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For the musicians here:

Posted: 2003-06-16 11:05pm
by Saurencaerthai
I'm right now working on composing/sequencing a tune that I have in my head. The question I have for you guys, is as follows: When you have the exact melody in your head, but it isn't coming out onto the staves, what do you do to help get it out?

Posted: 2003-06-16 11:08pm
by UltraViolence83
Just keep trying, man. I've never been properly trained to use the guitar well, so I can't really offer any better advice other than that.

Posted: 2003-06-17 12:08am
by Larz
Try harder... thats really the only way to go. Of course, if you want something else other than that, then you could just right down a general pitch diagram of your song. Nothin on the stave, just pick a central note and put dots, lines, etc. where each pitch is relative to the central note and other notes. Once you got it down like that, then you can go about translating that diagram to the stave.

It works, for certian people though. I do it myself (sometimes, I just skip the whole transfer to stave thing and write my comments on the diagram), but don't get discouraged if it doesn't work for you (seems out of the people I've suggested such to, only 1 found it useful...)

Posted: 2003-06-17 12:12am
by Zaia
Sing it into a handheld tape recorder, record it, and then revisit it again and again until I get it right. Otherwise I lose the original melody.

Posted: 2003-06-17 12:14am
by Joe
Toot/pluck/whatever a few notes of the melody out on your horn/guitar/piano/whatever. It helps me out whenever I'm trying to transcribe something.

Posted: 2003-06-17 03:29am
by Hethrir
I usually make up a drum track on my computer, record the chord progression, then play the lead over the top till i get it.

Posted: 2003-06-17 03:32am
by Drewcifer
I've found when I'm having trouble getting some notes out of my head, I'm often trying too hard to force them out. With that in mind, try to break from your regular routine. Maybe improvise on it for a bit. Or make a tape of the phrase (like Zaia suggested) then play the tape backwards. Anything to mix things up and let the music flow out on its own. Forget about getting it set to paper just yet.

Too, if you get really frustrated over, set it down and forget about it. Just be sure to keep some paper and pencil by your bed, as the muse often visits in the dead of night...

Posted: 2003-06-17 07:42am
by Col. Crackpot
i've ben known to call home and whistle into the answering machine if a tune comes to me while i am out. that's what worked for me, a recording of my own whistling.

Posted: 2003-06-17 09:31am
by Peregrin Toker
I simply try to play it. :D

Posted: 2003-06-17 12:18pm
by Kelly Antilles
Curse my perfect pitch.... Best bet as most everyone is saying, sit down and perform it to the best of your ability. If you can read music, I'm sure you know a little piano. Don't even try to get it in the same key. Go for the progression. You can always change key later. Write down the notes then work on putting it on the staves.

Posted: 2003-06-17 09:01pm
by haas mark
Download a composing program and do your best. :?
