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Re: Your first post

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:44pm
by Zaia
In one of the recent OT threads, someone said something about spam and first posts and stuff. So I thought I'd start a thread where we could post/talk about our first posts here and see who said worthwhile stuff, who started with an introductory thread, who trolled (maybe?) and who spammed.

Mine was in the Anti-Porn Guy thread (SLAM, mid/late Oct. 2002), and it responded to two posts from two friends of mine:
Zaia as a n00b wrote:
Ando wrote:
Jonsan wrote:Okay, that is fair about "some people." Others believe that homosexuality is wrong for another reason which is hardly that it is "nature's intent."
So what do you believe? Is homosexuality wrong because the bible says so?

be careful what you say, jonsan--there is a HUGE abyss just waiting to envelope you. *drops a penny down there and hears--nothing, and then--s'more nothing*

take a look at before you reply. i know (read: hope) you can't possibly want to be associated with these--what was their official title? ahhh, yes: narrow minded, fundamentalist, right-wing, moronic, hat-fucking, crack-smoking, donkey-raping, bigoted sons of their sisters. that was it. :)

So...what about you?

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:49pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Im not sure if I remember my first post or thread.

The earliest one I can remember is a thread I started about space military nomenclature. Basically I was asking people if they thought a Space Military would use Naval ranks like Ensigns, CPO's or Air Force ranks like Spacemen, Colonel, etc.

The reason I brought this up was because I think the first members of the "space military" would likely be populated by Air Force types.

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:52pm
by Zaia
TrailerParkJawa wrote:Im not sure if I remember my first post or thread.
You can look it up. Go to "search," type in your name under "author" and then have the posts (not threads--you have to change that, since it will automatically do threads) listed in ascending order. Your first post will appear at the top.

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:56pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Me as an idiot newbie wrote:Actually, the 2 John Clarks are alike. They're both "Cold-Blooded and Efficient At What They Do". One is effective at killing and military operations, the other is effective at being a troll.

Anyway, Let's get back to the subject!

A trash can would be a "Quantum Subatomic Waste Pulverizer", and would have a portable replicator to create the anti-waste matter needed to annihlate each other. It would also have a touchscreen for little reason.

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:56pm
by Sea Skimmer
I have no idea what my first post was

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:57pm
by Kelly Antilles
Kelly Antilles, first post in PSW wrote: I see many good arguments as to who is the best. However, when you get down to the argument between Han and Wedge, you have to admit that both are great in their own type of ship. Han flew a freighter while Wedge flew a starfighter.

But, you all have missed the BEST pilot of all. (and I am speaking from an EU point)


Former Imperial pilot who defected to the Rebellion. He flys A-WINGS. An A-Wing has about as much shielding as a TIE (ok, a little more, but not by much. and YES, I know TIEs have no shields. it's a point I'm trying to make.). He invented the Cracken Twist, which helped greatly in the battle against Thrawn. When he joined Rogue Squadron, it was to get away from his former crew, most of whom had defected with him. They concidered him some kind of GOD because he'd survived for so long. Are there any other pilots who ahve been concidered GODs? Ok, besides Wedge. After all, he is the True Animist Warrior God.

So, if I have to go with the the pilots listed, I pick Wedge. From a starfighter standpoint, he is the best of the best of the best. I mean, look at the entire of Rogue Squadron. The fab four have been around since Rebellion days. What other sqadron can say that? All because of Wedge's leadership and piloting ability.
Wow, I was rather wordy, wasn't I?

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:58pm
by Shinova
Me, at post # 1 wrote:Strange guy.

Oh, and greetings
This was posted in that one thread where RayCav requested that all his posts be deleted and that he be banned.

Shortly after that I posted in that thread about the lady who got 28 billion in settlement. After that, I got into some Lord of the Rings debate.

Strange first post. Feels like such a long time ago.

And if I'm not mistaken:
salm wrote:
Shinova wrote:Strange guy.

Oh, and greetings
This is the only greetings I received as a newbie.

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:59pm
by Zaia
Sea Skimmer wrote:I have no idea what my first post was
Look it up.

You don't honestly think I remembered mine, do you?!! :wtf:

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:59pm
by Darth Yoshi
I have 2849 posts (well, 2850 now), but the search function only gives me 2831 posts. As such, I can't find my first post again in a reasonable amount of time. I do believe it was in the SW vs. ST forum, though.

Posted: 2003-05-26 07:59pm
by Stravo
I think that this debate can be resolved (partially I guess since we seem to LOVE to fight over these things) by focussing on the most fundamental point about ST. Roddenberry wanted to express a future where man himself became better. Gene firmly believed that we would evolve along with technology and he had a very humanist view of the universe. He was most likely an athiest if not a devout agnostic (think about it, EVERY god on ST is an alien or extradimensional being, the Greek gods were aliens, etc. ) Thus he wants to say that humanity will grow beyond the current brutish and greedy people we are to become the paragons of virtue we see on ST.

