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When you were younger

Posted: 2003-06-09 09:52pm
by thecreech
What were some of the strange things you thought about/done/tried/didn't understand when you were younger? For example, When i was younger i wanted to pee out chocolate milk. So i drank as much chocolate milk as possible and when i went to the bathroom i was very disappointed. I tried that for about a week and gave up. What about you guys

Posted: 2003-06-09 09:57pm
by Montcalm
When i was young i accidently cut myself on the arm,and that night i drank tomato juice,and in my 4 year old mind i thought that the juice would replace the blood i lost.

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:00pm
by UltraViolence83
I scrapped my knuckles on a stucco house (with inset gravel) while riding my bike past it to see what would happen. I still have the scars.

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:07pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Pretty standard fare, if I simply covered my eyes/looked away/moved in such a way that I could not make eye contact with someone, they wouldn't be able to see me.

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:10pm
by thecreech
JediNeophyte wrote:Pretty standard fare, if I simply covered my eyes/looked away/moved in such a way that I could not make eye contact with someone, they wouldn't be able to see me.
Yup... i thought if i just closed my eyes no one could see me

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:16pm
by YT300000
I rammed my head into the wall repetedly. I partially cracked my skull.

Based on that experience, I formulated the theory that heads are weaker than walls.

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:25pm
by IRG CommandoJoe
[Sinatra] When I was 17... [/Sinatra]

...oh wait I still am. :P

I used to believe God existed. That's pretty weird in retrospect, don't you think?

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:27pm
by UltraViolence83
I also would watch Full Metal Jacket, the Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and The Silence of the Lambs back before I could even read.

Wonder if it affected me? :twisted:

Another thing I used to do was cry for no reason at all. Connection?

Posted: 2003-06-09 10:27pm
by Mark S
When I was very young I didn't like milk but really liked apple juice. I also liked horses (bare with me here). When someone told me that milk came from cows, I didn't quite believe it and said that if milk could come from cows than apple juice came from horses. I never understood until later why adults would laugh at this.

Posted: 2003-06-09 11:49pm
by Zaia
I used to think that I was the queen of the ocean and could control the crashing of the waves.

Posted: 2003-06-09 11:59pm
by Dalton
Apparently I once walked around the block when I was like five or six and knocked on the door. Dad thought I was one of the other neighborhood kids :|

Then there was the fun time I tried to unlock an electrical socket.

Posted: 2003-06-10 12:13am
by XaLEv
I know I have some, but I can't for the life of me remember what they were. :?

Posted: 2003-06-10 12:23am
by Captain tycho
At the age of 5 or 6, I believed I could make the doors to the grocery store open just by moving close to them. Then I found out they were automatic doors, and my dreams of telekinesis were ruined by harsh reality. :)

Posted: 2003-06-10 12:27am
by Cal Wright
I know I had a ton of things, but like Xalev can't really remember any. I know I had a fear of the walking costume when I was a kid. Not sure how my overactive imagination managed that one. Just that I remember being in the den one time, and looking up to see basically like a kid in a white sheet being a ghost walking past the door way. From then on I was like über afraid to be out there by myself.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:10am
by Drewcifer
I used to believe that all drains were connected. I lost a really cool bouncy ball down the storm sewer once, but was happy thinking that the whales at SeaLand would play with, since they had a drain in their tank, and they're all connected, ya know?

Also, reguarding drains, I thought that maybe there were people living down there. I would talk down into drains in sinks and tubs, asking if anyone was down there. I did this at every house I went to. Never got an answer though :?

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:11am
by Durandal
You know those body wash commercials? The ones that tease you wish a torso shot of the woman, just barely cutting off the goods? I always used to look at the TV from an upward angle to see if I could get the rest.

To me, it made perfect sense. Unfortunately, observation didn't match theory, so it was back to the scrambled porn channels ... er, drawing board.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:15am
by Zaia
Drewcifer wrote:I used to believe that all drains were connected.
LOL--That reminds me!!!!!!

My parents told me that when I was being toilet-trained, I would flush the toilet, wave goodbye to my poop and tell them it was going to Fairlawn (a town near Paterson, NJ, where my parents and I lived at the time). They thought it was fuckin' hilarious that I had randomly picked a town where everyone's shit ended up in one giant pile or something. :D

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:20am
by RedImperator
I used to think I could make stoplights turn green with my mind. I'm very sad I don't actually have this ability.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:30am
by Drewcifer
Zaia wrote:...I would flush the toilet, wave goodbye to my poop and tell them it was going to Fairlawn...
:lol: At least now I know where my bouncy ball really went to :)

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:32am
by RedImperator
I can believe all the shit in the state would end up near Paterson.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:40am
by TrailerParkJawa
When I was a child I remember wondering who was first in traffic. I thought it must be neat to not have anyone in front of you when you where driving.

I also remembering not being able to understand the concept of my dads work being closed. I remember one holiday , he said the plant was closed. I envisioned "the plant" as being an industrial facility like a quarry, when in reality my dad worked at Lockheed Sunnyvale.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:47am
by Ghost Rider
My dad on some gleeful kick would tell me frozen juice was just a bunch of fruit swished into the can and that adding water made juice.

Course he's also the person who basically told me the realities of many I just thought this was just another odd fun fact(much like what Hot Dogs were made of)

Course this is the same person who reminded me about Santa not being real and that my first name(spelled backwards) and intials basically said I was going straight to hell(my intials are DAM...)

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:51am
by neoolong
I used to think that life was fair. Then I grew up.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:52am
by Stuart Mackey
I dont remember doing much that was strange..I do rember dabating the merits of republicanism vs monarchy at age 6 and complaining about Britians defence budget and the choice of 'Through deck cruisers' over proper aircraft carriers during the Falklands war.

Posted: 2003-06-10 01:54am
by aphexmonster
I used to think while running away from something, it was better to look behind me at what i was running from. Two times i ran into something in front of me, and two times i had seizures ... i only look in front of me when i run now. :roll: