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Fireworks extravaganza!!!

Posted: 2003-07-06 12:27pm
by Cal Wright
Alright folks. Now that we have the weekend pretty much behind us, what all happened?

Well, after I got off work Thursday, Sporkzen, Tropen, Stampede, and myself all went to purchase farwurks. I love Alabama. The Heart of Dixie. Where else can a family go to a farwurks stand and buy pyro technics to celebrate thier independance. Heh. BTW, these stands are outside city limits because my fucking town has a law prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks. Fuckers. With that said and done, I had some shit to shoot. I also plan on getting this meglo fucker pack next year.

So I wake up on Friday morning. I have the day off. Play some Galaxies and fuck around for a bit. Then I pile up with Sporkzen and his lovely wife (lol, hi Evelyn!!) and head out to another city where his 'rents reside. There we are to shoot off our earnings because that town doesn't have a firework law. Heh. Not only that his family has like open spaces behind them. Well, we get there, his dad has farwurks, his uncles next door has farwurks. I have farwurks, Tropen shows up with farwurks, then his cousin and some friends show up with some farwurks. We had a whole hell of a lot of farwurks. Like I'm sure everyone has encountered, we had more bottle rockets than the U.S. has patriots and assholes. So we're shooting this off for about three hours and we don't even dent the bottle rockets. Well, Sporkzen's uncles has this idea. He heads back to his house and comes back with a metal trash can. He sets it in the back of the yard far from civilisation and starts tossing paper and cardboard in. Then he starts pouring in lighter fluid. :twisted: I'm surprised we didn't gather homeless people. What came next can only be described as the most awesome act of farwurks I have ever seen. Six people, thousands of bottle rockets. One ambition. We dropped them in. It was spectacular. Not only that, we had to do that four more times. Each time we started tossing in M80s, Roman Candles, and the small mortar shells accompanied by tons of smoke bombs. Huge balls of flame would errupt when the mortar's went off.

Not only that, but Sporkzen through a flying ground bloom and it zipped over everyone's head and hit his house. LoL!!!

Posted: 2003-07-06 08:11pm
by LadyTevar
... that nearly beats the time a bottle rocket tipped over, flew horizontally, and exploded against the back of my aunt's chair.

Posted: 2003-07-06 08:41pm
by Andrew J.
*sighs* I wish I could do cool stuff like that. You're really lucky.

Posted: 2003-07-07 01:48am
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
My brother did get some fireworks in North Carolina, and brought them back to PA, and we even lit a few, but we didn't do some massive display because I'm sure some state law would be broken in the process, and my family is too classy for stuff like that. I sure wish I could, though.

Posted: 2003-07-07 02:27pm
by Cal Wright
LadyTevar wrote:... that nearly beats the time a bottle rocket tipped over, flew horizontally, and exploded against the back of my aunt's chair.
There was one time, me and someone threw the bottlerockets into a pile in a parking lot. we lit them and took cover. one shot under his car and exploded. lol. no damage to the car. he got all pissed, and i was like, it was your idea asshole.

Posted: 2003-07-07 02:31pm
by Sporkzen
Ah hell cal this was a tame year! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: