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He thought he would`nt fight

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:07pm
by Montcalm
Soldier or wimp.
Wimp sue

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:32pm
by Trytostaydead
On the one hand, yes PTSD is a real recognized problem that while it might not manifest itself visibily at first can have later reprecussions in life but the other is.. well you silly blokes, that's what you signed up for, right?

How many millions of soldiers go through that type of stress as well? I should sue my school for PTSD for traumatizing midterms and finals week where sleep rate is basically nil.

You can really just see it now, standard issue in all MREs: A pack of Paxil.

There's not enough doctors, pharmacists or money to put everyone onto a good hefty does of ssri's to make them feel better. Did they think joining the army would be all fun and games and no stress?

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:38pm
by Wicked Pilot
Funny how the majority of the plantiffs are frenchies.

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:48pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Soon to follow. Infantrymen sue government over flat feet, and bad knees.
Aparently prolonged hiking, with a heavey backpack, over uneven ground causes long term wear on cartilage. (Spelling?)
This is hardest on toe, ankle, and knees.

The idea that ther military is a HARD life, has been "forgotten."

Edit. It was common to sign cadences when marching or running, about how tough the life of a soldier was. Repeating themes of how this army was made "for the young and the bold."
The fact that there were few OLD combat soldiers, was a testament to the UNUSUAL toughness of the oldtimers.
Only the toughest could hack it for the long term.
Hence, all grizzled vets were automaticly granted provisional respect, pending review.

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:52pm
by Montcalm
Wicked Pilot wrote:Funny how the majority of the plantiffs are frenchies.
Yeah thats why i say i`m bi...............lingual. 8)

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:56pm
by Joe
When I read the headline, I knew it was probably going to involved French Canadians.

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:08pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
This triggers my pet peeve. People who try and compare soldiering, to conventional jobs.

It ain't a UNION job.You will NOT organise. TREASON.
You are not entitled to "breaks."
Bad things are likely to happen to you, you are not entitled to sue for doing your job.
There is a reason you get to retire from the US army after 20 years, at full pay.
After 20 years, with extra duty, pulling CG or runner, field training exercises, and maybe even a WAR in the middle, you have worked close 30 years worth of hours, in the 9 to 5 context.
All those years of pulling 20/30 hour days will catch up with you on the back side.
Your twilight years will be uncomfortable, and arthritic. You will be forgotten, cheated, insulted, called a monster and a murderer.
Yet knowing this, we chose this life, knowning that we stand between the danger and the homeland.
All true soldiers need is to be needed.
The knowledge that you stood at the mouth of the cave, and kept the wolves at bay was enough. For the right kind of person.
Whiney assholes cheapen the SILENT sacrifice most soldiers give, knowing in the end they will be forgotten and betrayed.

Yet my heart swells with pride this day, to say, "I am a veteran."

Posted: 2003-05-27 06:34pm
by Alyeska
When you volunteer to become a soldier you accept the risks. Not only is there a chance you will die, but you might also get screwed up in the head. These soldiers on the suit are fucking idiots.

Posted: 2003-05-27 06:41pm
by phongn
Emperor Chrostas the Crue wrote:This triggers my pet peeve. People who try and compare soldiering, to conventional jobs.

It ain't a UNION job.You will NOT organise. TREASON.
Oddly, many of the Continental European militaries are indeed unionized. The Wall Street Journal had an article about it earlier this year; it's costing their militaries enormous sums of money that could be spent modernizing their equipment.