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Posted: 2003-06-27 02:38am
by justifier
Maybe I was just deluding myself when I though there was a chance that Stan Lee could make this even a bearable show. It seems that all this show cares about is Pam's boobs. The plot is horribly predictable, the jokes are rather sparse, few of them even produce a chukkle, much less a laugh. Now lets get to what we all knew this show would be anyways. The backgrounds are in a word, "lazy", the character animations and drawings were very poor. I mean, for godssakes if your going to make an animated show focused on hot chicks at lest get decent artists to draw it. F--

Posted: 2003-06-27 02:50am
by lux
I read something about that a while ago.. I don't plan on watching it. I don't see how people can find crap like that entertaining. :?

Posted: 2003-06-27 03:16am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Huh? Who? What? (Well, I know who Stan Lee is but, other than that...)

Posted: 2003-06-27 03:25am
by Howedar
New cartoon on TNN.

Posted: 2003-06-27 04:39am
by justifier
I thought that at least the might have had some good humor

Posted: 2003-06-27 05:23am
by nechronius
I programmed the TiVo. I'll believe it when I see it.

Posted: 2003-06-27 05:25am
by Hotfoot
Animation takes a shitload of work, and thus requires a significant amount of money to be paid to the army of animators involved. If you look at Anime TV shows, the first few episodes are invariably of a lower quality when compared to later episodes, with a very few exceptions. You can especially see this trend in multiple season shows. Until it is shown to be popular, corners are cut to keep costs down.

Hell, just look at the Simpsons. The first few episodes looked terrible compared to the more recents years.

As for TNN's new cartoons...well, here's my take on them all.

Ren and Stimpy's Adult Party Cartoon: I never liked Ren and Stimpy much to begin with. I still don't like it. I don't like the animator's style and I don't like his sense of humor. Animation quality seems roughly the same as the old show, the show itself seems much the same, only now they have openly sexual content. Frankly, I don't give a fuck.

Gary the Rat: Interesting, but so fucking horribly telegraphed it made me cringed. I intensly dislike shows where the first episode takes a fucking lead pipe and starts running around going "I'm a pilot episode! I'm a pilot episode! YAAAAAAAY" while constantly beating plot points that look suspiciously like dead horses. It was mildly humorous in some parts, and it has potential.

Stripperella: Okay, I chuckled at it, primarily because, yes, it was trying to be stupid. Seriously though, unless Pam gets an acting implant, it's not going to be anything but a silly, stupid show.

TNN's whole "First Network for Men" thing is just plain stupid, in my opinion. It's like they saw The Man Show and decided to take it to a whole new level. Then Spike Lee had to make an ass of himself and get involved. Stupidity all around. For fuck's sake, Spike Lee shouldn't be getting mad over the name "Spike TV"! If anything, Hugh Hefner should be getting pissed off that TNN is claiming to be the first network for men. Let's face it, TV Porn channels have been here for men ever since the early days of cable. Let's compare, shall we?

TNN: Has some new, "racy" animation for adults
Porno Channels: Have porn.

Men need to orgasm, I think we all know this. So which serves that purpose better, Pamela Anderson's voice behind a cartoon construct, or Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee's home video?

God, now I'm going to have to see the Italian Job again to wipe away the pain of these memories. God damn my photographic memory!! :banghead:

Posted: 2003-06-27 06:02am
by Gil Hamilton
A note on the Simpsons. There is a good reason why the simpsons looks really good in recent years, and that's because each episode takes six months total to make, with similar numbers for Futurama. Naturally, they are much higher quality than most anything else.

On topic: I caught Stripperella and I wasn't impressed. It just seemed like the old cliche of some odd professional that also finds crime, but with a cheap attempt to grab the hormone crazed demographic. It was just so campy. On the plus side, it didn't cut as many corners as your average anime on animation (as the Japanese are the masters of cheapskate budget animation), but it was close. Not good. Oh well, it was good for a larf.

Posted: 2003-06-27 10:23am
by Ghost Rider
The show somewhat bored me...mostly because it was trying to be risque with Superheroes.

But no story, little humor and look "T&A!!!" appeal....that really wasn't.

