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Posted: 2003-06-23 02:00pm
by Mr Flibble
After speaking to a lot of friends I have found that a surprising number of them have depression which requires medication, and several who have been so depressed as to be suicidal (myself included). I am curious to see how many people here are suffering from depression or have suffered from it.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:07pm
by Joe
Depends. I get depressed alot, but I don't think I suffer from the medical depression.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:21pm
by Rye
This was done a while ago by verilon i think.

And i reckon im manic depressive, but i won't get it checked out.

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:49pm
by thecreech
I was Depressed for awhile back. It was over a girl that was about it. I never took any meds for it or anything of the sort i just worked thru it

Posted: 2003-06-23 02:51pm
by El Moose Monstero
I can get down everynow and then, but who doesnt, most of the time I'm a happy fluffy bunny... :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:10pm
by XaLEv
I get depressed occasionally, but it's never very bad. I've never taken any medication for it.

I remember seeing a thread a while back about what drugs people are taking, and was kinda surprised about the number of antidepressants.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:13pm
by YT300000
The_Lumberjack wrote:I can get down everynow and then, but who doesnt, most of the time I'm a happy fluffy bunny... :mrgreen:
:evil: Lucky fool. :kill: :kill:

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:28pm
by El Moose Monstero
The downside is, of course, that I live in perpetual fear of myxamatosis, psychic rabbits and my warren being invaded by mad evil rabbits from hell...

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:36pm
by Batman
I do get depressed every once in a while, but by and large I'm content.

Oh, and The_Lumberjack, considering this is I'll propably regret asking, but what is myxamatosis?

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:41pm
by El Moose Monstero
Well, I may have mispelt it, but as I recall, it's a disease that was given to rabbits to control the population, rather nasty one, kills em, but sends them blind in the process. Although someone can probably provide a better and more accurate explanation, I only really know it from the occassional news reference and Watership Down.

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:51pm
by Batman
The_Lumberjack wrote:Well, I may have mispelt it, but as I recall, it's a disease that was given to rabbits to control the population, rather nasty one, kills em, but sends them blind in the process. Although someone can probably provide a better and more accurate explanation, I only really know it from the occassional news reference and Watership Down.
Well, this rabbit fixation is somewhat disconcerting...
You wouldn't actually be a vengeance demon would you :?

*backs away slowly*

Posted: 2003-06-23 03:56pm
by El Moose Monstero
Depends, you wronged any women later? Zaia? I need an excuse here... :D

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:15pm
by Batman
The_Lumberjack wrote:Depends, you wronged any women later? Zaia? I need an excuse here... :D
Nope. Pure as the driven snow. Veritable angel. :angelic:
*aside*I could use some help here Alfred*/aside*

I do believe Anyanka could be distracted by the prospect of Sex, Master
Ack! But he's a guy :wtf:

Great. Zaia's going to have a field day, LadyTevar is getting married, and I hardly know jmac and the others :?

Um-Einy? Verilon? ANYBODY from the GALE force?


:P :P :P

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:18pm
by El Moose Monstero
Strictly speaking, I'm a hybrid between a Human and a Moose-Monster, but we're getting somewhat distant from the topic here... :D

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:21pm
by Batman
The_Lumberjack wrote:Strictly speaking, I'm a hybrid between a Human and a Moose-Monster, but we're getting somewhat distant from the topic here... :D
OK, consider this the official 'end of threadjack' post.


Posted: 2003-06-23 04:21pm
by HemlockGrey
I've been disappointed, annoyed at myself, etc. etc. but never really depressed. Don't take any meds for it(or any meds at all, now that my asthma seems to have receded), have never been clinically depressed, so forth and so on.

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:23pm
by Sea Skimmer
I was diagnosed with depression some time ago, after a few months on medication I stopped taking it and suddenly felt much better and begin sleeping again. I have not seen any form of mental health worker since and that will not be changing.

Posted: 2003-06-23 04:33pm
by Raptor 597
I have an anxiety disorder which leads to paranoria. And very few times gets me very nervous and depressed. But that is very rare.

Posted: 2003-06-23 06:06pm
by Mutant Headcrab
I used to take anti-depressants as a child. Then I found out in recent years that the medicine I was on has been found to cause dementia in children. Chalk that up as the third medicine I've been on that ultimately was more harmful than good.

Posted: 2003-06-23 06:39pm
by aerius
Had a case of depression in highschool when it seemed like everything was going wrong. Got to the point where I was cutting classes and almost failed a few courses. I almost killed myself but thanks to some good friends and the thought that too many assholes would be happy to see me dead, I didn't. And that was the turning point, I put my life back order and got my grades back up. Took me a while, but I pulled through.

And then a few years later I took a bad fall off my bike and ended up with a bad concussion with lots of lingering after-effects. My memory retention was shot to hell and I had to drop all my courses and ended up having to take a year off university, and for a time I didn't think I'd ever be able to go back. I really let myself go for a few months, I in a haze just basically sulked and did nothing. I was kinda like "my brain is fucked, I can't handle university, my life is over", talk about thinking negative thoughts. But as time went on I started getting my mental capabilities back and I realize that well, I might actually have a future after all. I never recovered fully and doubt I ever will, but what I have was good enough to let me take courses part time. It'll take me longer to graduate, but one day I will.

Posted: 2003-06-23 06:44pm
by Robert Treder
Never been depressed. Or maybe I'm always depressed, but I bottle up my feelings, and one day I'll explode like the Hulk, and smash everything. That'd be cool.

Posted: 2003-06-23 09:18pm
by Trytostaydead
Hmph.. there isn't a college kid out there that ISN'T under some form of depression.

All those late nights, irregular sleeping patterns, stress, bad-eating habits and everything can all kick the shit out of your serotonin

Posted: 2003-06-23 09:28pm
by AdmiralKanos
Depression. When I was in university, they called it a phase that you'll grow out of. Now, it's a diagnosis treatable with expensive chemicals. Has the teen suicide rate dropped as a result of this improvement?

Posted: 2003-06-23 09:29pm
by Damaramu
I do not suffer from depression. :?

Posted: 2003-06-23 09:50pm
by Trytostaydead
AdmiralKanos wrote:Depression. When I was in university, they called it a phase that you'll grow out of. Now, it's a diagnosis treatable with expensive chemicals. Has the teen suicide rate dropped as a result of this improvement?
Well, most people usually do not acknowledge that they are suffering from depression or the small doses usually given do nothing and it usually takes a syngergism. But most people usually only want to treat the symptoms, not the cause.

Also, many people see these 'expensive chemicals' as usually the only solution needed. While yes, they can make you feel a LOT better, to get WELL it takes more than just popping pills.