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Posted: 2003-06-27 05:55am
by Enforcer Talen
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, I had a very odd/cool dream
Harbinger says:
which would be?
Enforcer Talen says:
I dont remember the premise, but Im falling
Enforcer Talen says:
not scary falling, just heading towards the ground
Enforcer Talen says:
takes a good 30 minutes
Enforcer Talen says:
I hit the ground, and it does a black screen
Harbinger says:
hmm...I have flying/raining doom and destruction dreams
Harbinger says:
Enforcer Talen says:
oh, of course, but this one is different
Enforcer Talen says:
so Im in a totally black area
Enforcer Talen says:
walking around
Enforcer Talen says:
and I can hear people talking
Harbinger says:
go on
Enforcer Talen says:
in languages from earth, and voices that cant be made by a human throat
Enforcer Talen says:
and I realize this is the place ones goes after dying from a fall
Harbinger says:
Harbinger says:
Enforcer Talen says:
and these critters are from millions of years of the universe
Enforcer Talen says:
weird, weird, stuff
Harbinger says:
kinda cool
Enforcer Talen says:
so Im wandering around
Enforcer Talen says:
and I say, we should turn on the lights
Harbinger says:
I wonder what the drowning death place would be...
Enforcer Talen says:
someone says something about that, I have a smart come back, and we find the lights
Enforcer Talen says:
and we see all these critters
Enforcer Talen says:
strange, but not scary
Harbinger says:
tentacles and such?
Enforcer Talen says:
Harbinger says:
Enforcer Talen says:
and its green grass, and bluesky, and the scattered ruins of adobe buildings
Enforcer Talen says:
and as I climb one of the stair cases, the sky is getting dark
Enforcer Talen says:
and I see the stars
Enforcer Talen says:
big dipper
Enforcer Talen says:
except, it's more spread out

and I realize Ive been in the dark more then a hundred thousand years

Posted: 2003-06-27 08:59pm
by The Silence and I

That was, kinda wierd.

Posted: 2003-06-27 09:17pm
by StarshipTitanic
Happy 100k birthday!

Posted: 2003-06-27 09:45pm
by YT300000
I had a dream in which I was a bounty hunter. I had to track down a guy and kill him. He had an AK-47 which shot raisins (don't ask), and was wearing flanel pajamas (don't ask).

I had an MP7 which could blow up cities (don't ask). I had really light weight MJOLNIR armour (the armour from Halo, don't ask).

He somehow killed me. I think I fell asleep. Then I woke up and went back to my daily routine.

Posted: 2003-06-28 05:16am
by Enforcer Talen
The Silence and I wrote:o_O

That was, kinda wierd.
but it was a happy dream! it was worthy of posting ^^