Since you insist, I'll go over every paragraph point by point. It all basically boils down to you making claims and not backing them up with proof. This web site you offered is nothing but the delusions of someone tring to put togather a conspiracy theory.
The worst part is that you then take his speculations and present then as fact, which it is not.
Let this be said right now.
It was never my intention to turn this into a flame war.
You knew what this would cause as soon as you first posted it. You were seeking attention, and now that you have it, you can't handle it.
I never insulted the deaths of those in New York and Washington in fact I mourned over them. They were murdered by heartless bastrards, but you have to realise who is the true enemy here.
No, you have stated that the government is the enemy, now the burden of proof is on you. I don't think he government is the enemy and you have provided no evidence to the contrary.
Know your enemy better then you know yourself.
What does that have to do with anything?
I am not a goodless bastard as you have lead to believe, im in fact a catholic and firmly believe in the teachings of Jesus.
I don't give a shit what religion you subscribe to, and niether does anyone else here.
Now to your baseless arguments.
Looks whos talking now.
I understand this might be hard for you to acept, having firmly believed in our government for so long, but once you learn to open your eyes and see the whole story, you will see how much the media and government has lied and betrayed our trust.
Prove it
I really don't want to go into a history lesson, but since the early 1900s, about 1914 to be exact. The Council of Foreign Relations has had effective control of all US foreign policy, and in turn all media coverage of it. Controled by the elite the CFR, has abused power, caused unemployment, determined wages, caused the US to either or either not send troops into war.
Please don't go into a history lesson, because I doubt your knowledge of history exceeds mine or anyone elses here.
And again,
Prove it
Does it not upset you, that it is the leaders of businnes who decide when to go to war, and for what reasons, and not the people themselves as it was meant to be.
An obvious lie.
Prove it
This is evident WW2 and the several cold war 'wars'. In WW2 we knew about the genocide in Germany in 1940 and the allies had broken Nazi code around the same time. Yet we did nothing to stop it. It was not until the Japanese push for more oil and the tragity of Pearl Harbor. To convince the US to enter the war.
You call suppling millions of tons of war equipment and food to Britian and the USSR nothing? It wasn't the politicians stopping America from entering into the war, it was the American public. We, the American people, thought that the whole affair was Europes business, and chose not to get involved. The politicians went with it because they wanted to get re-elected.
Yet another irony of the war was that while the USSR was an ally at the time the other western allies did nothing to help them and in fact either delayed or denied the Soviets of deperately need weapons and supplies. As a result over 20 million Russian civilians died in the conflict, more than every other major war power combined.
(repost)Despite the fact that the USSR was allied with the Axis until it had no choice, America immediately began suppling it with supplies. Far more, in fact, than the Russians needed. Much of the mechinized vechiles supplied later turned up in the Korean War. As far as the 20 million goes, it is tragic, but those deaths were caused by Stalin allying with Hitler, and then trusting him to keep his promise. The USSR killed more of its own people than the war ever did. The most destructive case being when the USSR intentionally starved Ukraine into what was mass genocide. And as many as the USSR killed, that is nothing compared to the 40 million plus the Chinese have killed.
Then in the Cold War, the struggle of two evils. One hidden and one obvious. The one being hidden the US, and the one obvious Stalin. Well I really don't wanna go into detail but with the needlees bloodshed of Vietnam, the incrimnating involvment with the contras, and the incident in Panama. There is plenty of guilt on the government.
You obviously don't want to go into detail, because any scrutiny will destroy your arguement.
While we may have passed the cold war those who threathen our freedom are still out there.
Don't presume to lecture me on such simple concepts.
Resently there was both the Gulf war and the Afgan war, are the biggest examples of economic greed and dissregard for human lives. In both conflicts what truly was at stake was oil not would be idealistic freedom, the gov. would like us to believe.
Prove it
Second hundred of civilians were killed not only my the enemy but by our forces as well. Documented reports of errant bombs hitting neighborhoods and schools are obvious.
Accidents happen in war and people die. The key word is
errent. Those bombs were not intentionally dropped on civilians.
So the questions poses itself why do it?
Why send troops into harms way, why run the risk of killing civilians?
The answer is greed and disregard for others, the thought by most of our leaders that everyone who is not american deserves less.
Bullshit. Our government sends million of our tax dollars, collected for the purpose of benefitting Americans, to other nations to help them develop. We are currently spending 300 million dollars a year to help rebuild Afganistan. Even before the war they were the #1 recipients of American aid.
For the several soliders killed in somolia to the several thousand civilians killed.
Those soldiers were being assualted by those civilians. Do you suggest they allow themselves to be killed to even put the death toll?
Whoo... well its about time to get of that soap box.
Bottom line.
American civilians are being misled.
Your dreaming that up, because you have offered no proof.
Government is covering up dirty work.
Pure speculation, again, you offer no proof.
Elite continue to profit.
They are elite because, in some way or another, they have made it possible for themselves to prosper. They are a self-selecting elite. They are not there through birth, but rather because they have worked hard to get to that position.
Be informed, don't be a bigot.
