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Nasty critters where you live..

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:02am
by theski
So far in living in the South, I have encountered

1. 5 Gators
2. a Water Moccasin snake
3. a Copperhead snake
4. Fire ants
5. and more biting flys and bugs than you can count

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:04am
by Ghost Rider
Aside from the dealers and what not...

All we have in DC are the occasional big rodent and bugs.

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:05am
by Sea Skimmer
How exactly is this sci fi?

I've run into a lot of copperheads in my life and some alligators

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:05am
by Montcalm
Well here we have the usual vermins rats,cockroaches,lawyers and politicians. :lol:

Re: Nasty critters where you live..

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:10am
by Darth_Shinji
theski wrote:So far in living in the South, I have encountered

1. 5 Gators
2. a Water Moccasin snake
3. a Copperhead snake
4. Fire ants
5. and more biting flys and bugs than you can count
Just wait for the big boys to show up like Cow Ants and Recluse spiders. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:11am
by theski
:oops: :oops: Mod please move this to OT my bad

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:16am
by Col. Crackpot
fucking squirrels! holy crap i was visting my parents yesterday and we were sitiing on the patio just watching the squirrels. Don't get me wrong they are furry and cute and fun to watch, but they strip the bark of the trees, claw and chew through walls, they even chew on the power lines. there are so many that my father wants me to come over with an air rifle and start picking them off before they chew through the power lines and burn down the house.

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:18am
by Embracer Of Darkness
Townies/Scallies/Kevs/Neds... If you life in England, you will know!

Posted: 2003-05-13 03:26am
by Tsyroc
Personally enountered?

rattlesnakes and gilla monsters but it's really the damn cactus, especially the cholla, which are the biggest pain in the ass. :D

I've seen many coyotes but I'm not a house cat.

We supposedly have cougars in the state. There are black bears on the surrounding mountains but I haven't seen any personally. We also have black widows, brown recluse and bark scropions.

Posted: 2003-05-13 03:51am
by Sokar
In Indiana all we have to worry about is the occassional copperhead and rattlesnakes(Eastern Diamondback variety, and the super rare Timber Rattler)and , the ever fun, Brown Recluse spider. We drove off or killed all the other predators(Wolves, Cougars, Brown and Black Bears) that used to live here :wink: Though wild dog packs are beginning to make a nusiance of themselves in some rural counties.

Posted: 2003-05-13 03:56am
by Thunderfire
wild boars - lots of them. They have demolished several gardens and
and the interior of some houses close to the forest.

Posted: 2003-05-13 03:58am
by Xon
Some of the nasty critters were I live:
1) Blue ringed Octopus (no anti venom for this sucker, and it can cause complete paralysis even death)
2) Portuguese Man-o-war or Bluebottle
3) Red back spider
4) Tiger snake
3) Dugite snake
6) Stingrays
7) Western brown snake
8) Mouse Spiders
9) White tailed Spiders
10) Black window spider
11) Brown house spider

Aranged roughly in order of toxicity, not a complete list.

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:01am
by Xon
ggs wrote:Some of the nasty critters were I live:
1) Blue ringed Octopus (no anti venom for this sucker, and it can cause complete paralysis even death)
2) Portuguese Man-o-war or Bluebottle
3) Red back spider
4) Tiger snake
3) Dugite snake
6) Stingrays
7) Western brown snake
8) Mouse Spiders
9) White tailed Spiders
10) Black window spider
11) Brown house spider

Aranged roughly in order of toxicity, not a complete list.
Forgot about the the sea snakes too, all of those suckers are extremely poisonous

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:14am
by The Drunkard Kid
Brooklyn is home to the stupidest pigeons and squirrels in the known universe. They've been around distracted college kids so much that they've completely lost their fear of humanity. I have the vague feeling that if I picked one up and threw it against a wall, I could repeat the action 10 times before the rest of the flock gets the hint and flies away.

They're just lucky that I don't like harming animals...

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:16am
by Sokar
ggs wrote:Some of the nasty critters were I live:
1) Blue ringed Octopus (no anti venom for this sucker, and it can cause complete paralysis even death)
2) Portuguese Man-o-war or Bluebottle
3) Red back spider
4) Tiger snake
3) Dugite snake
6) Stingrays
7) Western brown snake
8) Mouse Spiders
9) White tailed Spiders
10) Black window spider
11) Brown house spider

Aranged roughly in order of toxicity, not a complete list.
Reasons one through eleven as to why Austrailia will never call me a visitor or resident. I keep expecting at some point for you all to discover that the grass is poisonous to boot!

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:58am
by Frank Hipper
Personal encounter?
1 Scorpion, unknown variety.
1 Tarantula, harmless, but I'm an arachniphobe.
Dozens of Black Widows.
1 Solifuge, aka Sun Spider. Also harmless, but got my heart rate up due to the fact they make Tarantulas look huggable and cute.
Cholla cacti, Tsyroc's right, don't even look sideways at them!

Posted: 2003-05-13 05:25am
by The Yosemite Bear
I live in Yosemite we have in order of danger to my self and well being.

1. Kamikazi Deer *Runs head first into car, too bad Darwin awards to apply to inbred members of the animal kingdom*
2. Touron+RV4Rent: They aught to know how to drive by now, why the fuck can't they? Time to sue cracker jacks
3. Rabid Squirrel/Raccon: Hydrophobia + large rodent bad mojo
4. PHB: fuck Pointy Haired Bosses seem to be on the rise these days.
5. "Da Boys": You hear them howling everywhere, dammit if I fell down and had a diabetic episode they would gladly tear me to shreds, after all they kill the weak and the old
6. Hibernators & the "Goddess": Tourons are always afraid of bears and the one mountian lion(ess), they are no threat to me, but peoples paniced reactions can be.

