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Pet-peeves in the workplace

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:30pm
by Death from the Sea
So what are your pet-peeves in the work place? What really irritates you that bosses,co-workers or customers do while at work?

Right now I work in the Veterans Services offcie on campus here at my school and I hate it when a veteran comes in demanding we give him/her benefits that 1)don't exist 2)they are not entitled too currently 3) they didn't earn in the first place. Now I am not talking about people that come in with simple misconceptions or wrong info and take what I tell them about their benefits at face value, those people are just misinformed and they realize that when we correct them. I am talking about the kind of people who tell me how to do my job when they think they have an idea how it is supposed to be and they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay wrong and you can't tell them that with out them getting super pissed off. 98% of the people are using information they heard 4th hand or made up or misunderstood and that is not as big a problem as the fact that you cannot connvince them they are wrong. :evil:

Sorry for the rant, but there have been lots of those in lately.

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:38pm
by RogueIce
Pet peeves in the work place, eh?

Hm... Hm...

Can't think of any...

THough maybe that's just ebcause I don't work. :P

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:39pm
by theski
Ice, I thought your job was slinging spam :wink: :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:54pm
by Stravo
Bosses who KNOW that something needs to get done but wait until 6:30pm when you've received no calls not even a heads up that something might be coming down the pike the entire day and then calls you with the assigment that needs to be done ASAP.


Or the senior person who can't make a decision, spends hours wringing his hands then finally decides to follow your advice and do what needs to get done, but now you're stuck at night doing what you could have been doing during the day if the guy had the balls and made a decision!! Grrrr....

Just because some of these guys LIKE staying in the office to stay away from their screaming new borns doesn;t mean they have to keep me here.

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:55pm
by RogueIce
theski wrote:Ice, I thought your job was slinging spam :wink: :wink:
What are you doing, following me? :)

Well, ok, maybe I'll concede that. Though I may go join the "Senior" Civil Air Patrol today. :)

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:59pm
by theski
Ice, there are a couple of good Strip clubs in Tampa you could work at :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-27 02:59pm
by Atavarius
I am going to school right now for my RN, and i have to say my biggest peeve are know it alls. We have several former paramedics/EMT's in our class and these people insist on correcting MD's, RN's, and CRNP's who have ALOT more experience in patient care than any of these students. It got so bad that the head of the RN Services department told the school administrator that some of these people would not be allowed back in the clinical area, effectivel expelling them from school. The admin had to come into one of our lectures and bitch at the entire class about it.

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:03pm
by Kelly Antilles
Neurotic dogs.

And customers. I HATE customers....

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:04pm
by irishmick79
I hate the Coffee Pot bandit with a firey passion. The Coffee pot bandit is the sumbitch who drains the pot of coffee, and doesn't bother to make a new one....and he pulls this stunt at 8 in the morning, when everybody and their mother is slugging down coffee like it was the life blood of christ. Thus, the groggy employee who is hoping for refreshment finds only an empty pot, and has to take ten minutes to start up another one. Either he can risk raising the ire of his supervisors and wait around for the pot to work it's black magic, or he can play it safe by going back to his desk and come back when the pot is done. Of course by the time he gets back, the pot could be already drained, and the Coffee Pot bandit has an opportunity to strike yet again. This fucker deserves to die.

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:07pm
by thecreech
Pet peeves. When i have to explain to my manager how my job works. Or when a co workers keep calling about stupid shit while im on the phone with a customer

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:11pm
by RogueIce
theski wrote:Ice, there are a couple of good Strip clubs in Tampa you could work at :wink:
A "couple" strip clubs in Tampa you say? *chuckle*

Though I guess with "good" in there... Never checked them out. Haven't gotten around to it yet. *shrug*

But anyway, with the six-foot rule, who wants to bother? Damn them, damn them all! Why bar lap dancing in a strip club, you cheesey assholes??!! Fucking moral laws...if you don't like it, DON'T GO IN!

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:18pm
by theski
The 6 foot rule is to keep people like you as far away from the girls as possible.. :wink: That is then what we bouncers are for.. To remove you if your cross that line :shock:

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:18pm
by Stravo
Theski, Rogue, wannna keep on topic please?

BTW there are friction dances in Miami, no 6 foot rule there. (HAD to get that in) :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:28pm
by theski
Thread Highjack aborted...

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:31pm
by LadyTevar
PetPeeves at work... Oohhh.. I could list dozens.

Co-Worker named Brenda, who is going through "The Change" and is making everyone walk on eggshells because we don't know if looking at her funny is going to have her laughing, crying, or screaming her head off at you.
She's also the one that has to have her password reset daily, because she either forgets it or tries to type it with the Capslock on.

Next pet peeve: When I'm answering the phones and get the stereotypical dumb hick on the line, who has to have E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g spelled out for them... and even then gets it wrong. I've spent 10 minutes trying to help one of these people! (calls are timed on this phone, so it's not an exaggeration)

Lawyers and other people who think that they can just waltz in and pick up anyone's birth/death certificate, because they believe them to be a matter of "public record". Sorry, folks, they're not. Thank the people who started the Identity Theft rings.

Biggest pet peeve of all: Genealogy Researchers!!
"No, you can not search our records by hand, ma'am, they're closed to the public. It costs $5 for us to search them for you. No, we only do a three year search, if you want us to search from 1890 to 1920 for your grandmother's brother's wife's birth certificate, it's $5 per year. No ma'am, we don't have death records before 1917. No ma'am, we don't have births before 1860, we weren't a state then. No ma'am, I don't know if that county existed back then. Ma'am, if you received a 'wrong' copy from our office, it was sent to you because it was the closest match to the information you gave us. Ma'am, if you recieved a letter stating that we don't have the certificate you're looking for, then We Don't Have It."

God, I hate those people. :kill:

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:36pm
by RogueIce
Stravo wrote:Theski, Rogue, wannna keep on topic please?
Well, normally, I wouldn't, but since I posted this in Politics... Sure, why not?
Stravo wrote:BTW there are friction dances in Miami, no 6 foot rule there. (HAD to get that in) :wink:
Damn you... That's it, I'm moving there!

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:50pm
by Zaia
My workplace. Everything about it. Hence I'm going for a new workplace with other pet peeves. :D

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:55pm
by RogueIce
Zaia wrote:My workplace. Everything about it. Hence I'm going for a new workplace with other pet peeves. :D
Greentext: Must...resist...obvious suggestion...out of...respect...

*whew* That could've gotten ugly.

Posted: 2003-05-27 03:59pm
by Zaia
RogueIce wrote:
Zaia wrote:My workplace. Everything about it. Hence I'm going for a new workplace with other pet peeves. :D
Greentext: Must...resist...obvious suggestion...out of...respect...

*whew* That could've gotten ugly.
Obvious suggestion? *strokes chin thoughtfully*

Hmm, maybe I'm just out of things today, but I can't think of anything... :?

Unless you were going to suggest that I become a Lady of the Night or something. :P :wink:

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:06pm
by theski
Ice, Z is not going to become a stripper, now behave.

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:11pm
by Joe
I work at a pool & spa shop. My pet peeve is customers who completely and utterly ignore the directions we give them on pool care and then expect us to pay for it when they fuck up. I also hate customers who buy maybe one bottle of algae suppressant from us a year, get all the rest of their chemicals elsewhere, and still expect us to give them free water analysis and advice on how to use chemicals they didn't even bother to buy from us.

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:12pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Managers who surround themselves with "Yes Men".

People who think its my duty to help them with home computers during work hours and wont even offer to buy you lunch or a fricking can of Coke if you do help them on your own time.

Idiot managers who worry about security of some data thus not allowing it to be stored on a network drive, then dont understand why the data was not bacekd up when the single machine, with a single drive, and no NIC card, was not backed up.

People who dont shower frequently.

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:22pm
by RogueIce
Zaia wrote:Unless you were going to suggest that I become a Lady of the Night or something. :P :wink:
Um, no, of course not... :wink:

And dammit, theski, quit following me! :P

Posted: 2003-05-27 04:31pm
by El Moose Monstero
Last time I worked, I was washing dishes in a pub (am at uni now, so have an excuse not to work :P), but anyway, there was one person who wound the hell up out of me, had a strong geordie accent and wasnt the brightest tool in the shed, but I could cope with that, hell, if she'd been pleasant then it wouldnt have mattered. But no, not that she was unpleasant, she was just down right rude and didnt know it, never figured out the finer points of plate stacking, then complained at me when there wasnt any space for her to put more dishes in a pile which defied the laws of physics. And she also never quite got the hang of the fact that in my small room, where I spent more time than she did, that I controlled the music and wasnt going to change it because she didnt like it.

'How, man, this musics crap like, why dont you listen to some proper music?'
'What, you mean like, dance stuff?'
'Be gone, or I shall set the Moody Blues and the Who on you, and stack the sodding plates, for goodness sake!'

About the size of it...

Posted: 2003-05-27 05:43pm
by Lord MJ
I share that pet peeve.

I hate it when I someone does something wrong, and I tell them so, and they get all riled up and emotional and act like screaming little children.