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Dimension Jump
Posted: 2003-06-05 06:23pm
by Admiral Valdemar
You have just "acquired" the technology to teleport yourself to other universes in the multiverse. You can visit any number of the infinite possible realities, basically do what you want.
What do you do with your life from then on?
Posted: 2003-06-05 06:26pm
by neoolong
Kill me in the alternate realities so I can be the One.
Posted: 2003-06-05 06:27pm
by Admiral Valdemar
neoolong wrote:Kill me in the alternate realities so I can be the One.
I knew I should've added that clause to the first post "no copying
The One". Given there's an infinite number of other yous, I'd pack a lunch.
Posted: 2003-06-05 06:31pm
by neoolong
Hey you were just asking for it.
But seriously, I would find a world with many resources and no people and bring them here to get rich. That and talk to myself. See if things work out better in those realities.
Posted: 2003-06-05 07:30pm
by EmperorChrostas the Cruel
Go to the unihabeted ones. We KNOW where the resourses are. Use exsisting maps.
Saudi oil, with no arabs.
South African platinum, gold, emeralds and diamonds. How many Hope diamonds do you want? No tribal primatives, no racist colonial holdovers.
Uranium, with no greens to complain.
All the hardwoods we can clearcut.No greens.
Access to extinct species! A whale here, a whale there, the oceans are whole soon. Reintroduce more cheetas, to flesh out the gene pool. Dodos, passenger pigeons, you name it. Only eat/use endangered species on worlds that they are not endangered in.
Planets with NO life, giving us the ULTIMATE toxic disposal site.Same thing with dangerous genetic/nuclear/chemical experiments.Use these worlds to buid Orion drive nuclear spaceships. Put Megatonns of raw material in orbit, and D-hop back here. Instant space station/moonbase.
Room to spead out, on non human worlds, making humanity safe from one shot extincion events. Hell, you could have your own private world if you wanted.
Posted: 2003-06-05 08:05pm
by Montcalm
Make sure not to give this technology to the Kromags
Posted: 2003-06-05 09:17pm
by Xenophobe3691
Montcalm wrote:Make sure not to give this technology to the Kromags
You got it too. That was a good show, though the 5th season was a bit different...
Posted: 2003-06-05 09:46pm
by Crix Dorius
1. Diminish ore/oil/gas from other earth's without life...
2. Collect/Buy so much advanced technology from the other earth's...
3. Built up a very powerful army on this earth...
4. Unite the states of this earth...
5. Built a much powerful army and fortify this earth...
6. Colonize the sunsystem...
7. Build outposts on other earth's without life and diminish more ore/oil/gas...
8. Built a unstopable army...
9. Conquer the other earth's with life...
10. And then I make vacation...
Posted: 2003-06-05 10:02pm
by consequences
Attempt to locate universe I am familiar with, one way or another, and place outrageous bets that I know I can't cover, fleeing the dimension if Murphy intervenes. Will do in unfamiliar universes if necessary, but odds of frantically fleeing in this case greatly increased.
Posted: 2003-06-06 12:35am
by EmperorMing
I would take a looooong ass vacation.
Posted: 2003-06-06 12:39am
by PrinceofLowLight
Go to other dimensions and search for things that don't exist in our reality, like in a little semistoryverse. Find a dimension with different gravity laws, but still similar enough for me to survive, and bring back objects with enough mass to create huge wormholes in this dimension. W00t! FTL! And other stuff.
Or just find the Earth that's just like The Culture and live the rest of my life in decadent luxuary.
Posted: 2003-06-06 12:55am
by TrailerParkJawa
Can we go foward and back in time as well. I would travel to the world of Traveller 2300 and kill as many Kafers and I can. Hmmm....dead bugs.
Id like to visit the reality where women out number men by 3-1.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:05am
by consequences
5-1 for me.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:23am
by neoolong
With my luck, they'd just be lesbians.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:28am
by consequences
Good thing I'm a voyeur then.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:42am
by EmperorMing
consequences wrote:Good thing I'm a voyeur then.
Heck, you can do that here in this dimension...
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:44am
by consequences
Yes, but I'm a
lazy voyeur.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:56am
by kojikun
I'd find me and have hot wild monkey sex with myselves. And take over the world. But hot wild monkey sex first.
Posted: 2003-06-06 01:58am
by EmperorMing
kojikun wrote:I'd find me and have hot wild monkey sex with myselves. And take over the world. But hot wild monkey sex first.
I will not go there...
Posted: 2003-06-06 02:13am
by Crix Dorius
kojikun wrote:I'd find me and have hot wild monkey sex with myselves. And take over the world. But hot wild monkey sex first.
Posted: 2003-06-06 02:19am
by neoolong
kojikun wrote:I'd find me and have hot wild monkey sex with myselves. And take over the world. But hot wild monkey sex first.
I can imagine what answer you gave on the "Would you screw yourself" thread.
Re: Dimension Jump
Posted: 2003-06-06 04:11am
by InnerBrat
Admiral Valdemar wrote:You have just "acquired" the technology to teleport yourself to other universes in the multiverse. You can visit any number of the infinite possible realities, basically do what you want.
What do you do with your life from then on?
Everything, in all different realities. That's the point of PUs, afterall
Posted: 2003-06-06 04:13am
by Cyborg Stan
Find a universe with easily accessed immortality/invurnerablity tech. Lots of things can go wrong, and if I die, not only I'm dead but also the tech to jump dimensions would very likely fall into the wrong hands (espically if I get shot, make enemies, etc.) This is also helpful in that I won't have to worry so much about procrastination.
In the meantime, see if I can get mental/physiological/misc upgrades to myself. Again, if I choose to interact with the universes, then I'll probably piss some people off and even if I can't die without my own consent, I certainly might be able to get trapped. Along the same lines, I'll probably also collect up interesting items and equipment.
Eventually, the power/number of universes aviavble, along with all the possible improvements I could do could get to me, so I might try to forcibly fix alot of the stuff. (Thus, I might become a tyrant/god-like being.)
If I can resist that, I might become a Wanderer, and simply visit places all the time. To prevent myself from getting bored I simply might end up copying my idea of an afterlife of a bunch of limited memory alter-egos.
However, it also occurs to me that if I have the technology to jump dimensions, presumably to can be duplicated by others, some of which would probably have less than noble intentions. So perhaps my efforts would go to safeguard my 'home multiverses' from hostile forces. (There is the possiblity of actually trying to unite multiple universes under an alliance, although I admit that would raise interesting problems of it's own.)
Posted: 2003-06-06 04:46am
by aphexmonster
I would jump to a world where technology was used to enhance the body. Bribe an engeneer and have him create me a suit to boost my physical abilities 200 times fold. It would be a suit like iron mans but not quite the same for the reason of not wanting to rip off iron man. I will call myself Iron guy. I would then hire a group of mercenarries to aquire the same technology and travel back to another sister demension there afterwords. This world would be very peaceful and simple. Me and my band of marry mercenaries would then proceed to take over the planet, and build a nuclear reactor silo near the earths core to use the energy to create an explosive device with a blast radious only reachable by 10 atomic nuclear missiles. I would then send the device into the core itself causing an obliterating effect on the planet, killing all life on it. This planar colapse in one demension would set up a chain reaction detonating all the sister worlds in a somewhat domino effect, thus ending all life in all earths and going down in mystery as the greatest serial murder that never lived... because noone lived to talk about it.
..... or i guess i could just go to another demension to find a pair of shoes that i think are neato
Posted: 2003-06-06 05:14am
by Gandalf
I find the one where I'm the messiah with gnarly powers, I then come back here and go apeshit.