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Posted: 2003-05-12 10:41pm
by haas mark
Okay, so I finally downloaded Mozilla. It's basically an upgraded version of Netscape. :? Some aspects I like, but others not so much (I can't see marque scripts).

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:52pm
by phongn
MARQUEE is an IE-specific tag that should be dragged out on the street and eviscerated, much like Netscape's BLINK tag.

It's more accurate to say that Netscape is a branded version of Mozilla.

Posted: 2003-05-12 10:56pm
by haas mark
phongn wrote:MARQUEE is an IE-specific tag that should be dragged out on the street and eviscerated, much like Netscape's BLINK tag.

It's more accurate to say that Netscape is a branded version of Mozilla.
[shrugs] I happen to like my marquee tag, thank you very much...

So how good is Opera?

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:01pm
by Anarchist Bunny
I dled it not too long ago, a lot of things I didn't like about it so I just ditched it.

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:03pm
by haas mark
anarchistbunny wrote:I dled it not too long ago, a lot of things I didn't like about it so I just ditched it.
I think I may, as well. Netscape's just too weird for me. But I do like the pop-up blocker... and I like it better for cruising SD than IE..

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:21pm
by phongn
I loathe those damned browser-specific tags. I prefer writing clean code.

I find Phoenix a better alternative than Mozilla, since it's only a browser (yet uses the same rendering engine)

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:29pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
phongn wrote:I loathe those damned browser-specific tags. I prefer writing clean code.

I find Phoenix a better alternative than Mozilla, since it's only a browser (yet uses the same rendering engine)
So do I.

Speaking of Phoenix aka Firebird, is it a good idea to go from Mozzie to the 'Bird? I also wanna know if Mozzie 1.4 is basically Phoenix anyway... :)

Posted: 2003-05-12 11:31pm
by haas mark
phongn wrote:I loathe those damned browser-specific tags. I prefer writing clean code.
i.e., JavaScript? blech.. Oh, well. It *does* tend to work on all browsers. But I'm talking about when it's not my choice and people use marquee tags..
I find Phoenix a better alternative than Mozilla, since it's only a browser (yet uses the same rendering engine)

.....? [is confused]

Posted: 2003-05-13 08:59am
by darthdavid
i'm using the schools crappy ie machines now but mozzie roxors.

Posted: 2003-05-13 09:04am
by Hethrir
verilon wrote:So how good is Opera?
Too awesome for words!!


Netscape released its source code a while ago, and Mozilla is the open-source version of it i.e. no lag, a little faster etc...

Posted: 2003-05-13 10:31am
by phongn
I find Phoenix a better alternative than Mozilla, since it's only a browser (yet uses the same rendering engine)
.....? [is confused][/quote]

Phoenix, also known as Firebird or Mozilla Browser, is a cut-down, fast version of Mozilla with minimal bloat. It's currently based on Mozilla 1.4a.

Posted: 2003-05-13 11:52am
by InnerBrat
I started to use Mozilla ay college, but within HOURS it had eaten up my entire 20Mb alloted space, so that I had to delete all my papers,a dn STILL couldn't save my bloody 25k essay.

Posted: 2003-05-13 02:46pm
by Vertigo1
Dude, if you're gonna use Mozilla, get 1.2.1. Stay clear of 1.3. That version blows more chunks than a drunk with a hangover....

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:37pm
by Pu-239
verilon wrote:
phongn wrote:MARQUEE is an IE-specific tag that should be dragged out on the street and eviscerated, much like Netscape's BLINK tag.

It's more accurate to say that Netscape is a branded version of Mozilla.
[shrugs] I happen to like my marquee tag, thank you very much...

So how good is Opera?
Well I thought some versions of moz did support marquee somewhat? Well at least 1.2.1. I have only seen two sites using the marquee tag though- my little sister's page and the school home page (that site is awful- blue and orange do not go together). The guy who is the webmaster, who was my history teacher for a week is an idiot.

EDIT: well I think they got rid of the marquee
EDIT: Nevermind, it's here:

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:38pm
by Pu-239
innerbrat wrote:I started to use Mozilla ay college, but within HOURS it had eaten up my entire 20Mb alloted space, so that I had to delete all my papers,a dn STILL couldn't save my bloody 25k essay.
Kill the browser cache.

Posted: 2003-05-13 04:46pm
by Pu-239
innerbrat wrote:I started to use Mozilla ay college, but within HOURS it had eaten up my entire 20Mb alloted space, so that I had to delete all my papers,a dn STILL couldn't save my bloody 25k essay.
Use Phoenix. A lot smaller

EDIT: And it's now called "Firebird", since the Phoenix BIOS company threatened to sue them. And now the new name conflicts with that of an open source database, which happens to be the first result on google. :roll: