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::flip flip:: ... hey whats monster talkin about ?

Posted: 2003-06-19 02:41pm
by aphexmonster
Hey all ... im sayin this kinda late, but ill make this minor announcement right now. Im leaving in a few hours to Florida, so i dont think ill be around the board for about 2 weeks. Im not sure how the internet situation is over there, but i have no clue. Its been fun, and im takin a vacation :D Somebody tell me about what i missed when i get back!

Posted: 2003-06-19 02:57pm
by thecreech
What's up with everyone going to florida. Go some place where that won't make me jealous like, New jersey or Maine

Posted: 2003-06-19 03:11pm
by Batman
theheap wrote:What's up with everyone going to florida. Go some place where that won't make me jealous like, New jersey or Maine
Ah, but if your not making people jealous what's the point of anouncing it? :wink:

Good trip, aphexmonster.Have fun.

Posted: 2003-06-19 03:16pm
by Montcalm
theheap wrote:What's up with everyone going to florida. Go some place where that won't make me jealous like, New jersey or Maine
"Come to Quebec there is no sharks no alligators no Cuban invasion,and its not boiling hot" :wink:

Posted: 2003-06-19 07:48pm
by phongn
Sunscreen and an umbrella - you'll need them.

Posted: 2003-06-19 07:50pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Florida is Hell to some.

So enjoy your vacation in Hell... :P

Posted: 2003-06-20 04:29pm
by aphexmonster
if i get attacked by a gator, i will shit a brick, and then post about it.... considering i have both of my hands ;) ...

yaye for me finding the internet!~

Posted: 2003-06-20 04:33pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
What area of FL are you going to?

Oh, and to all you FL-bashers out there, shaddup. I know you will want to come down here when you retire (well, here or California, and I think CA is getting full)
aphexmonster wrote:if i get attacked by a gator, i will shit a brick, and then post about it.... considering i have both of my hands ;) ...

yaye for me finding the internet!~
some 12-year old kid just died by gator attack recently. Apparently the gator population is highest it's ever been. Just a little piece of friendly information for ya.

(actually, the kid was taunting the gator, so it's kinda his stupidity. I don't think one will go and try to eat you just cause you happen to be near it)