Posted: 2003-05-13 05:38am
by EmperorMing
The usual for the SE U.S.

Spiders, snakes, ants, lizards, jelly fish (man-o-war), sharks ect.

I live in Houston and I get to see any of these critters within a 50 mile radius of H-town. Not that they will jump out at ya... :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-13 05:54am
by Hethrir
More brown snakes than i care to think about, king brown snakes (once had a 2.5 metre (8 ft) KB 15 cm from my door, and only noticed it after i had walked past a few times), a red-bellied black snake was IN MY ROOM ONCE!! funnel web spiders, red-back spiders, white-tail spiders, scorpions, magpies in spring, butcher birds, mad horses (ever been bitten? they HURT), mad bovine, mad dogs, mad punks, mad drivers (yes we have the worst in the world)...want me to continue?

Posted: 2003-05-13 05:57am
by Hethrir
Sokar wrote:Reasons one through eleven as to why Austrailia will never call me a visitor or resident. I keep expecting at some point for you all to discover that the grass is poisonous to boot!
May i put that in my signiture?

Posted: 2003-05-13 06:22am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Fauna of New Orleans (and how to deal with them)

Mosquitoes by the billions (annoying as fuck, keep the bug spray handy!)

Fire Ants (harmless when their mound is an easily-bombed target way out in the yard, but they'll invade your house if you're not careful. Kill with insecticide.)

Brown Recluses (these buggers LOVE to hide in your clothing and wait till you put it on! Kill by applying shoe on the spider with great force)

Roaches (These'll eat your food supply. Tactical Nuclear Weapons are somewhat effective.)

Termites (These will eat your house!! Call the Orkin Man)

HORSE FLIES! (Hurt like Hell, fun to shoot down with water cannons. Kill by applying shoe or flyswatter to fly with great force)

Water Moccasins (Make sure all that have gotten within striking distance have their lives terminated abruptly within half a second thereafter; try not to get bitten anyway)

Wasps/Hornets/Etc. (see Horse Flies, also fun to kill their nests, but watch out for precision-coordinated counterattacks!)

Killer Bees (Don't fuck with these. If you see them around, RUN!)

Armadilloes (Pack a tent and your .22, it's gonna be a long night! Easy to shoot as they're very slow and allow you to get real close.)

Deer (These creatures are relatively harmless, but can pack a wallop when cornered. Just let him go, but if you _have_ to take him out, a .357 Magnum carbine's a safe bet.)

Wolf (These rather large animals can take you down with their pack attack, and their howling can unsettle even a seasoned warrior. Don't forget your .30-06 and bring extra ammo!)

Redneck Tree (Simple: If you see one or hear its Banjo Music, RUN!!! Especially if you're a male Elf...)

Redneck (See Redneck Tree. Common in wooded areas, but can be encountered anywhere. Always armed with a gun of some description, usually a high-powered Sniper Rifle. DO NOT FUCK WITH THESE UNLESS YOU KNOW HIM ALREADY!!)

Drug Dealers and Gangstas (Common in large metropolitan areas. These have a wide variety of weapons and can attack in large groups. They've been known to carry AK47s and automatic shotguns, and their vehicles have a peculiar sonic weapon called a Subwoofer, which they use to great effect. Call the Cops, and prepare for a long fight!)

Police (These are the most dangerous creatures of all. They also have guns and sonic weapons on their vehicles, as well as strange blinding optical/electromagnetic-pulse-burst weapons; plus they've been known to attack in VERY LARGE packs! Try not to get caught doing anything naughty in front of one. Donuts are highly recommended...)

Posted: 2003-05-13 06:27am
by InnerBrat

Disease ridden pigeons.
Cheeky ass squirrels (I hate them! With their bushy tails and their STUPID TWITCHY NOSES! [/Miranda Richardson])

OK, so the most dangerous animal around here comes out of a bunch of Tesco bananas.
But I have been to the Midwest and seen bears and spiders and snakes, oh my! (my sister fell on a Black Widow once - lucky it didn't notice)

Posted: 2003-05-13 07:37am
by Boba Fett
Sokar wrote:
ggs wrote:Some of the nasty critters were I live:
1) Blue ringed Octopus (no anti venom for this sucker, and it can cause complete paralysis even death)
2) Portuguese Man-o-war or Bluebottle
3) Red back spider
4) Tiger snake
3) Dugite snake
6) Stingrays
7) Western brown snake
8) Mouse Spiders
9) White tailed Spiders
10) Black window spider
11) Brown house spider

Aranged roughly in order of toxicity, not a complete list.
Reasons one through eleven as to why Austrailia will never call me a visitor or resident. I keep expecting at some point for you all to discover that the grass is poisonous to boot!

...and that Black WINDOW spider what ggs was talking about can be very freaky! Imagine a huge black WINDOW wth eight hairy legs... :lol:

As for the Black Widow...

Posted: 2003-05-13 07:41am
by El Moose Monstero
The Resident University Goose.

Oh, and we did get a brown stripey spider coming out of the bananas as well, that didnt last long... wonder if it was poisonous.

Posted: 2003-05-13 07:47am
by Batman
Suicidal pigeons, mostly.
Oh, and the occasional traffic-impairing deer.