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What justice

Posted: 2003-07-09 04:30pm
by Montcalm
Paroled peadophile
Peadophiles could be used as organ banks.

Posted: 2003-07-09 04:39pm
by thecreech
What gets me is that they put him right smack in the middle of everyone. What kind of stupidity is that. If there going to release him couldn't those asswipes have found a better place for him. Those dumb fuck sticks

[bif voice]Think McFly think[/bif]

Posted: 2003-07-09 04:42pm
by Companion Cube
thecreech wrote:What gets me is that they put him right smack in the middle of everyone. What kind of stupidity is that. If there going to release him couldn't those asswipes have found a better place for him. Those dumb fuck sticks

[bif voice]Think McFly think[/bif]
It could have been worse, he could have been the one who murdered the girl in the first place...(though of course he wouldn't be on parole)

Posted: 2003-07-09 04:53pm
by BasilFawlty
They should use the fuckin' kiddyfiddlers to test new ammunition on. Bastards :evil: