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Favorite Arnie Movie
Posted: 2003-05-29 11:35am
by NeoGoomba
Which of the Austrian Oak's movies do you prefer over the others?
I say Conan the Barbarian. Swords, Arnie, James Earl Jones, and a kickass soundtrack, what else do you need?
Re: Favorite Arnie Movie
Posted: 2003-05-29 11:39am
by Crown
NeoGoomba wrote:Which of the Austrian Oak's movies do you prefer over the others?
I say Conan the Barbarian. Swords, Arnie, James Earl Jones, and a kickass soundtrack, what else do you need?
Half descent acting for one. Good production for another.
Best Arnie movie? Twins, or Kindergarden Cop.
Re: Favorite Arnie Movie
Posted: 2003-05-29 11:41am
by RogueIce
NeoGoomba wrote:Which of the Austrian Oak's movies do you prefer over the others?
I say Conan the Barbarian. Swords, Arnie, James Earl Jones, and a kickass soundtrack, what else do you need?
A decent set of knockers exposed for a good length of time?
If yesterday was my "Feeling Sad" day, today is my "Sex on the Mind" day.
EDIT: Oh, by the way, I think "End of Days" has everything above (including the knockers
) except Jones.
As for my favorite Ah-nold movie... Well, Terminator and T2. I
love that main song!
Posted: 2003-05-29 11:48am
by Dalton
T2, bar none.
Posted: 2003-05-29 11:51am
by Ghost Rider
The Terminator flicks.
Posted: 2003-05-29 01:13pm
by Tsyroc
Let's see.
Red Sonja? -- nope, although Arnold was pretty much the best actor in the film.
Junior? -- no way
The Villan? -- nope
Jingle All the Way?
Hercules in New York? -- nope
The Last Action Hero? -- nope
great soundtrack though and I still love the Arnieized version of Hamlet
Commando? --
Liked it a lot at the time. Now it's good to laugh through.
Conan: The Destroyer? nope Very much like some of the later Conan books but they shouldn't have ditched the R rating and someone needed to cast better. Grace Jones?
Conan: The Barbarian? Very enjoyable but nope. Great score, really improves the movie.
The Sixth Day? -- nope Wanted to be Total Recall, had some neat stuff.
Collateral Damage? nope
End of Days -- Under rateda little if you ask me and yes there's a great non-gratuitous (according to the director) breast shot in that movie.
Raw Deal -- decent movie until they decide to just end it.
True Lies -- Very entertaining plus a nuke.
Total Recall -- screws with your head and has lots of cool stuff. Hate the dummies at the end though. Sharon Stone before she hit it "big".
Twins -funny
Kindergarten Cop -- didn't hate it
Stay Hungry -- haven't seen it
Pumping Iron -- haven't see it either.
Predator -- One of my favorites. Arnold with a bad ass team and a cool alien as well. The Arnieizms seem a little shoe horned in to me now (stick around).
Terminator 2 -- Nearly the best although a little too much sap seeped in (thumbs up dude) but has many of Arnold's coolest moments.
Running Man -- Nothing really wrong with this one except it's sort of a let down from the book and has clearly been Arnieized.
Red Heat -- Somehow this one was boring to me.
Terminator -- I think this one was the best. It's a little low on budget, hence the long car chases, but there's no cheese, no lameness no PC crap.
Posted: 2003-05-29 01:18pm
by BoredShirtless
T1 & 2
Posted: 2003-05-29 01:28pm
by PeZook
My fauvorites:
Terminator 1&2 - a killer robot. THE perfect part for Arnold
Predator - Liked it, but only because of the alien and Jessie Ventura with his Ma I don;t really know if it counts
True Lies - I laughed my ass off while watching it for the first time
Last Action Hero - not as good as True Lies, but good enough
Posted: 2003-05-29 01:32pm
by theski
Conan followed by T1 ten T2 and Predator
Posted: 2003-05-29 01:42pm
by Zoink
I'm a huge Conan fan. I grew up reading Conan comic books and such, and for those reasons I'd go with Conan the Barbarian.
I remember when he did Terminator, I said "Oh no! He cut his hair, no more Conan movies!" (I was kinda young at the time).
But for shear entertainment value, I have to go with either Terminator 1 or Predator. Terminator 2 rocked too. However, compared to the first, its too hollywood, with its moralistic family values "you can't just kill people".... I hate when the sacrifice attempts at a realistic/human reaction to a situation for cliche heroics.
Here's hoping T3 brings Arnie back to basics!
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:03pm
by neoolong
Terminator and Predator. With True Lies following.
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:12pm
by Majin Gojira
Twins, Predator, Terminator 1/2, True Lies, Last Action Hero. in approximately that order
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:27pm
by Bug-Eyed Earl
Conan, T1/2, Predator, True Lies, The Running Man, Last Action Hero.
Re: Favorite Arnie Movie
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:31pm
by Zaia
RogueIce wrote:If yesterday was my "Feeling Sad" day, today is my "Sex on the Mind" day.
Guess we swapped, then.
I'd have to go with "End of Days," but that has nothing to do with Arnold. I'm just madly in lust with Gabriel Byrne.
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:31pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Terminator 2, followed by Predator
Kindergarten Cop and The Running Man were also quite good, even though I've only seen the last one on ABC and Sci-Fi...
Posted: 2003-05-29 02:38pm
by FaxModem1
True Lies, just so funny and great at the same time
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:02pm
by 2000AD
The Termies and Predator
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:04pm
by Lord Pounder
True Lies was fucking fantastic. Jamie Lee Curtis's clevage, Tia Carerra, Tom Arnold and lots of guns being fired at ismalic extreemists. Also it had a young Faith the Vampire Slayer.
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:09pm
by Rye
Terminator films followed by predator and Junior.
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:14pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Rock on Terminator1&2 (and hopefully 3). Its the perfect film for him; I mean c'mon, Arnorld battles killer robots from the future. If that doesn't work, nothing will.
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:22pm
by Montcalm
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:Rock on Terminator1&2 (and hopefully 3). Its the perfect film for him; I mean c'mon, Arnorld battles killer robots from the future. If that doesn't work, nothing will.
Remember the parody on Mad tv it was hilarious.
"Forgive him father he`s a killer robot from the future"
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:26pm
by His Divine Shadow
I'd say Terminator and True Lies
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:29pm
by Zoink
Montcalm wrote:
Remember the parody on Mad tv it was hilarious.
"Forgive him father he`s a killer robot from the future"
Anybody remember the parody from Saturday Night Live, "The Toonsinator" staring Toonsils the Driving Cat? .... "He's an advanced cybernetic cat from the future... but he's not a good driver". I almost wet myself watching Toonsils
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:36pm
by Montcalm
Zoink wrote:Montcalm wrote:
Remember the parody on Mad tv it was hilarious.
"Forgive him father he`s a killer robot from the future"
Anybody remember the parody from Saturday Night Live, "The Toonsinator" staring Toonsils the Driving Cat? .... "He's an advanced cybernetic cat from the future... but he's not a good driver". I almost wet myself watching Toonsils
I think i missed that one.
Posted: 2003-05-29 03:39pm
by Joe
End of Days -- Under rateda little if you ask me and yes there's a great non-gratuitous (according to the director) breast shot in that movie.
It was extremely gratuitous (not to mention incestuous).