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Which politician is dumber?

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:17pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington D.C. :
" I read a funny story about how the Republicans freed the slaves. The Republicans are the ones who created slavery by law in the 1600's. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was not a Republican."

" The brave men who died in Vietnam, more than 100% of which were black, were the ultimate sacrifice."

" I am making this trip to Africa because Washington is an international city, just like Tokyo, Nigeria or Israel. As mayor, I am an international symbol. Can you deny that to Africa?"

" The laws in this city are clearly racist. All laws are racist. The law of gravity is racist."

" I am clearly more popular than Reagan. I am in my third term. Where's Reagan? Gone after two! Defeated by George Bush and Michael Dukakis no less."

" If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very very low crime rate."

" I promise you a police car on every sidewalk."

" What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?"

" People blame me because these water mains break, but I ask you, if the water mains didn't break, would it be my responsibility to fix them then? WOULD IT!?!"
Or, former Senator/Vice President Dan Quayle:
"We're going to have the best-educated American people in the world."

"There is one picture on TV I'll never forget - the picture of a man being pulled from his truck and being beaten to death."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle talking about a LA riot video tape showing 33-year-old Reginald Denny being beaten unconscious. Denny, however, did not die from the attack. (Reported by AP 5/1/92, taken from the Quayle Quarterly, Summer/Fall 1992)

"Speaking as a man, it's not a woman's issue. Us men are tired of losing our women."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle talking about breast cancer

"We should develop anti-satellite weapons because we could not have prevailed without them in `Red Storm Rising'."
-- Senator Dan Quayle, 9/6/88 (reported in Esquire, 8/92) Also reported by Newsweek, 9/88

"Maybe you guys will get lucky this year and face the Orioles in the World Series."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle encouraging the Milwaukee Brewers after throwing out the opening pitch of the season. Both teams are in the American League. (5/3/92 Sunday Detroit News)

"My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will never, never surrender to what is right."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle speaking to the Christian Coalition about the need for abstinence to avoid AIDS, 11/15/91 (reported in Esquire, 8/92)

"Okay, I won't open it until then."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle after having been presented with an empty box that was to contain a gift from a sailing team in South America. He was told that the gift was not ready yet, but that it would be presented to him when they arrived in the United States.

"If you give a person a fish, they'll fish for a day. But if you train a person to fish, they'll fish for a lifetime."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle while at a job training center in Atlanta celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Job Training Partnership Act, which Quayle helped to sponsor while a senator, 10/13/92. (reported in the NY Times, 10/14/92).

"I have made good judgments in the Past.
I have made good judgments in the Future."

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:19pm
by Sea Skimmer
Marion Barry was just plain insane

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:20pm
by Joe
Marion Berry, by far. Most of Dan Quayle's idiocy appears to be accidental, while Marion Berry appears to be genuinely stupid.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:20pm
by Steve
Stupidity.... too much...... GAAAAAAAAAAGGGGH!

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:22pm
by Pablo Sanchez
I'm going to disagree here, because of semantics. Marion Barry isn't stupid, he's a crack-addled schizo. Quayle, on the other hand, is just plain stupid.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:23pm
by Montcalm
On the stupidity level they are equal,One is genetic the other i think took too much drugs.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:43pm
by fgalkin
Barry, definitely.
What right does Congress have to go around making laws just because they deem it necessary?"
Wtf? :wtf:

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:46pm
by Andrew J.
It's close, but I'll say Barry, for now. The Qualye list should really have the "my fellow astronauts" bit, though.

Posted: 2003-06-22 09:53pm
by Stormbringer
Dan Quayle. Because he's that dumb without crack.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:02pm
by Ghost Rider
While MB was defintly a crack head(which the voters of DC re-elected into mayor's office....)

I'd say Quayle is dumber since he had no drugs flowing through his body, thus clouding his mind...that was 100% him.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:09pm
by Frank Hipper
Great thread, Duchess! :D

Quayle. But it was pretty much a coin-toss decision.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:14pm
by The Duchess of Zeon
Andrew J. wrote:The Qualye list should really have the "my fellow astronauts" bit, though.
That and the "Conservatives believe in the importance of bondage between mother and child" one, too--but I wanted nine from each. Though I could have found some more good Barry ones, no doubt...

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:19pm
by Joe
"I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix."

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:31pm
by Gil Hamilton
Durran Korr wrote:Marion Berry, by far. Most of Dan Quayle's idiocy appears to be accidental, while Marion Berry appears to be genuinely stupid.
I don't know about that, Dan Quayle has always come across to me as a genuinely stupid person as well. Not to the degree Marion Berry is, but he's still a dummy.

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:42pm
by justifier
Berry, he's just fucking insane

Posted: 2003-06-22 10:53pm
by Gandalf
Barry, just.

Though we need some Dubya in here. Stat.

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:35am
by RedImperator
Gandalf wrote:Barry, just.

Though we need some Dubya in here. Stat.
Pah. Dubya gets tongue-bungled and spits out a word like "misunderestimated". He can't hold a candle to these two.

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:49am
by HemlockGrey
Don't misunderestimate Dubya. In the future he has said over 100% more stupid things than both of those men ever will.

Posted: 2003-06-23 12:50am
by Spanky The Dolphin

Insanity always beats screw ups.

Posted: 2003-06-23 01:35am
by Darth Wong
Quayle. Both are idiots, but Barry somehow got people to vote for him after getting caught smoking crack. Quayle got the vice presidency gift-wrapped on a silver platter and hasn't been able to get on TV to save his life since then.

Posted: 2003-06-23 01:36am
by Joe
RedImperator wrote:
Gandalf wrote:Barry, just.

Though we need some Dubya in here. Stat.
Pah. Dubya gets tongue-bungled and spits out a word like "misunderestimated". He can't hold a candle to these two.
Dubya just can't speak English. He doesn't say stuff as mind-numbingly stupid as some of the Berry stuff here on a regular basis, nor stuff as mind-numbingly dumb as the Quayle stuff.

Posted: 2003-06-23 01:37am
by HemlockGrey
Wow. Mike can comment on American politics, and I have difficulty remembering the capital of Canada.

Incidentally, does anyone actually live in Iqaluit(sp?)?

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:22am
by Gil Hamilton
HemlockGrey wrote:Wow. Mike can comment on American politics, and I have difficulty remembering the capital of Canada.

Incidentally, does anyone actually live in Iqaluit(sp?)?
Pssst... the Canadian capital is Canucktopia...

Re: Which politician is dumber?

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:47am
by Peregrin Toker
Marion Barry wrote:"The law of gravity is racist."
It takes a moron extraordinaire to come with such a dumb statement.