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I'm back! Officaly!

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:50pm
by Mr Bean
Bow before the might of the Geforce 4 powered(4200 series) 3.06 Ghtz proccessing super laptop

With a gig of ram thrown in to make things intresting :wink:
Good old Dell
Oh and thanks goes out to the very humble looking DSL modem to finaly put me back online for good, no more Lan Cafe's for me, Just another few hours of tweaking and I'll be back to my old 24/7 self agian


Posted: 2003-06-24 06:51pm
by Ghost Rider

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:51pm
by AdmiralKanos
Hip hip HOORAY!

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:54pm
by Kelly Antilles

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:55pm
by thecreech

its just not the same without you beanie

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:55pm
by Sea Skimmer
Welcome back comrade Bean. I'll bow before your computer around the same time you bow before my post count.

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:58pm
by Mark S
Hopefully the motherboard doesn't burn out of that fancy thing. :P

Oh and welcome back. Again.

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:58pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Yay, ol' Blackie is back, uh, Bean, yes. :D

Soon peace and order will be restored to the forums.

Posted: 2003-06-24 06:59pm
by Frank Hipper
It has NOT been the same place without you!

Welcome back! :D

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:00pm
by Next of Kin
Its good to finally have you back Mr. Bean!

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:04pm
by HemlockGrey
Damn. He was gone for the whole damn war and I still didn't manage to exceed his post count.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:08pm
by Mr Bean
Sea Skimmer wrote:Welcome back comrade Bean. I'll bow before your computer around the same time you bow before my post count.
Sometime March 2020 good for you?

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:18pm
by fgalkin
The Newest Horseman salutes you, o Great One.

Welcome back, Bean! :D

Have a very nice day.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:48pm
by irishmick79
Great. Another long-lost SD.Net Denzien comes out of the woodworks? You've got to be kidding me.... :wink:

Anyways, glad to have you back. Hasn't been quite the same since you've been gone.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:51pm
by RedImperator
Welcome back. There was going to be an honor guard of Horsemen, but we're lazy.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:53pm
by Sea Skimmer
Mr Bean wrote: Sometime March 2020 good for you?
As long as its not the twenty first, my master plan calls for an invasion of Malta sometime around noon.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:54pm
by Robert Treder
Welcome back, old bean.

Posted: 2003-06-24 07:58pm
by jegs2
[Something about Mary] "Franks and Beans!" [/Something about Mary]

....couldn't resist...

Posted: 2003-06-24 08:01pm
by Zaia
Welcome back, Beanie Boy!! *hugs* Yay! :D

Posted: 2003-06-24 09:31pm
by Hyperion
Welcome back!

Let me be the first to say...

Posted: 2003-06-24 09:33pm
by StarshipTitanic
You left? :oops:

Posted: 2003-06-24 09:35pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
YATTA!!!! :mrgreen:

Great to have you back, Bean.

Posted: 2003-06-24 09:44pm
by Cal Wright
Let's see

::scrambles around sig line::

Alright, I can get your name outta there. ¤§¤ One more salute.

:: :twisted: ::

Now, it's SHOWTIME!!!

Posted: 2003-06-24 10:22pm
by RogueIce
Welcome back, Sailor! *S*

Please promise me you'll stay in, at least another six years, so I can boss you around sometime? :D

EDIT: Fixed typo.

Re: Let me be the first to say...

Posted: 2003-06-24 10:25pm
by Soontir C'boath
StarshipTitanic wrote:You left? :oops:
You never knew? :shock: I believe it was in the Golden Ribbon thread *or whatever it was called*....

Anyway welcome back to the abode..of......of............. :? ~Jason