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How would you influence technology in 1000AD

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:42pm
by Pu-239
How would you influence technology if you were sent back in time with what you know currently, assumming language barriers do not exist and the fundamentalists do not kill you?

Posted: 2003-06-24 11:46pm
by kojikun
Can I tell them anything? If so, I'd instruct them in working on electrical and steam systems.

Posted: 2003-06-25 12:34am
by Pu-239
You can do anything, but you cannot bring anything with you except clothing.

On the other hand, maybe I should allow the fundies to go chasing after people. Would be interesting... nah.

Posted: 2003-06-25 12:38am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
The only thing I can think of that I could introduce is explosives. It could take awhile but I'm sure I could find some alkaline earth metals lying around somehwere.

Posted: 2003-06-25 01:17am
by neoolong
JediNeophyte wrote:The only thing I can think of that I could introduce is explosives. It could take awhile but I'm sure I could find some alkaline earth metals lying around somehwere.
Black powder should be relatively easy to manufacture.

Oooh, and a carriage of doom. Like in Army of Darkness. :D

I'd work on health and hygine.

Re: How would you influence technology in 1000AD

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:16am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Pu-239 wrote:How would you influence technology if you were sent back in time with what you know currently, assumming language barriers do not exist and the fundamentalists do not kill you?
Improved agricultural plow, modern harness, complete transcription of my knowledge of mathematics, frame-built ships with improved rig based on plans, knowledge of cowpox innoculation against smallpox, attempt to create penicillin, use of antiseptics in medicine (particularly childbirth). Attempt to introduce iron casting. Review and outline physiology where possible. If necessary, conduct repairs to local sewer systems. Replace any lead pipes with copper pipes in local water systems. Institute garbage collection and disposal systems in local cities.

Militarily: Gunpowder, focusing on artillery with napoleonic carriage, bronze cannon if necessary; arquebus if iron-casting, otherwise merely introduce simple copper/leather reinforced, and windlass crossbows. A version of the Chinese repeating crossbow brought up to western tensile strength might be nice; it depends on one's ability to conduct trade, as I do not suspect I could replicate such a thing and improve it without an example. Tactical "innovation" would primarily consist of focus upon discipline and drill that already existed from Roman times, and the introduction of the concept of point-concentration. In fortresses, however, a working knowledge of geometry and an historical knowledge of the trace italienne would allow for the construction of bastions to take advantage of the new gunpowder weapons to their maximum potential.

To really make any of these potential efforts come to the fore, I would need to be in, ideally, the Byzantine Empire (It's 71 years before Manzikert, haha!) and be able to convince the Basileus of my ability to follow through on what I was doing. Nevermind the gender prejudice... However, with lots of trial and error one grants, the majority of what is listed should be accomplished within a decently lengthy lifetime.

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:32am
by Gil Hamilton
*opens his mouth and closes it* Well, the good Duchess seems to have covered almost everything.

I'd also reintroduce modern plumbing, which had existed previously in history but had been lost. Also, teach people about the germ thoery of disease and how cleanliness is ones friend. Along with teaching them that pest control is also a must, this will stem the tide of death that will hit Europe soon.

Of course, their are the massive mechanical engines of old. For instance, when the Romans attacked Syracuse during the Second Punic War, they were greeted by massive war engines designed by none other than Archimedes. Some of these engines were very impressive, such as a crane that lifted and broke Roman ships in half. Such engineering skill was a bit rarer during the Middle Ages and needed to be reintroduced. Might as well be by me. :)

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:36am
by Frank Hipper
Without insulin, I'd be dead in about 36 hours give or take, so no historical fantasizing for me in this scenario!

Duchess, did you know that there were priests in Africa who had knowledge of immunization against smallpox at that time? They kept the knowledge to themselves, in order to spread the disease as a terror weapon, using the scabs and pus of the infected.

Re: How would you influence technology in 1000AD

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:42am
by Howedar
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:Replace any lead pipes with copper pipes in local water systems.
I wouldn't really worry about that one. People aren't going to live long enough for it to matter. I'd plant the seed of knowledge about the danger of lead, but it would take a few generations for your improvements to make enough difference for lead plumbing to be noticed as a hazard.

That said, I'd get my water elsewhere.

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:44am
by Vympel
I'd want a computer and a games workshop set up so I'd have something to do.

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:53am
by BlkbrryTheGreat
I'd want to start laying the foundations for the philosophical collapse of Christianity and superstition in general, in addition to spreading the discipline of reason and any/all scientific knowledge that I could possibly get my hands on before I went back in time. Woo, start the Age of Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution Centuries Early!

Posted: 2003-06-25 03:05am
by Howedar
I would argue that Christianity was not the preventor of an early Enlightenment. People became willing to think and be enlightened only when their more pressing physical needs were taken care of.

Posted: 2003-06-25 07:28am
by Darth Gojira
I'd pack my things and go to the Islamic empire! Who needs Europe at this time? Besides, I might even get them to change their ways, thus getting both arrested AND executed! :wink:

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:19pm
by LT.Hit-Man
Give them nukes :twisted:

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:25pm
by GrandMasterTerwynn
Darth Gojira wrote:I'd pack my things and go to the Islamic empire! Who needs Europe at this time? Besides, I might even get them to change their ways, thus getting both arrested AND executed! :wink:
Yes, the Islamists of the period were a little friendlier to science and reasoning types than the Europeans of the time were. If I were dropped back to around the time of the Crusades, I'd prefer the near-East to Europe.

