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C'mon, Dennis Leary does look like Kevin Bacon

Posted: 2003-07-08 04:47pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Okay, I've found one person that agrees with me that Kevin Bacon and Dennis Leary look alike. Take a look at 'em. Take a good gander, and tell me with a straight face they don't look alike. Cause they do. I swear it.

Posted: 2003-07-08 04:49pm
by thecreech
what are you smoking and why aren't you sharin'...They don't look anything alike.

Posted: 2003-07-08 04:54pm
by Darth Yoshi

Posted: 2003-07-08 05:07pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
They do too, don't deny it, they do! THEY DO I TELLS YA!!!

*is dragged out of thread kicking and screaming*

Posted: 2003-07-08 06:09pm
by DPDarkPrimus
Y'know, they never HAVE been photographed together, have they? :roll:

Posted: 2003-07-08 06:28pm
by Raptor 597
They look somewhat alike but not Kofi Anan/Morgan Freeman likeness. Now those two are the same person!

Posted: 2003-07-08 06:35pm
by Demiurge
They look absolutely nothing like each other.

Posted: 2003-07-08 06:52pm
by Jadeite
Who and who?

Posted: 2003-07-08 08:09pm
by Zaia

I notoriously mix up actors, and I've never confused those two, so my answer's a solid 'hells no.' Sorry, babe. :D

Incidentally, Kevin Bacon is way hotter than Denis Leary. IMO.

Posted: 2003-07-08 08:46pm
by thecreech
Yeah i don't know were he thinks these two look alike. It like saying that an orange and a red apple look the same