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Find your Star Wars twin
Posted: 2003-06-28 04:58pm
by Sir Sirius
Hope this hastn't been posted yet (at least I couldn't find this with the search function).
I got:
Openness - Yoda (High)
Consientious - Mon Mothma (high)
Extraversion - "Old Ben" Kenobi (low)
Agreeableness - Emperor Palpatine (very low)
Neurotism - Wookie (neither high nor low)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:08pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
WTF is that!? This is a
STAR Wars site!
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:12pm
by RogueIce
Einhander Sn0m4n wrote:STAW WARS!?!??!
WTF is that!? This is a
STAR Wars site!
For whatever reason, that was a gut-busting laughfest.
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:14pm
by Vertigo1
Openess - Owen/Beru: low (24%)
Conscientious - Mon Mothma high (64%)
extraversion - Ewok neither high neither low (48%)
agreeableness - Vader neither high neither low (37%)
neuroticism - Leia very low (9%)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:19pm
by Mitth
Openess - Astro Mech Droids: neither high nor low (41%)
Conscientious - Admiral Ozzel: low (25%)
extraversion - Luke Skywalker: high (64%)
agreeableness - Boba Fett: low (22%)
neuroticism -R2-D2: low (32%)
I don't really agree with these, but whatever...
Interesting Note: I used my friend as the second person, on Openness, he was C-3P0 (compared to my Astromech Droid), on Conscientious, he was Grand Moff Tarkin (doesn't really go with Ozzel, but close), on agreeableness we were BOTH Fett, and on neuroticism he was C-3P0 compared to my R2-D2...
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:21pm
by aerius
Openess - Wicket High (70%)
Conscientious - Admiral Ozzel Low (25%)
Extraversion - "Old Ben" Kenobi Low (27%)
Agreeableness - Boba Fett Low (27%) Yes! I am Badass!
Neuroticism - R2-D2 low (32%)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:21pm
by Kelly Antilles
Openess - Owen/Beru: low (24%)
Conscientious - Grand Moff Tarkin, neither high nor low (41%)
extraversion - "Old Ben" Kenobi, low (27%)
agreeableness - Boba Fett, low (32%)
neuroticism - Tusken Raider, high (84%)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:28pm
by Ghost Rider
Openness: Astro mech(middle)
Conscientious: Tarkin(middle)
extraversion: Luke(High)
Agreeable: Vader(middle)
Neuroticism: Leia(very low)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:29pm
by RogueIce
Openness - low (24 percentile)
Conscientious - very high (86 percentile)
Extraversion - very low (12 percentile)
Agreeableness - low (22 percentile)
Neuroticism - very low (5 percentile)
Fairly accurate I guess. I thought I was more agreeable though. *shrug*
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:37pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
OPENNESS - Wicket: high (76%)
CONSCIENTIOUS - Grand Moff Tarkin: neither high nor low (47%)
EXTRAVERSION - Wampa: very low (4%)
AGREEABLENESS - Boba Fett: low (22%)
NEUROTICISM - C-3PO: high (80%)
I think the reason I got Fett is because many of the questions in that area cancel each other out... Oh well...
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:39pm
by Zaia
Openness: (high--80%)
Wicket: A particularly curious, inventive, and resourceful young Ewok, open to exploring new ideas and developing novel solutions to everyday problems (e.g., destroying AT-STs).
Conscientious: (high--79%)
Mon Mothma -- This is a senator of great integrity and responsibility whose talent for organization has streamlined the Alliances communications, decision-making, & accounting.
Extraversion: (neither high nor low--59%)
Ewoks -- A species with extraverted and introverted tendencies. On one hand they are a shy, timid, and reclusive species. On the other hand, they are very sociable, living in groups, placing great emphasis of interpersonal relations.
Agreeableness: (very high--87%)
Obi-Wan Kenobi -- This loyal, kind, and honorable young Jedi is a good man.
Neuroticism: (low--32%)
R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous of missions.
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:43pm
by RogueIce
Wow, Zaia, you took the time to copy and paste all that?
My hat goes off to you... *bows*
And if ever there was a perfect personality, that, to me, seems like it. Based on the test anyway.
Open, Kind, Middle of the road on extroverted/introverted (neither way out there nor tucked up in a ball), Agreeable, and not very neurotic.
Ah, yes, sounds about right to me.
(And no, this isn't just because it's Zaia. But it's true, those traits do seem to be the among the best outcome you can get!)
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:45pm
by Mitth
RogueIce wrote:
(And no, this isn't just because it's Zaia. But it's true, those traits do seem to be the among the best outcome you can get!)
I'd have to agree. Zaia, I've said it before, I will say it again: you are really cool.
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:47pm
by Zaia
RogueIce wrote:Wow, Zaia, you took the time to copy and paste all that?
My hat goes off to you... *bows*
Thanks. I think it means more with the desciptions. Numbers only convey so much, you know?
<snip nice stuff>
Thank you again, but I'm sure there are other people here who got/will get the same results. But muchas gracias all the same, babe.
Posted: 2003-06-28 05:52pm
by RogueIce
Zaia wrote:Thanks. I think it means more with the desciptions. Numbers only convey so much, you know?
There is truth to what you speak.
Zaia wrote:Thank you again, but I'm sure there are other people here who got/will get the same results. But muchas gracias all the same, babe.
No problemo.
And since you happened to post them first, you get the most attention. That, and your previous conduct on this board goes a
long way to verify those results.
If anyone else gets those results, however, and I happen to see them, I'll just take a page out of Einy's book and copy and paste it.
Just kidding, if I know the person well enough, I'll post from the heart, as it were. )
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:06pm
by kojikun
This has confirmed what I knew all along: I'm a very nice asshole.