Posted: 2003-06-25 02:39pm
by Col. Crackpot
Vympel wrote:I'd want a computer and a games workshop set up so I'd have something to do.
computer games? bah! convince the people you're a god and take their virgins. :wink: now that's something to do!

Posted: 2003-06-25 03:18pm
by Peregrin Toker
Col. Crackpot wrote:
Vympel wrote:I'd want a computer and a games workshop set up so I'd have something to do.
computer games? bah! convince the people you're a god and take their virgins. :wink: now that's something to do!
But wouldn't they start becoming suspective as soon they discover he only takes the attractive ones?

Re: How would you influence technology in 1000AD

Posted: 2003-06-25 10:11pm
by Pablo Sanchez
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:A version of the Chinese repeating crossbow brought up to western tensile strength might be nice; it depends on one's ability to conduct trade, as I do not suspect I could replicate such a thing and improve it without an example.
All excellent, Duchess, but I have to ask on this one: How would you cock such a weapon? The Chinese model's relative lack of power was due mostly to the unfortunate weakness of the human form; it can't be too strong, or it will limit your rate of fire or possibly prevent you from firing at all without a lever or windlass.

Re: How would you influence technology in 1000AD

Posted: 2003-06-25 10:22pm
by Stormbringer
Pu-239 wrote:How would you influence technology if you were sent back in time with what you know currently, assumming language barriers do not exist and the fundamentalists do not kill you?
Well, unlike some people I'm going to actually make a worthwhile post.

I'd start showing them how to a make a printing press. That's probably the single most influential invention of the last millenium. With that you have a way to begin spreading and preserving information. That'd be crucial to spread any modern information and make sure it says "discovered" after I was gone.

That said modern hygiene would be numeros dos. The abyssmal conditions of the average middle age village or town are appalling. Changing that would have a huge impact right away.

After that see about expanding trade with the Islamic nations of the time. They preserved lots of knowledge from the Classic Greeks and Romans while adding quite a bit of their own. Also, trade would hopefully prevent the pointless blood letting of the Crusades which still cause trouble nearly a millenia later. (If trade doesn't work, let the Muslims know what the Christians are up to).

Posted: 2003-06-25 11:04pm
by HemlockGrey
Bring back complete knowledge of the current military situation extending forth a hundred years or so, as well as a mental list of major events that will happen shortly.

Giving the natives AK-47's and laptops and such is out, since I have no clue how to build them and the infrastructure required to build them does not exist.

That said, introduce, among the agricultural advances Marina mentioned, the factory system, preferably in a highly developed area like the Byzantine Empire.

For military, build up forces similiar to the Swiss squares of pikemen. Promote the crossbow and use the factory system to begin rampant production of cannons and such.

Further, use my clairvoyance and god-like knowledge to set myself up in a position of power. If in Byzantium, urge the Emperor to crush the Turks decades before Manzikert.

If in Western Europe, use superior military to carve out my own kingdom. Possibly mount an expedition to take out Rome and have the Pope proclaim my position as king or Holy Roman Emperor or something like that.

Posted: 2003-06-25 11:24pm
by irishmick79
I'd master the process of beer brewing and begin mass distribution of favored beverages like Heineken or Guinness.... :twisted:

Posted: 2003-06-25 11:45pm
by SirNitram
My understanding of steam power and printing will help. With those two, I can probably accelerate the Age Of Reason in Europe. That being said, it's gonna be a bitch either way. I don't think I'm cut out to live in that era.

Posted: 2003-06-26 12:50am
by Seggybop
Since I can bring clothing, I'd sew computer parts into my shirt, and plans for a generator into my pants. I'd then construct a generator and use it to power my computer, which would contain detailed historical records, technical plans, and everything else that seems cool. I'd then build the strongest technology I can and take over the world. yay

Posted: 2003-06-26 05:01am
by Shadowhawk
I think encouraging and promoting hygine would actually be the most important thing you can do. Boil water, wash regularly, dispose of waste properly, clean injuries, cook food well...
People will look rather favorably on you when you significantly reduce the number of people dying from cleanliness-related diseases and minor wounds. As a bonus, it's probably the easiest thing you can do.

Posted: 2003-06-26 08:27am
by The Duchess of Zeon
Shadowhawk wrote:As a bonus, it's probably the easiest thing you can do.
Undoubtable, and especially for a woman in Byzantium as I'd postulated for myself; but consider the time period. Basil II is campaigning against the Bulgars and if I can gain the proper influence, certain assistance can be provided. Perhaps enough to gain a position that would give me some chance of arresting the fall after his death. Certainly it would be helpful if there was a small group instead of a single individual--seven people, perhaps, as the number has nice connotations?--but any of us could reasonably revolutionize the 11th century (depending on how one defines a revolution; these days, after all, academia deigns to call the stirrup a "revolution" in some sectors).