I am informed, and I am not a bigot.
Things never change with the ignorant i guess.
Obviously not, your still posting the same crap.
Your witty and baseless attacks only humor me more.
Baseless? Your the one posting no hard facts, only theories.
Instead of debating the facts which i have presented. You go off spouting Ad Hominem attacks, Tautologies, red herrings, strawmen, and Leaps of logic that boggle the sensible mind.
We are debating, you just aren't listening.
Well, ya it's not 1962, but you know what. Does it really matter. The only reason I brought it up was to set precedence for what the government is doing today.
You offer no real proof that the government is doing anything of the sort.
It only proves the fact that the government was thinking about fake terrorism.
Again, no real proof.
As the saying goes history repeats itself.
You seem to be fond of saying that have no relavence to the situation.
If you would like more relative information for your simple mind I suggest you read up on some little know truth that the government is trying ever so hard to hide.
What, you can't use this so called relative ( and I must assume you meant to say relavent, because relative is the wrong word) in your arguements? No, instead you make claims without backing, and when proof is demanded you refer use to a site that is nothing but conspiracy theories built themselves on conjecture.
As for the ever bised David.
Why do you say that I am biased? Whenever I post my opinions they are backed up with fact.
You too must have swollowed whole every piece of propaganda the government is trying to shove down your throat.
And what propaganda are you refering to? Campaign speechs? Public announcemnets? Sorry, I don't listen to them, I base my opinions on fact, not the empty promises of politicians.
First off the CFR is not Bullshit, as you would like to believe this is a link to all the proof you desperatly disire
This offered no proof, only the conspiracy theories of someone craiming to get his information from some unknown organization.
To sum the site up the CFR was created as a way to effectivly, control and influence, almost every aspect of politics and business. This is clearly outlined in its mission statement and observed actions by those active in the group.
I don't care what that group has stated is its mission. Do they actually do all these things? No. The UN said fifty years ago that they would end war. Have they done it? No.
To connect the dots in layman's terms, the CFR is an organiztion, the people in that organization are all connected with high positions in the government or high positions in business, therfore what happens in the CFR is often what is done.
That's obvious. If I control a water comopany and I'm also the county sheriff, and I decide to turn off everyones water, does that mean that the county government has decided to turn off the water? No. It means I, as an individual, have decided to turn off the water. No conspiracy or mistery there.
This is all true.
Furthermore, the whole reason I went through the whole history lecture was to prove that the US knew what the hell they were doing, and is responsible for not hinding the truth about it.
Not hindering the truth about it? Again I must assume that this is a typo, since it would actually go against the arguements you have previously made. I'll assume you meant to say, " and is responsible for hiding the truth about it." Please correct me if I'm wrong in this.
Yes, the US ahs always known what it was doing, and no, the US government has never hid anything because it has nothing to hide.
For those present minded the US knew and planed to get oil out of the wars in Iraq and Afganistan.
One reason the US entered the war was precisely because the Iraqis were cutting off the oil. The US did not expect to get some new reasourse out of it, we expected that the rightful government of that region would resume it's oil production. As to Afganistan, that is pure conjecture on your part.
And the point about the mass murders is a moot one, while i admit that atrocities were commited the US is not innocent in this case too. Think contras-niceraqua(sp).
You brought it up when you implied that the USSR was some innocent victim of agression. The contra scandal was the work of a few mmbers of the military, and not supported by the government.
Finally, I have never defended the regiems of Stalin or Marx, and you are correct in that they are evil. I am not saying that we should be a communist dicatorship, im saying that the people should have a true voice, wheater that be a deomcratic socialist party, a green party, or any other which promotes true equality.
Glad you agree with me.
We should look at what is really happening in the world before coming to conclusions about who is telling the truth.
You have obviously not looked at what is really going on. You have reached conclusions through conjecture and stated them as fact. Just because other people share your conspiracy delusion and can post it on the Internet does not make it fact.
Seriously, what do you have aginst a better more acountable government.
Absolutely nothing.
Is it the fact that CEOs won't be able to rob companies of their workers savings and money.
They can't do that legally now, which is precisely which Enron's practice was called a
scandal and why the
government is conducting an investigation into the matter.
Or the fact the government connect war industries won't be getting their multi-billion dollar contracts.
Those war industries keep us from getting over-run by hostile forces. As to the billions of dollars we pay them, producing weapons and the R&D that goes into them is not cheap.
Or is simply the fact that good'ol crafty and cuthroat capitalism will be a thing of the past.
Capitalism and free enterprise will never be a thing of the past because it is in human nature to seek reward for our contributions. I f I put my time and labor into producing a product, I will always demand reward for that product. Whether that be monetary or just a warm-fuzzy feeling inside, I will still want reward. And since warm-fuzzy feeling won't feed, clothe, or shelter me, I choose monitary reward.
Because if I look at what we have and what we could have I see a much better alternative.
I have taken a good look, and what you propose would bring down our current funtioning system and replace it with nothing at all. Your system is a fantasy, just like Marx's system. Your name is most fitting.