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San Francisco = Manchester?

Posted: 2003-05-26 11:25am
by Admiral Valdemar ... 938204.stm

Interesting, I can see where they're going with that but it still seems funny to me given my experiences in the latter city at least.

Posted: 2003-05-26 12:06pm
by TrailerParkJawa
I dont consider SF to be a hot bed of computer development. Most people who live in the Bay Area would consider SF more of a financial center, IMO.

Posted: 2003-05-26 03:03pm
by Rye home city is a gay haven eh? Well i never.

As for the creativity..i dunno, maybe...i'm creative.

But i'm not gay! I'm not gay! Not that there's anything wrong with being gay! etc [/overcompensation]