When Wong and others correctly point out the Communist or Totalatarian spirit of the Federation they ignore the one fundamental fact that would make it seem less evil or creepy. Man is not the same man we know and love today. man is NOT lazy, NOT greedy, NOT Selfish. Man has become in many ways more evolved and perfect. Many of us may vomit at this viewpoint and belief but obviously the man's vision of our future has many adherents and despite the fact that I do not agree with the view, ESPECIALLY the fact that we would change so in merely 200 years when we haven't changed much FUNDAMENTALLY I mean, in the last 2,000 it is still a valid view and one that has driven a franchise that has been going strong for over 20 years. How many of us can claim to even come close to this?

So in closing, I just wanted to throw in that clarification to kind of clear the air on this debate. We have to look at it through Gene's eyes since its his baby. He believes we will be a fundamentally different people in the future. I am firmly in GL's camp. We will be the same nasty greedy folk we are today but still have that stubborn nobility that makes us so special no matter what day and age we live in. :D
My very first post from the Federation Evil? thread. The debate finally spurred me to stop lurking.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:00pm
by DPDarkPrimus
From: ... ht=#167642

I officially have a new favorite LEGO mech.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:04pm
by fgalkin
I don't remember. And, since the first few pages of posts are gone forever, we shall never find out. :oops:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:09pm
by Raxmei
My first few posts were arguing with Azeron. Not very remarkable.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:09pm
by weemadando
Unsurprisingly my first post was proclaiming the Bush presidency as war-mongering. Though given my reputation on ASVS this would not have been seen as entirely surprising.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:09pm
by Rye
Well, my first post:
Slightly Younger Rye wrote:well, considering current scientific thought is leaning toward the idea that the universe is accelerating outwards constantly, i was wondering, does this behaviour violate conservation of energy or thermodynamics in any way? i've not done physics in years, and i was always better at chemistry and biology.
to which sir sirius replied:
slightly Younger Sir Sirius wrote:Are you a creationist?
;) cos we all know i am, of course, a creationist, and that the world is only a few thousand years old, and that dinosaurs were on the ark, and the magic of the wookie hole witch powers the internet, and all evil is caused by you touching yourself at night.(if there ever was a time when you weren't touching yourself, you'd have dissloved wouldn't you?)

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:11pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
My Very First Post

Time: Sunday 7 July 2002 9:34 pm Central Time
Thread: Beans star wars universe
Forum: Pure Star Wars ... ight=#3089

Re: Answering Darth-Shinji's question to Sith God: "Whats the point in being a ass? I have no idea why you are doing such a stupid thing."
Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Because he's a troll and an attention whore.

Sith God: If you're trying to actually engage in debates and discussions with other members, stop being such a confrontational asshole and learn how to debate like a normal human being. That would include unwarented personal attacks like this.

However, if you're just being an idiotic troll and trying to piss people off for your own amusement, you should get the hell off this board and find a new hobby.

And if you actually typed anything coherrently, maybe we'd actually have some idea of what the hell you're talking about. Unless you're like, ten years old, your typing and grammer are inexcusable. I'm actually suprised that you can understand your own posts.
Behold my birth in glory. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:11pm
by Soontir C'boath
from: wrote: Wouldn't the Mandalorians be more equipped no not equipped but be much better than the droids because I thought Battle Droids were thought ineffective in combat.
ROFL heheh
The time when I knew nothing. Whew.

fgalkin's first post I think
I got bored.


Posted: 2003-05-26 08:11pm
by Zaia
fgalkin wrote:I don't remember. And, since the first few pages of posts are gone forever, we shall never find out. :oops:

Have a very nice day.

Ahhh, ok. That totally sucks. Bleh.

Oh, and I apologize, Skimmer. I didn't realize the first couple pages of posts had disappeared, which is why you couldn't just look yours up. Sorry about that.

I just looked Ewo's first post up (since she's hardly online anymore), and it was in the "Who from would you like to meet?" thread in OT, and she said this:
Ewo as a beebee wrote:I wouldn't really say that Zaia was into short men. I think weemadando was right when he referred to Yoda or the pygmies. Ya...

Now that she is distracted Weemadando, RUN!!!!!
*chuckles* :D

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:14pm
by Ghost Rider
Ghostie as wee babe wrote:Seriously I believe they only have Red-shirts.

I have never seen them employ any true ground pounders persay that weren't culled from Starfleet.
Sept 24, 2002
1:45 PM

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:19pm
by StarshipTitanic
StarshipTitanic wrote:
Rob Wilson wrote:
master_yoda wrote:Its the movie rebels (ANH-ROTJ)
(not the new republic or anything)
can the Rebels win?
Hate to rock the boat here, but why would they want to fight the Federation? Anyway they have their hands pretty much full evading the Empire without opening another battle front.
That's a moot point. They're fighting, pure and simple. Motives are not necessary.

I bet the Rebels can fight even better than the Empire because they're flexable.
Made on the second day the place was open; I was never a newbie! :p

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:41pm
by J
Way back in December I wrote this in the "Evolution of Usernames" thread:

Jennmac was the lovely user name my school email system assigned to me. Over the course of a year my friends on the swimteam shortened it down to Jmac and it stuck for the rest of that year and the next 3 years too.