I like R&S...and recorded Space Madness.

But Striperalla is not a replacement for my late night Futurama.

Posted: 2003-06-27 12:08pm
by Raptor 597
I like MXC on there. Thats about it.

Posted: 2003-06-27 01:04pm
by LadyTevar
A female view here:

Yes, there was extensive T&A scenes ... which I personally found funny. "Hey Nitram! Lookit her tits!" :lol:

I thought some of the SuperHero/Agent scenes funny in an overly-silly, spoofy way. IMO, this was Stan Lee's intent, to make it a very blatant parody of a comic book hero, poking fun at Superheros, Supermodels, Top-Sekret Government Agencies, and at (VH-1) Award Shows. As a parody, I found it hilarious, and I'll peek at it again, because I don't like Futurama or Family Guy. Hopefully, Stan Lee can keep up the parody without becoming stupid. :D

Posted: 2003-06-27 02:32pm
by RogueIce
Ok, educate the innocents time: What's T&A? I have a rough idea, but I'd rather not go on assumptions here...though given the title "Stripperella" I probably can't be too far off... :)

Posted: 2003-06-27 02:38pm
by Kelly Antilles
Tits and Ass, silly.

Posted: 2003-06-27 02:49pm
by RogueIce
Kelly Antilles wrote:Tits and Ass, silly.
I figured as much. But it never hurts to ask. :)

So, did it live up to a "T&A" level TV-MA? I only caught like the last fifteen minutes of it.

Posted: 2003-06-27 02:57pm
by justifier
LadyTevar wrote:A female view here:

Yes, there was extensive T&A scenes ... which I personally found funny. "Hey Nitram! Lookit her tits!" :lol:

I thought some of the SuperHero/Agent scenes funny in an overly-silly, spoofy way. IMO, this was Stan Lee's intent, to make it a very blatant parody of a comic book hero, poking fun at Superheros, Supermodels, Top-Sekret Government Agencies, and at (VH-1) Award Shows. As a parody, I found it hilarious, and I'll peek at it again, because I don't like Futurama or Family Guy. Hopefully, Stan Lee can keep up the parody without becoming stupid. :D
Kim Possible beats this show into the ground with a crowbar. It has funny dialogue, campyed but decent plots and good animation, plus it doesn't use big name stars or T&A to be good

Posted: 2003-06-27 03:11pm
by LadyTevar
RogueIce wrote:
Kelly Antilles wrote:Tits and Ass, silly.
I figured as much. But it never hurts to ask. :)

So, did it live up to a "T&A" level TV-MA? I only caught like the last fifteen minutes of it.
Let's see... multiple shots of tight cloth over bouncing tits with deep cleavage, and multiple shots of bikini-bottom ass straight at the camera.

Yeah... TV-MA.

Posted: 2003-06-27 03:25pm
by Death from the Sea
Hotfoot wrote: Stripperella: Okay, I chuckled at it, primarily because, yes, it was trying to be stupid. Seriously though, unless Pam gets an acting implant, it's not going to be anything but a silly, stupid show.
holy fucking shit that is funny!!!!

Posted: 2003-06-27 03:55pm
by Sriad
Gil Hamilton wrote:A note on the Simpsons. There is a good reason why the simpsons looks really good in recent years, and that's because each episode takes six months total to make, with similar numbers for Futurama. Naturally, they are much higher quality than most anything else.
Those shows take so long to animate now because literally everything moves. The quality that Hotfoot was talking about (I think) you can find from about the third season. Basic animation quality is more about good quality control, consistent character design, and that sort of thing.

Posted: 2003-06-27 06:51pm
by Gil Hamilton
Sriad wrote:Those shows take so long to animate now because literally everything moves. The quality that Hotfoot was talking about (I think) you can find from about the third season. Basic animation quality is more about good quality control, consistent character design, and that sort of thing.
That's agreeable, but I'm just saying that it has all that quality because they put so much effort into every episode. For instance, it's rare to see a crowd scene in the Simpsons where there aren't recognizable characters in the audience, even if you have only seen them for a split second, and all the little quirks and details that they don't draw attention to but are there if you look.