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I am Gollum. There is no other explanation.

Posted: 2003-06-29 03:55pm
by El Moose Monstero
OK, so at the weekend, we watch the Two Towers, as it happens to be screening at a private cinema (we, being me and a few of my mates who were visiting Lancaster). Saturday night, everyone's packed into my room like sardines in a can, I have the bed, 3 of my mates are on the floor, we all gradually drop off to sleep.

At 1.30 am, Sunday Morning:

My Perspective:

I "wake up". I am crouched on the floor in front of one of my mates, approximately 2.5m from the place where my head should have been. I react on instinct, but for some reason, my instinct tells me that leaping backwards would be a good plan. I do so. I jump approximately 1m backwards within half a second of opening my eyes. I land neatly in a combat style crouch, right on top of my other mate's shoulder. I wake up a little more. I cant figure out what's going on. I mumble what I think are some apologies and go back to bed. I wake up in the morning, I think its a dream until I ask my mates about it.

Their Perspective:
They wake up to see me crouched on the bed, they ask me what I'm doing but get no reply, I jump from the bed landing approximately 2.5 m from where my head originally was (although isnt any more), I then jump backwards, landing 1m and on top of my mates shoulder. She is barely awake, they ask me what I'm doing. I mumble some vaguely coherent words about seeing something on the television, and go back to bed.

The rest of the University sleeps on, oblivious...

I can't believe it. That's the first time that's happened to me, that I know of, somehow, I managed to hurl myself out of bed whilst still asleep, to wake up but still carry through with whatever it was I was dreaming about, and then to attempt to offer an explanation from a semi-conscious state. I am very scared about this, it makes me wonder whether for the past year of University, I have been bouncing round my room at 2 in the morning.

There is only one possible answer, driven mad by constant exposure to Lord of the Rings, I come under the delusion that I am Gollum, and that whatever I saw on the television, had the preciousss.

Help me...

Posted: 2003-06-29 04:16pm
by SyntaxVorlon
That's probably it. Or you're infected with rage.

Posted: 2003-06-29 04:26pm
by Joe
That happens to me more than I would care to admit. I used to have these really scary night terrors, where I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder about something, but those have subsided (thank Dog they have, too, because it would be extremely embarassing to have such a problem in college). I still wake up in the middle of the night often, say strange shit to my roommates, and only vaguely recall what I had done. A few days ago I woke up around 3 AM, thinking a scorpion was in my bed, and ran down the hallway (without screaming). It took me a few minutes to put together what I had done.

If you're seriously concerned about this (which is understandable, because it is quite embarassing), ask a shrink or someone else well-versed in these things about the problem.

Posted: 2003-06-29 04:27pm
by XaLEv
About a year ago, I was in my bed, dreaming that I was laying awake in bed. In my dream, I saw some sort of unnatural green spiky thing on the wall above my head. Upon seeing this in the dream, my actual body was out of bed and had turned on the light within 2 seconds. I came fully awake 2 seconds after this.

Posted: 2003-06-29 04:56pm
by SyntaxVorlon
I take naps while listening to the radio, so sometimes I'll be sleeping and Click and clack begin to play an integral part in my dream or I'll find myself in Michael Feldman's studio.

Posted: 2003-06-29 05:04pm
by El Moose Monstero
Durran Korr wrote:
If you're seriously concerned about this (which is understandable, because it is quite embarassing), ask a shrink or someone else well-versed in these things about the problem.
I'm embarrassed about it, but unless it happens again, I dont think I'll worry too much about it, if it happens again, then I might give it second thoughts. I just thought it was funny and needed sharing... :D

Posted: 2003-06-29 05:07pm
by HemlockGrey
Often, when I'm half asleep, I'll dream that I've tripped, and then my entire body will tense up to protect myself from the 'fall'.

Posted: 2003-06-29 05:35pm
by Dalton
HemlockGrey wrote:Often, when I'm half asleep, I'll dream that I've tripped, and then my entire body will tense up to protect myself from the 'fall'.
Everybody has that. I hate it.

Anyway, when I was much younger I dreamt that I was peeing. You can guess what happened next.

Posted: 2003-06-29 05:57pm
by StarshipTitanic
HemlockGrey wrote:Often, when I'm half asleep, I'll dream that I've tripped, and then my entire body will tense up to protect myself from the 'fall'.
Oooo, I hate that. I miss out on awesome dreams that way!

Posted: 2003-06-29 06:04pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
StarshipTitanic wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:Often, when I'm half asleep, I'll dream that I've tripped, and then my entire body will tense up to protect myself from the 'fall'.
Oooo, I hate that. I miss out on awesome dreams that way!
THat sucks, I do it all the time.

When I was younger, I used to share a bunkbed with my little brother. I had the top. One day, I woke up halfway down my ladder with my blanket tied (yes, TIED) around my waist. I can't remember the dream, but waking up hanging a foot off the ground is really freaky

Posted: 2003-06-29 06:16pm
by Dillon
Mitth-raw-nuruodo wrote:
StarshipTitanic wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:Often, when I'm half asleep, I'll dream that I've tripped, and then my entire body will tense up to protect myself from the 'fall'.
Oooo, I hate that. I miss out on awesome dreams that way!
THat sucks, I do it all the time.

When I was younger, I used to share a bunkbed with my little brother. I had the top. One day, I woke up halfway down my ladder with my blanket tied (yes, TIED) around my waist. I can't remember the dream, but waking up hanging a foot off the ground is really freaky
Did you fall when you woke up? :mrgreen:

Posted: 2003-06-29 06:33pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
observer_20000 wrote:
Mitth-raw-nuruodo wrote:
StarshipTitanic wrote: Oooo, I hate that. I miss out on awesome dreams that way!
THat sucks, I do it all the time.

When I was younger, I used to share a bunkbed with my little brother. I had the top. One day, I woke up halfway down my ladder with my blanket tied (yes, TIED) around my waist. I can't remember the dream, but waking up hanging a foot off the ground is really freaky
Did you fall when you woke up? :mrgreen:
yup. :oops:

It was like 1' to the ground, but that's a lot for a 3' tall 6 (maybe 7 or 8 ) year old kid

Posted: 2003-06-29 09:42pm
by Hethrir
Dalton wrote:...Anyway, when I was much younger I dreamt that I was peeing. You can guess what happened next.
you're not the only one.

Posted: 2003-06-29 10:56pm
by SyntaxVorlon
Hethrir wrote:
Dalton wrote:...Anyway, when I was much younger I dreamt that I was peeing. You can guess what happened next.
you're not the only one.
Yes he is yes he is!
*hides shame

Posted: 2003-06-30 12:25am
by weemadando
I remember once on a SCUBA trip down the east coast of Tassie some friends and I were sharing a room at a backpackers with triple bunks. I drew the REALLY short straw and got the top bunk (these were like navy submariners bunks to give you an idea of how small they were). In the middle of the night I rolled over (these bunks didn't have the safety rails) and woke up just in time to see a floor about an inch away from my face... Of course my friends laughed like hell - as do I now, but, I decided to stay on the floor in my sleeping bag where it was warm, rather than get out and go all the way back up there again.

Posted: 2003-06-30 12:29am
by Ghost Rider
Nah...I've had that before.

Usually after some oddball flight or killing/hunting dream

Drandest things...luckily no friends around to believe I'm nuts.