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Hey Dads of the board!

Posted: 2003-06-15 03:10pm
by Frank Hipper
It's Father's Day here in the U.S. today, so happy Father's Day to you all.

Can't believe you insensitive bastards here haven't started a thread already. :D

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:06pm
by Dalton
I can't even begin to imagine what Mike's getting down to tonight.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:08pm
by BrYaN19kc
Matt and I were a little nervous about this, but this year we BOTH signed each other's cards and letters to our dads'.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:10pm
by Dalton
BrYaN19kc wrote:Matt and I were a little nervous about this, but this year we BOTH signed each other's cards and letters to our dads'.
More power to ya.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:14pm
by Frank Hipper
Dalton wrote:I can't even begin to imagine what Mike's getting down to tonight.
*cues porno wah-pedal guitar* :D

He's a lucky guy, our Darth Wong. :wink:

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:15pm
by Darth Gojira
My brother, mother and I all collaborated to buy my father a Jesus of Nazereth DVD(He's into theology, we get into many interesting discussions), and a teddy bear with a San Francisco Giants uniform(He bought tickets earlier to go see the Giants-Sox games). What did you guys get your dads?

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:20pm
by Frank Hipper
Dad got a grill, and we're cooking enough food to choke a mule team.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:22pm
by XaLEv
Darth Gojira wrote: What did you guys get your dads?
I didn't know it was today until I saw this thread.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:50pm
by El Moose Monstero
Being at uni makes it hard to anything more than say it, but we're not very big on it in our family - we all know we love each other and I spend quite a lot of time already telling them both that they're the coolest parents ever, but if I had been home, I'd have probably picked up a couple of bottles of real ale or taken him to the pub for a quick drink.

Posted: 2003-06-15 04:51pm
by Lonestar
I got my dad 5 lbs of Licorce Snaps. :)

Posted: 2003-06-15 05:00pm
by Captain Cyran
My dad got new tires, might get a new computer too.

Posted: 2003-06-15 05:11pm
by Dalton
He's getting a card since I'm poor. And we're going to The Spare Rib.

Posted: 2003-06-15 05:12pm
by Wicked Pilot
I gave my dad the Band of Brothers DVD collection. He's watching it non stop like somekind of robot.

Posted: 2003-06-15 06:15pm
by Alyrium Denryle
I dont know, should I email mine? He did disown me and all.....

Posted: 2003-06-15 07:14pm
by weemadando
The fact that the only time my father has bothered to contact me in the past 10 years (with the exception of when we see each other on the street) was to tell me that my grandmother on that side had died (and even then other relatives on that side called to check that he had bothered to)...

Fuck you dad. Fuck you very much.

Posted: 2003-06-15 08:40pm
by Frank Hipper
Alyrium, Ando, I'm very sorry that your dads suck.
I've known since before the majority of the members here were born that I was luckier than most when it comes to the quality of my parents. But it's still upsetting when you hear how petty, hateful, or downright abusive people can be to their own family.
Sorry. :(

Posted: 2003-06-15 08:46pm
by Rye
Well i phoned my dad, said hello, talked about what we were doing and that was it.

Which comes under "extensive in depth telephone conversation" in our vocabularies...we're not really phone people.

But hey, it was nice.

Even if we did go a year with no contactbecause both of us just didn't phone, but my brother and i have since mended any bridgeswith dad, and visited him in cumbria (end of 28 days later).

Posted: 2003-06-16 06:41am
by Gandalf
Our Father's Day is in September. Though I'm stumped for ideas.

Posted: 2003-06-16 07:25am
by Tsyroc
My parents are out of town on vactation so the presentation of my Father's day present will have to wait until he gets back. :)

Posted: 2003-06-16 07:40am
by Darth Gojira
Wicked Pilot wrote:I gave my dad the Band of Brothers DVD collection. He's watching it non stop like somekind of robot.
Reminds me of my mom and the "I Love Lucy" DVDs we bought her for mother's day. :lol: By now, however, she's snapped out of it.