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Flirting when taken: yay or nay?

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:09pm
by Zaia
Well.......would you?

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:17pm
by Vympel
I chose the first option. That's harmless and fun. Still ... wouldn't want my g/f to see it.

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:18pm
by Knife
Well hon, I'd like to say, 'just cuz I am the way I am', but in all honesty my flirtation is in 'safe' situations in which I know that there is no chance of me cheating or no chance of her advancing on my flirtation. And if the opposite happens, I flirt but make no overt moves to encourage any advances. Tis the results of being loyal to my one and only love(wife). :luv: :angelic:

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:20pm
by Enforcer Talen
I used to be really possessive, and when my femme was flirting, I got antsy.

course, she was a whore and had cheated before, so :lol:

now, I flirt tons whether taken or no, but dont go beyond touching, and my femme, if I have one, knows I wont cheat. sides, if we break up, I have several new girls ready to be tapped.

thats the plan, anyway :P

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:21pm
by Howedar
I wouldn't know, but I'd like to think not. It seems inappropriate to me to flirt with someone and give them false signals when you're already taken.

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:22pm
by Sea Skimmer
Option one, though I don't flirt that much now a days, probably because I constantly feel like shit.

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:26pm
by weemadando
I don't think its acceptable to flirt if you're already in a relationship. Especially if the person you're flirting with doesn't know that you are in a relationship...

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:28pm
by aerius
I flirt quite a bit with all the girls I'm friends with, my GF's sister, her swimmer friends, my other chick friends, and I've been known to do this even when my GF's snuggled up on my shoulder. I even hug them, kiss them, and pat them on the butt. Thing is we're all good friends with each other and we all know that it's just in good fun so it's more joking around than anything else.

On the other hand I'm rather shy around girls that I don't really know and I don't flirt with them these days. Despite my shyness I'd flirt with chicks when I was single, but no more, I'm done with that.

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:31pm
by Knife
aerius wrote:I flirt quite a bit with all the girls I'm friends with, my GF's sister, her swimmer friends, my other chick friends, and I've been known to do this even when my GF's snuggled up on my shoulder. I even hug them, kiss them, and pat them on the butt. Thing is we're all good friends with each other and we all know that it's just in good fun so it's more joking around than anything else.

On the other hand I'm rather shy around girls that I don't really know and I don't flirt with them these days. Despite my shyness I'd flirt with chicks when I was single, but no more, I'm done with that.
Good point. And B-I-N-G-O, pretty much sums up my courage level.

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:35pm
by Enforcer Talen
if the conversation starts, I flirt just fine.

starting the convo :?

and actually intending to ask out :shock: :? :oops: :cry: :(

Posted: 2003-05-18 10:38pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Well, flirting doesn't get me anywhere with the women anyway, I don't see how already having a date will make it any different. Luckily, it will be a while before I get a girlfriend, so I don't have to worry for now.

Re: Flirting when taken: yay or nay?

Posted: 2003-05-18 11:00pm
by Next of Kin
Zaia wrote:Well.......would you?
Yes. I love flirting ( on the receiving and giving ends)!!! I've done it when I've been in a relationship and when I've been single. No harm done.

Posted: 2003-05-18 11:08pm
by Iceberg
Sure. As long as both parties know it's just in fun, there's no harm. :)

Posted: 2003-05-18 11:44pm
by BrYaN19kc
My partner (of four years) knows that I flirt like crazy. He also knows that it is just part of me being me and it is just a fun kind of things. When I flirt, it's obvious that it is just for fun and not serious. If it were serious, I would be totally diffrerent than just fun sexy insinuations.

Actually, when I flirt with someone, it's kind of a way for me to let them know that I like them (as friends) and I'm just trying to be a little more personable. I guess for me it's kind of like I'm trying to compliment the person.

Posted: 2003-05-18 11:48pm
by Durandal
I always flirt because I can't hold a relationship for shit. I tend to flirt the most with girls who are already taken themselves, and they always flirt the most with me.

Posted: 2003-05-19 12:17am
by Einhander Sn0m4n
I'll flirt with practically anyone within range. So does my boyfriend. :D

Posted: 2003-05-19 12:45am
by Zaia
weemadando wrote:I don't think its acceptable to flirt if you're already in a relationship. Especially if the person you're flirting with doesn't know that you are in a relationship...
Ahh yes, and so we get to the point that inspired this thread in the first place. *sighs*

Posted: 2003-05-19 01:04am
by Kuja
I alternate between not flirting and flirting outrageously. Depends on my mood.

Posted: 2003-05-19 01:16am
by Darth Wong
Only if my wife is present, and there's absolutely no doubt that she knows I'm just kidding around. But in any realistic circumstance, I probably wouldn't do it at all. Why flirt with any other girl when I've got the perfect one with me already? :D

Posted: 2003-05-19 01:42am
by Ghost Rider
I flirt...but in someway I make sure that if I'm in a's nothing more then that.

Plus I'm not nearly good enough to break anything solid...but that's another story entirly.

Posted: 2003-05-19 01:56am
by Damaramu
I voted for option 2.

I like to flirt and enjoy when women flirt with me....but I NEVER take it any farther. My girlfriend trusts 100% and knows that I would never act in any kind of inappropriate fashion and vice versa.

What can I say flirting with a cute girl and having her flirt in return is a huge ego boost. No harm done. 8)

Posted: 2003-05-19 02:03am
by Zaia
Ok, then: Part Two of the question. For fun, let's make it hypothetical.

Let's say you like someone. That someone seems very flirty with you. You later learn that someone was seeing someone else while they were acting very flirty with you.

Let's say you've only known this person for a fairly short amount of time (less than six months), you know each other pretty well consider the short friendship, but you have spent most of your time alone with one another and haven't seen how that person interacts with other friends in his/her life that he might be attracted to (opposite sex/same sex depending on your preference).

Let's also say that, from what you know of this person, it does NOT seem like this person would lie or do anything to knowingly hurt you.

How do you interpret the fact that this person flirted with you while they were dating someone else, when you weren't aware that they were dating someone else? Is this behaviour deceptive, just friendly teasing, or something else?

Posted: 2003-05-19 02:20am
by Lord Sander
Very detailed hypothetical situation.

Deceptive is a rather strong word. It's not being very honest, but it's not deception. It becomes deception when you have a romance and/or sex-session with said someone. IMO.

Posted: 2003-05-19 02:33am
by Darth Wong
Speaking for myself, I would never flirt with someone while in a relationship unless I was sure everyone knew that A) I'm in a relationship and B) it's just for fun. So I would tend to look askew at someone who did so without those precautions in place.

Of course, that may only be my particular idiosyncrasy; I've had "duty, responsibility, ethics, disclosure" pounded into my head since childhood. Rebecca once commented to me that she had never met a guy in her life who struck her as less likely to cheat than me.

PS. Why do I get the feeling that this hypothetical scenario is not really hypothetical? :D

Posted: 2003-05-19 02:49am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Yes, I would. I think simple flirting is harmless and even healthy.