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Have you ever cheated on a test?

Posted: 2003-05-15 08:58am
by Superman
Be honest. Have you ever blatantly cheated on a school test? Maybe when you knew you could get away with it...

Posted: 2003-05-15 09:43am
by Steven Snyder

Posted: 2003-05-15 09:49am
by InnerBrat
Already had this thread a few days ago.

Supes, where in the bible does it say Jesus orgasmed on the cross?

Posted: 2003-05-15 10:19am
by Superman
I think somewhere in the Gospel of Matthew.

Posted: 2003-05-15 10:29am
by Sir Sirius
Yes, several Swedish exams in highschool.
Our Swedish teacher always selected the essay answers for the exams from an old textbook. So I loaned the the same textbook from the library and wrote a dozen or so short essays using the titles from the book at home (using a dictionary), printed the essays out with a good laser printer using font size 2 to make this little folded stamp sized cheat. I passed two exams I would not otherwise passed because of that trick.

And then there is that time when I got sent to the principles office while in the 6th grade (for hitting a girl in my class with a huge snowball). His secratary let me in the office and said that the principle would arrive shortly... Thats when I noticed next weeks math exam laying on the his desk, I (naturaly) read it, scribled a few notes in a hurry while waiting for the Principle and aced the exam when it was held.

Posted: 2003-05-15 11:12am
by Enforcer Talen
of course. I cheat on at least half of my tests.

Posted: 2003-05-15 11:16am
by Trytostaydead
Never. I like to earn my grades regardless of what they might be.

Re: Have you ever cheated on a test?

Posted: 2003-05-15 02:18pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Superman wrote:Be honest. Have you ever blatantly cheated on a school test? Maybe when you knew you could get away with it...
No, and it's very hard to get away with cheating. Especially when you get to the college level and the professor brings her vigilant teaching assistants to the exam with her.


The things people will do to cheat that I've seen. And they think they're not being blatantly obvious about it. :roll:

Posted: 2003-05-15 03:41pm
by Iceberg

Posted: 2003-05-15 04:39pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Only when I absolutely have to in order to avoid an F, and I'm sure I won't get caught.

Posted: 2003-05-15 04:45pm
by RedImperator
No. Besides it being dishonest, in college they expell you for that.

Posted: 2003-05-15 04:45pm
by Ignorant_Boy
Not since my spelling tests back in Grade 2.

Posted: 2003-05-15 04:50pm
by Dalton
Never had to cheat.


Posted: 2003-05-15 04:59pm
by Falcata
once, just because the teacher said it was impossible to cheat with him and I wanted to proof to myself that I could.

Posted: 2003-05-15 05:10pm
by irishmick79
In high school. In college I only lied when I desperately needed an extention on a paper, but I didn't plagarize the paper itself. It just took me an extra couple of days to put the polish on that I wanted sometimes.

Posted: 2003-05-16 01:02am
by Darth Yoshi
Not anything you can call blatant cheating. On the STAR tests I always start early, but that's nothing.

Posted: 2003-05-16 01:06am
by Exonerate
Many years ago... A few times for Chinese, but thats extracirricular and has absolutely no effect on my grade. I can manage to pass without cheating :P

Posted: 2003-05-16 03:06am
by Damaramu
Yeah, I've cheated before. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-05-16 03:36am
by UltraViolence83
I'm essentially as math-illiterate as your stereotypical hillbilly. In 10th grade (mine was the last class to have to NOT take an extra credit in math, thank god) I took Integrated Math II. God it was horrible. The *only* test in that class I ever passed was the one where I cheated. That was the only time I can remember I cheated on a test. Later that year I was pulled out and put into my L.D. class' math course, which I passed.

A funny thing is that I treated tests like a trivia game quiz (which they are, I mean in all honesty, who gives a fuck or needs to know who Eli Whitney was). Only time I ever studied voluntarily was in my psychology/sociology class, which I was beginning to fail.

Almost surprising I graduated. :shock:

Posted: 2003-05-16 03:40am
by Spanky The Dolphin
As far as I can remember, no.

I might have written a few base equations on my hand once or twice for Algebra and Physics, but that would be about it.

Posted: 2003-05-17 12:17am
by nechronius
Not to my recollection no, but it is possible to have selective memory about things like this.

Posted: 2003-05-17 12:22am
by Joe
Never in college. More than I'd like to admit in HS (but not too often).

Posted: 2003-05-17 12:35am
by FireNexus
Maybe on a few spelling tests or something in like 4th grade, but if I have otherwise, I don't really remember. I've never really needed to cheat. When I have, i didn't care enough about the class to bother with the trouble, as far as I remember.

Edit: BTW, just let me say, 100th post! W00t! (I know, I'm incredibly active... What can I say? I lurk, a lot.)