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The Truth about the Moon
Posted: 2002-09-12 08:48pm
by Raxmei
"This is no lie. Until recently, I, too, believed in the traditional, establishment view of the moon. But any thinking person, untainted by the biases imposed on us by the controlled media, will have no choice but to reach the conclusion I did once faced with the facts described in this account."
Posted: 2002-09-12 08:55pm
by Colonel Olrik
like his style. Probally he has already convinced a few, who will, if hearing him tell it is a joke, say:
You've been caught by the government and brainwashed and:
No matter what they did to you we will always believe and continue your work. The truth is out there.. somewhere..
Posted: 2002-09-12 08:58pm
by Raptor 597
*Catches heart attack, bangs hand on table from laughter, falls over in a coma*
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:07pm
by Darth Wong
It's brilliant! I'm absolutely convinced that it's satirical, intended to poke fun at the creationists (note the part about the $100,000 reward, obviously taken from "Dr. Dino"). Assuming that this is true, it's done beautifully.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:10pm
by HemlockGrey
...or to slag off at the crazy people who think there was no moon landing. Or whatever. It doesn't always have to be about creationists.
Does it?
Re: The Truth about the Moon
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:10pm
by ArmorPierce
Oh yeah. I've seen that site. He is either an idiot or is just a guy that is ranting on his page for attention which I believe he is doing.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:12pm
by Raptor 597
Subject: the moon
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 01:10:52 -0500
From: Belial <>
i have a cousin who claimed to have touched the moon with an unusually long
piece of lumber taken from the shed. if my cousin (who could be a paid
actor by the government) would lie about such a thing, i would lose
complete faith in everything i hold dear.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:13pm
by Colonel Olrik
Darth Wong wrote:It's brilliant! I'm absolutely convinced that it's satirical, intended to poke fun at the creationists (note the part about the $100,000 reward, obviously taken from "Dr. Dino"). Assuming that this is true, it's done beautifully.
Of course it is! The guy defined himself as the mad-revisionist!
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:14pm
by Raxmei
I thought it was obviously making fun of Holocaust deniers.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:23pm
by Straha
He isn't joking. I've heard people withhis view of the moon call up Art Bell's Radio show
. It's stupid, thoughtless, pointless, and they often combine their view with other views I.e. hollow earth, creationism, hollow earth, shadow people, hollow earth, etc.
Really makes you wonder about people sometime.
He seems smart enough to be making fun at theese reviosinists. But still it makes me sad.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:24pm
by Raptor 597
Oh, yes, while recently bringing up the subject Buzz Aldrin recently punched someone who said there is no moon or any Moon landing.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:26pm
by SirNitram
*falls over laughing*
He even has a page proving that Winnipeg doesn't exist! Which is silly, Winnipeg is where the people who protect the great conspiracy of Switzerland live...
Edit: He also claims the Jews don't exist, which will make my third cousin very upset. He has always thought he existed.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:31pm
by Evil Jerk
Apparentley he also thinks Canada was responsible for 9/11..
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:43pm
by Straha
He has voyager on his site, that explains the stupidity.
I mean anyone who has a picture of voyager on their site must be infected by its stupidity. Ala the infection by the midi-chlorians in "Portal." That explains it.
Posted: 2002-09-12 09:47pm
by Mr Bean
Heh heh damn funny if its satire or not, funnier if its not
Re: The Truth about the Moon
Posted: 2002-09-12 10:50pm
by RayCav of ASVS
Raxmei wrote:
"This is no lie. Until recently, I, too, believed in the traditional, establishment view of the moon. But any thinking person, untainted by the biases imposed on us by the controlled media, will have no choice but to reach the conclusion I did once faced with the facts described in this account."
OMFG, this guy scares the shit out of me. He makes TOWNMNBS look like freakin Wong, and makes Kin'a'di look like freakin EINSTEIN!
Posted: 2002-09-12 10:52pm
No Moon, eh?.
That guy definately ate too many paint chips as a child.
To Buzz Aldrin: I hope Ya cold-cocked the guy really good!.
Posted: 2002-09-12 11:22pm
by Raziel
As I recall the guy tried to convince Buzz to swear over the bible that he had walked on the moon. It was at this point that he gave the guy a knuckle and liver sandwich.
Posted: 2002-09-13 06:02pm
by White Cat
It's definitely satire. Look at his
correspondence with a real Holocaust-denier.
Posted: 2002-09-13 10:59pm
by Nick
White Cat wrote:It's definitely satire. Look at his
correspondence with a real Holocaust-denier.
The disclaimer is also a hint to its satirical nature:
"DISCLAIMER: All editorial content on this website is strictly not the writer’s/author’s opinion. THE MAD REVISIONIST, located on the moon, is owned and operated by accident. The content of this page is the copyrighted property of THE MAD REVISIONIST. Any copying or circulating of this page, in whole or in part, without the expressed permission of THE MAD REVISIONIST will be taken as a compliment. "
Personally, I like the Potato Famine hoax :> Fear the Irish Diaspora!
Posted: 2002-09-13 11:13pm
by Sea Skimmer
*Warning brain cell loss reaching critical rate, internet connection deactivation in twenty seconds, Warning sanity reserves at 20%*
If this isn't satire, Wong/God help us all, I can feel my IQ dropping..
Posted: 2002-09-13 11:27pm
by Nick
Sea Skimmer wrote:*Warning brain cell loss reaching critical rate, internet connection deactivation in twenty seconds, Warning sanity reserves at 20%*
If this isn't satire, Wong/God help us all, I can feel my IQ dropping..
The site itself is certainly satire (far too self-consistent, for one thing), but some of the posted feedback is a little on the scary side.
Posted: 2002-09-14 12:00am
by Cal Wright
If there's no moon, then what did I squat and pissed over the other night after a round in a pub?