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:56pm
by Kuja
It was in the old 'So, what's so evil about the Galactic Empire?' thread:

Me before I read Timothy Zahn wrote:A government, like a person, is defined as good or evil by their actions. I mean, yes the Empire took care of its loyal citizens, but it you weren't up to their standards of loyalty, BAM! :shock: Grand Moff Tarkin blew away Alderaan, a completely defenseless and weaponless planet, to get information! Wookiees and Mon Cals were turned into slaves. Admiral Ackbar was a slave and he's almost Thrawn's equal!

In war, the Empire was far from honorable. Base Delta Zero on pacifistic Caamas. The Ghorman Massacre. Alderaan. The Krytos Virus. Construction of superweapons: Death Star I and II, Galaxy Gun, Suncrusher, the Tarkin , the World Devastators. This lack of concern about collateral damage shows the Empire's true colors.

And then there's COMPNOR: the Committee for the Preservation of the New Order. COMPNOR's mission, as stated by bounty hunter Dengar: "round up these pacifists and turn them into a war machine. If they refuse, fry their planet until even the worms choke on the ashes."

Man, I got the floor mopped with myself for that Ackbar/Thrawn comparison. :) :oops:

My second post came just a bit later:
Me, yet again wrote:OK, I guess I did exaggerate Ackbar's abilities, but still, he's a damn good commander. Thrawn may have the 'Thrawn Pincer', but Ackbar uses the Ackbar slash. He also learns quickly. Within a few months of Thrawn's defeat, he's used the Thrawn pincer to wipe out an Imperial warlord's entire fleet. :twisted: Shortly after Zsinj's defeat by Han Solo, Ackbar takes the reins and starts smashing the Imperials. Admiral Rogriss, one of the Empire's best leaders (he's an intellectual; takes after Thrawn, hehe) loses the majority of battles and ends up getting pushed further and further towards the Outer Rim. Anyway, back to the debate...

As for Alderaan, well they were vocally supportive of the Rebels, but they weren't really involved. Bail Organa was trying to convince them to join up until they went boom.

BTW, something I forgot to mention: I want all you guys to take a look at this list of people who wanted to change the Empire from within. See what happened to them?

Han Solo - kicked out for defending Chewie (a slave)
Kasan Moor and Tycho Celchu - defected after Alderaan
Crix Madine - defected due to immoral orders
Jan Dodonna - nearly assassinated, defected
Soontir Fel - defected
Admiral Rogriss - defected due to immoral orders
Biggs Darklighter - defected
Jek Porkins and Zev Senesca - defected after their people were forced off their homeworld to make room for a naval base .
Maximillian Veers (yes that's the General Veers from TESB) - committed suicide during the time of the Emporer Reborn

You'll probably recognize most of the people on this list. If you don't, just realize that all of those defectors became great pilots and leaders in the Rebellion.
Once again, I got smacked for defending Ackbar. :lol:

Posted: 2003-05-26 08:59pm
by Enforcer Talen
-idly notes 'God' can mean absolutely anything, not just Christian God, God of major religion, or diety in general; a person's god, what they strive for, could be money, pleasure, or casting aside worldly goods-

-also notes he's not said pledge at times, even tho a Christian and mildly patriotic-

freedom of speech, and it's follow up, freedom of religion, is a nice thing. be patriotic. or not. say under God. or not.

-skims above posts-

so what if it was made after 1954? you can still worship what you choose.

and, why have 'under god' there when it could mean any god? why have any god at all? cuz people like the idea of a higher power looking out for them. . .
my. Ive done a complete turn around.

of course, my writing style is the same.

Posted: 2003-05-26 09:02pm
by Andrew J.
Andrew J. as an even-stupider-than-he-is-now n00b wrote:Good guys are generally lame, unless they wear dark sunglasses (Blade, Neo, etc.).
It was a thread about how bad guys were generally cooler than good guys.

Posted: 2003-05-26 09:04pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
PSW forum. Pretty self-explanatory. I didn't use capitals at the beggining of sentences though. And I had a grand total of two replies. Here she be:
Ph34R my n00bness! wrote:i have seen a couple of problems in ANH and thought id make a post bout it, eh em

1.) during the trench run we see turbolasers inside the trench firing at an angle, since we all know turbolasers following a straight path they would hit the side of the trench and cause damage to their own battlestation, and after see what lukes x-wing did to the surface id hate to see what turblolasers woudl do.

2.) when tarkin decides not to deploy fighters during the attack, most chalk it up to arrogance, however we see vader has his own tie squad and sends them into battle , so whos to say other officers aboard the death star also didnt have other fighters who were competent enough to realize that the rebels may succeed and could launch there own fighters right? perhaps, perhaps not i suppose.

3.) lastly and most importantly why did the death star go around yavin at sublight when they couldve avoided it entirely via hyperspace? how? imagine a triangle the death star is at the bottom left, the rebs base is at the top, and in between the bottom left and rebs base is the star yavin, and the bottom right is empty space, instead of going from the bottom left to top like they did and have to lengthily orbit the star they couldve jumped to the bottom right and then jumped to the top so it could instanty fire the laser at the base as soon as it dropped out.