Openness: High / 70% / Wicket
Conscientiousness: High / 79% / Mon Mothma
Extraversion: Neither / 42% / Ewoks
Agreeableness: Low / 1% / Emperor Palpatine
Neuroticism: Low / 3% / Princess Leia
This translates as, "Koji is god, worship him all ye mortals."
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:16pm
by Jadeite
Openess-low (30 percentile):
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru -- Taking the role of Luke Skywalkers Guardians on Tatooine, they prefer to focus on pragmatic everyday needs of moisture farming. They are generally unwilling to entertain Luke's broader vision, protecting Luke from new ideas (even if they know some of them to be true!).
Conscientious-low (21 percentile):
Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.
Extraversion-low (31 percentile):
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
Agreeableness-very low (10 percentile):
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.
Neuroticsm-high (60 percentile):
C-3P0 -- This fussy droid is generally anxious and nervous with a constitution that often seems unsuitable for the danger in which it finds itself.
The only ones I don't agree with are C3P0, and Kenobi.
Posted: 2003-06-28 06:28pm
by Darth Yoshi
7% C-3PO -- This droid versed in political protocol of thousands of cultures is governed by rules and prefers not to meddle with the ways and traditions of his hosts.
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
21% Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.
High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
27% "Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
38% Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness.
High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
2% Princess Leia -- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace).
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
Posted: 2003-06-28 07:13pm
by Tsyroc
Openness neither high nor low (41 percentile)
Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the problem at hand.
Conscientousness neither high nor low (52 percentile)
Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of conscientiousness because although he is usually a highly organized leader with a keen eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports on death stars).
Extraversion low (15 percentile)
Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice planet Hoth. They are rarely seen & generally shy, leading a solitary existence.
Agreableness very low (8 percentile)
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.
Neuroticism high (84 percentile)
Tusken warriors -- These inhabitants of Tatooine are unpredictable, temperamental, and excitable, and known to be especially moody in their difficult teenage years.
This actually seems to be pretty accurate for me although I don't quite match up to Palpatine and I don't think I was neurotic as a teenager although I am now.
Posted: 2003-06-28 07:54pm
by KhyronTheBackstabber
Openess very high (96 percentile)
Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways.
Conscientious neither high nor low (58 percentile)
Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of conscientiousness because although he is usually a highly organized leader with a keen eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports on death stars).
Extraversion very high (89 percentile)
Lando Calrissian -- An energetic, sociable man. He is adventure seeking, talkative, and socially skilled.
Agreeableness low (32 percentile)
Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness.
Neuroticsm very low (7 percentile)
Princess Leia -- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace)
Posted: 2003-06-28 09:49pm
by consequences
I am the unholy loe child of an astromech droid, Han Solo, a Wampa, Emperor Palpatine, and R2D2.
Low point was a 2% score for agreeableness. Commonly heard quote from both me and my twin: "Wipe them out. All of them."
Posted: 2003-06-30 01:13am
by Alan Bolte
For myself: Astro Mech, Tarkin, Ben Kenobi, Emperor, C-3P0 - Evil robot
For my avatar: Wicket, Mon Mothma, Wampa, Emperor, Tusken - High-strung but creative she-demon.
That is:openness,concientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
For myself:59, 47, 37, 6, 60
For my avatar:76, 69, 15, 0, 94
I think I screwed up my answers. Should have taken more time.
Posted: 2003-06-30 01:23am
by weemadando
very high (93 percentile)
Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways.
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex;
Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
low (30 percentile)
Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.
High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful;
Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
low (27 percentile)
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative;
Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
very low (0 percentile)
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.
High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous;
Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
neither high nor low (49 percentile)
Chewbacca -- This wookie belongs in the middle of Neuroticism because on one hand he is a strong and fearless individual but on the other hand he is excitable and easily upset (as shown by his reaction before C-3P0 suggested R2-D2 "let the wookie win").
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying;
Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:08am
by Glocksman
Openness: You: very low (3 percentile)
C-3PO -- This droid versed in political protocol of thousands of cultures is governed by rules and prefers not to meddle with the ways and traditions of his hosts.
Conscientious: You: very high (86 percentile)
Admiral Ackbar -- This rebel Admiral is renowned for his great powers of organization, responsibility, and administrative abilities. He is individual who can be relied upon.
Extraversion: You: low (31 percentile)
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
Agreeableness: You: very low (6 percentile)
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless
Neuroticism: You: very high (93 percentile)
Tusken warriors -- These inhabitants of Tatooine are unpredictable, temperamental, and excitable, and known to be especially moody in their difficult teenage years.
With these scores, I should be President.
Posted: 2003-06-30 02:37am
by Crayz9000
This was certainly a laugh.
You: high (65 percentile)
Wicket -- A particularly curious, inventive, and resourceful young Ewok, open to exploring new ideas and developing novel solutions to everyday problems (e.g., destroying AT-STs).
Your romantic interest: neither high nor low (41 percentile)
Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the problem at hand.
You: low (21 percentile)
Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.
Your romantic interest: neither high nor low (58 percentile)
Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of conscientiousness because although he is usually a highly organized leader with a keen eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports on death stars).
You: low (22 percentile)
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
Your romantic interest: low (22 percentile)
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.
You: low (22 percentile)
Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness. (Huh?)
Your romantic interest: very high (92 percentile)
Obi-Wan Kenobi -- This loyal, kind, and honorable young Jedi is a good man.
You: neither high nor low (37 percentile)
R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous of missions.
Your romantic interest: high (60 percentile)
C-3P0 -- This fussy droid is generally anxious and nervous with a constitution that often seems unsuitable for the danger in which it finds itself.