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Crazy thing that happened to me last night.

Posted: 2003-06-28 10:46am
by Superman
So I went with some buddies to a popular bar/club that is downtown. One of my best friends is a bouncer there. We often work out together. Anyway, I was at the bar, hanging out when he came over and said he had to run out to get something from his car. He asked me if I would cover for him while he was gone. I said I would. He then told me to ask people not to take their beers outside, but that he would be right back and that I shouldn't have to worry about it.

I sat at the stool by the door, talking with another buddy when some guy came over to go outside. He was holding a beer. This is exactly what I said, "hey buddy, you're going to have to finish that beer in here. You can't take it outside." I could tell he was drunk by the way he was acting. He told me "no problem" and started to drink it. I turned back to talk to my buddy, and the next thing I knew, I had a beer bottle smashed on my head. I was more shocked than anything. In fact, I didn't even feel any pain (although it hurts a little now). The guy ran out the door and got away.

My bouncer friend came back shortly after. He looked at me holding a napkin over the cut on my head and was like, "I leave you alone for 5 minutes and this is what happened?" I could have smacked him...

Posted: 2003-06-28 10:51am
by DPDarkPrimus
I'm just glad this didn't involve you peeing.

Posted: 2003-06-28 10:55am
by theski
Or throwing steaks

Posted: 2003-06-28 11:01am
by Next of Kin
You're lucky it wasn't Joe Pesci smashing a bottle of wine over your head!

Posted: 2003-06-28 11:03am
by Xenophobe3691
Ah, the joys of bouncerhood, well, I hope it doesn't get infected or anything...

Posted: 2003-06-28 12:16pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Damn, what a day. I hate drunks. At least you are not hurt badly.

Posted: 2003-06-28 04:04pm
by BoredShirtless
You're actually lucky he smashed your head hard enough to break the bottle. You probably would have been KTFO otherwise.

Posted: 2003-06-28 04:11pm
by Superman
Yeah, my head was definately too hard for that bottle. Little did he know that I am actually like Curly. If you hit me over the head with a lead pipe, the pipe is going to bend in the shape of my head.

Some of you guys here know that I am a wrestler, so getting knocked around is nothing new for me. It still sucked.