Animation takes a shitload of work, and thus requires a significant amount of money to be paid to the army of animators involved. If you look at Anime TV shows, the first few episodes are invariably of a lower quality when compared to later episodes, with a very few exceptions. You can especially see this trend in multiple season shows. Until it is shown to be popular, corners are cut to keep costs down.
Hell, just look at the Simpsons. The first few episodes looked terrible compared to the more recents years.
As for TNN's new cartoons...well, here's my take on them all.
Ren and Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon: I never liked Ren and Stimpy much to begin with. I still don't like it. I don't like the animator's style and I don't like his sense of humor. Animation quality seems roughly the same as the old show, the show itself seems much the same, only now they have openly sexual content. Frankly, I don't give a fuck.
Gary the Rat: Interesting, but so fucking horribly telegraphed it made me cringed. I intensly dislike shows where the first episode takes a fucking lead pipe and starts running around going "I'm a pilot episode! I'm a pilot episode! YAAAAAAAY" while constantly beating plot points that look suspiciously like dead horses. It was mildly humorous in some parts, and it has potential.
Stripperella: Okay, I chuckled at it, primarily because, yes, it was
trying to be stupid. Seriously though, unless Pam gets an acting implant, it's not going to be anything but a silly, stupid show.
TNN's whole "First Network for Men" thing is just plain stupid, in my opinion. It's like they saw The Man Show and decided to take it to a whole new level. Then Spike Lee had to make an ass of himself and get involved. Stupidity all around. For fuck's sake, Spike Lee shouldn't be getting mad over the name "Spike TV"! If anything, Hugh Hefner should be getting pissed off that TNN is claiming to be the first network for men. Let's face it, TV Porn channels have been here for men ever since the early days of cable. Let's compare, shall we?
TNN: Has some new, "racy" animation for adults
Porno Channels: Have porn.
Men need to orgasm, I think we all know this. So which serves that purpose better, Pamela Anderson's voice behind a cartoon construct, or Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's home video?
God, now I'm going to have to see the Italian Job again to wipe away the pain of these memories. God damn my photographic memory!!