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Hobby Link Japan divorces UPS

Posted: 2003-06-18 12:54am
by generator_g1
For Spanky and others who order online on HLJ, this might be of some interest... :wink:

Interesting how they claim SAL delivers between "a few days to two weeks" considering most of the time it takes 3 - 6 weeks for them to arrive on the west coast.

Posted: 2003-06-18 01:52am
by Damaramu
SHIT! That fucking sucks.... :evil:

Posted: 2003-06-18 04:21am
by generator_g1
There's still

Posted: 2003-06-18 04:22am
by Laird
Oh well HLJ was a great company to order from.

Posted: 2003-06-18 08:19pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Hmm, while this isn't the best possible news, it's not the worst, either. I'll still be ordering from them, but from now on I'll have to be careful as to how I do it.

I really don't see it as that much of a problem.

EDIT: Besides, there are still a lot of items that I can order at HLJ that I can't get at other places like 1999...