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Overcoming Speaker's Block?

Posted: 2003-06-12 12:57am
by Ice
Agh, dammit, I can never think of something to keep a conversation going with people. I'll get to a certain point and then just...stop. It's really frustrating. Can anyone offer any tips or suggestions, like some topics that one can keep at for awhile, or are fairly generic to keep things moving? :|

Posted: 2003-06-12 12:58am
by Dalton
Movies, weather, buttsex.

Posted: 2003-06-12 12:59am
by Ice
Dalton wrote:Movies, weather, buttsex.
Movies - doing that, but she hasn't gone to see any recently, despite my attempts to the contary.

Weather - worth a shot.

Buttsex - Hm, she may be a she, but I don't quite feel that way about her. But give it hormones will eventually crap all over my moral qualms and normal restraint in such matters, I'm sure. :|

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:03am
by Ghost Rider
Future, books, sexual positions you'd want to try.

All sorts of things.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:08am
by neoolong
Her. Talk about her. Seems to me that if you get her to talk about herself you don't have to talk. And you get points for being a good listener.

And you can just repeat stuff she says. That makes it look like you're involved in the conversation without actually having to think about it. :D

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:09am
by Ice
Ghost Rider wrote:Future, books, sexual positions you'd want to try.

All sorts of things.
Sexual positions?

And people say my mind is in the gutter?

Oh well, this is the price I pay I guess.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:10am
by Ghost Rider
Pfft mind in gutter...please.

Most women on say first times I don't talk this about...but try approach sexual talk to women.

You find out the most fascinating things.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:12am
by Ice
Ghost Rider wrote:You find out the most fascinating things.
Well, I did see this guy argue with a girl about where her G-spot is. If only I had been a member of the SD.Net Forums then (alas, they did not exist then) I would've suggested me and her go and find out. :twisted:

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:15am
by Ghost Rider
Ice wrote:
Ghost Rider wrote:You find out the most fascinating things.
Well, I did see this guy argue with a girl about where her G-spot is. If only I had been a member of the SD.Net Forums then (alas, they did not exist then) I would've suggested me and her go and find out. :twisted:
Sometimes good...but that'll usually get a slap in the face unless you knew her(believe me saw many a friend go this route...get bitchslapped hard by the girl)

Saw it only sorta succeed.....once.

And I honestly don't believe in using up my good luck mojo for that.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:17am
by Ice
Ghost Rider wrote:Sometimes good...but that'll usually get a slap in the face unless you knew her(believe me saw many a friend go this route...get bitchslapped hard by the girl)

Saw it only sorta succeed.....once.

And I honestly don't believe in using up my good luck mojo for that.
This was a girl who practicly swore to find someone to get me laid by graduation. So I figure I probably coulda used that to at least avoid a bitchslap, and who knows? May've worked.

By the way, she didn't keep that promise. :|

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:23am
by Joe Momma
neoolong wrote:And you can just repeat stuff she says. That makes it look like you're involved in the conversation without actually having to think about it. :D
Better yet, paraphrase it. That way it sounds like you're listening and you agree with her without coming off like a sycophant. And you still don't have to do much work that way.

Save up a list of generic questions that you can ask her about, preferably related to something she's interested in. You can get good advice and demonstrate you're respect her by seeking out her input. Most ladies dig it if you ask their advice about your wardrobe, for example. I know it sounds sexist, but I've found it's a fairly safe generic subject.

-- Joe Momma

Posted: 2003-06-12 12:54pm
by Darth Yoshi
Mention tentacles of some sort.
No wait, that usually ends a conversation. Damn.

Ask her what lame pick up lines she's heard.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:05pm
by irishmick79
Just drop in the story about the time you were in Bosnia, and had a serious leg wound from Serbian schrapnel. You see, you were bleeding to death, and needed a tourniquit fast, right? So you found this set of underwear....and I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:07pm
by J
Hug them, poke them, or just smile and give them cute looks. They'll likely break into giggles and from there you can joke around and be goofy for a while until you think of somthing.

Posted: 2003-06-12 01:25pm
by Zaia
Are you asking about meaningful conversation, or shootin'-the-breeze conversation? The first is actually a hell of a lot easier, I think. And way more interesting.

Posted: 2003-06-12 03:16pm
by Ice
Zaia wrote:Are you asking about meaningful conversation, or shootin'-the-breeze conversation? The first is actually a hell of a lot easier, I think. And way more interesting.
Either way is good.

Posted: 2003-06-12 03:20pm
by Gil Hamilton
Like anything, good conversation skills require constant practice to develop. Just keep trying to talk to people, see what works and what gets you odd looks, and eventually you'll be able to talk to anyone.

Also, try not to censor yourself when you are talking. If you declare everything you are about to say stupid and therefore don't say it, you'll never talk. In my experience, 9/10ths of all conversation, especially when you first meet a person, is composed of inane chatter. You may get some weird looks, but chances are, the people will chatter dumbly right back. And thus the foundation for real conversation is born.

On a final note, I found that having a dog and walking said dog in the park and around the neighborhood will increase your potential chances with the jogger and lady dogwalker demographic. Women tend to like dogs alot and sometimes wants to meet the dog.

Posted: 2003-06-12 03:29pm
by Ice
Gil Hamilton wrote:On a final note, I found that having a dog and walking said dog in the park and around the neighborhood will increase your potential chances with the jogger and lady dogwalker demographic. Women tend to like dogs alot and sometimes wants to meet the dog.
I'd get another dog, but my first one died, and I'd rather not go through that again. Maybe when I have kids of my own (which, at the rate things are going, will happen sometime after I am declared Lord Admin of this BBS. :| )

Posted: 2003-06-12 03:47pm
by Dargos
The future, the past, and current events. And don't try so hard to come up with a subject to talk about, thats how most people stymie themselves in the first place.