Mine was in the Anti-Porn Guy thread (SLAM, mid/late Oct. 2002), and it responded to two posts from two friends of mine:
Zaia as a n00b wrote:Ando wrote:So what do you believe? Is homosexuality wrong because the bible says so?Jonsan wrote:Okay, that is fair about "some people." Others believe that homosexuality is wrong for another reason which is hardly that it is "nature's intent."
be careful what you say, jonsan--there is a HUGE abyss just waiting to envelope you. *drops a penny down there and hears--nothing, and then--s'more nothing*
take a look at www.wcotc.com before you reply. i know (read: hope) you can't possibly want to be associated with these--what was their official title? ahhh, yes: narrow minded, fundamentalist, right-wing, moronic, hat-fucking, crack-smoking, donkey-raping, bigoted sons of their sisters. that was it.
So...what about you?