet another big cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom*

Posted: 2003-05-12 04:02pm
by Companion Cube
The_Lumberjack wrote:Wow, I'm honoured, 3rd impact, fame at last... the only problem is that the burden of proof lies with me... ho-hum...

*sets off to find yet another big cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom*
I couldn't resist. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-05-12 04:11pm
by Zaia
Batman wrote:Right, go ahead, scare me silly just for giggles. But don't complain when some day I find you battered and bleeding in a backalley somewhere and all I do is go 'Very funny Zaia. The bruises look really convincing' and leave.
You wouldn't.

Yes, I could do that. I'm mean.
No you're not. You couldn't do that to me.
No really, I could.
.....Oh? Honestly?
*ponders thoughtfully*
You don't think you're fooling anybody, are you Master Bruce?
Thank you, Alfred.
Oh, come on. Having a heart isn't that bad, is it? *kisses cheek* :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-12 04:34pm
by Batman
Zaia wrote: Oh, come on. Having a heart isn't that bad, is it? *kisses cheek* :wink:
*smiles dreamily*

Ahem. You ARE aware that Mistress Kyle monitors those boards, Master Bruce?

*sound of cat-o'-nine-tails is heard in background*


Posted: 2003-05-12 11:19pm
by Zaia
Batman wrote:*smiles dreamily*

Ahem. You ARE aware that Mistress Kyle monitors those boards, Master Bruce?

*sound of cat-o'-nine-tails is heard in background*


Mistress Kyle?! ...Errr.....ok. (Kyle?)

Ahhh, the cat-o'-nine tails is my weapon of choice as well. Exxxcellent. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:35pm
by weemadando

Posted: 2003-05-13 02:37am
by Gandalf
That's it, I'm moving to my bunker. :)

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:16am
by Batman
Zaia wrote:
Batman wrote:*smiles dreamily*

Ahem. You ARE aware that Mistress Kyle monitors those boards, Master Bruce?

*sound of cat-o'-nine-tails is heard in background*


Mistress Kyle?! ...Errr.....ok. (Kyle?)
Erm-as in Selina Kyle? AKA Catwoman?
*does a quick google search to check if he got the name wrong because he actually hasn't read the comic in ages*
No, that's right.
Ahhh, the cat-o'-nine tails is my weapon of choice as well. Exxxcellent. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-05-13 02:02pm
by Kuja
By Batman's logic, I'm dead.