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Well, this sucks. (hey, a Gil Hamilton personal news report)
Posted: 2003-06-18 06:05pm
by Gil Hamilton
I don't normally do this, since I think posting threads about misfortunes in ones personal life is really whoring for attention, but since I'd just be sending PMs to a halfdozen or so people that expressed interest in this, it's simpler to make a public thread to reach all of them in one post.
So with that lame excuse, to the people who've expressed interest and good will toward me. Anyway, as some of you know, I intended on joining the Coast Guard this summer, and was waiting for the recruiter to get back to me after I sent her my medical records. Well, she did get back to me this morning and it turns out the series of migraines I had in highschool were common and frequent enough to constitute a "history", and that MEPS would not see me because of it, therefore I am disqualified from enlisting. I haven't actually had one since about my junior year in highschool, 4 years ago, and the cause was never diagnosed but I suppose it makes sense. Oh well.
*gets off his soapbox*
Posted: 2003-06-18 06:07pm
by Howedar
I'm sorry to hear that.
Posted: 2003-06-18 06:08pm
by thecreech
Wow... im sorry dude. There always needing people to join and they reject you for that? (shakes head)
Posted: 2003-06-18 10:10pm
by Gandalf
Sorry to hear that man, I know how you feel.
Posted: 2003-06-18 10:14pm
by Montcalm
DAMN that sucks,bunch of idiots for turning you down.
Posted: 2003-06-18 10:59pm
by FaxModem1
My condolences Gil
Posted: 2003-06-19 10:46pm
by Dalton
Could you still join if the doctors diagnosed you as no longer prone?
Re: Well, this sucks. (hey, a Gil Hamilton personal news rep
Posted: 2003-06-20 12:22am
by TrailerParkJawa
Gil Hamilton wrote:I am disqualified from enlisting. I haven't actually had one since about my junior year in highschool, 4 years ago, and the cause was never diagnosed but I suppose it makes sense. Oh well.
*gets off his soapbox*
I was dq'd at MEPS when I wanted to enlist in the USMC. It was for respitory problems as a kid. They wanted me to take a test for a waiver, but I decided to finish another year of school. When I went back they wouldnt bother with the test. My fault, my shame.
I know how you must feel. All I can say is dont brood like I do. Take advantage of your time, you are young and have many choices in front of you. Most of all if you wanna join, see if you can apply for a waiver.
PS: Doesnt it piss you off, that military heroe like Grant and Roosevelt had similar problems and wouldnt be allowed today.
Posted: 2003-06-20 12:38am
by Sea Skimmer
Dalton wrote:Could you still join if the doctors diagnosed you as no longer prone?
Likely not. There is a long list of conditions which will bar you from military service and no of them have time constrains as I recall. There are also a lot of medications, which if you have been prescribed at any point will also bar you from joining.
Posted: 2003-06-20 12:54am
by Gil Hamilton
Dalton wrote:Could you still join if the doctors diagnosed you as no longer prone?
Well, I would have had a better chance if it was when I was, say, 12 when I had the headaches as opposed to 17ish. But migraines are one of those things that disqualify you basically automatically, according to the recruiter, under normal circumstances. If I came back in a few years still migraine free, they might be more inclined to let me in, but I don't know. People have been disqualified for much less, appearantly.
Posted: 2003-06-20 02:07am
by Dalton
Well, I wish you the best in any case!
Posted: 2003-06-20 03:05am
by Tosho
Sorry Man.