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Posted: 2003-07-09 08:05pm
by Howedar
Damn, thats fat as fuck. I'm 6'+ and I'm only 40lbs heavier.

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:05pm
by YT300000
Thats not right.

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:06pm
by TheFeniX
There's a little McDonalds in everyone...

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:22pm
by Darth Yoshi
Damn. That's a lot of flesh.

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:22pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
Jesus fuck that kid weighs more than I do! I suspect that by the time he's eighteen he'll have had at least three heart attacks.

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:25pm
by Sea Skimmer
I remember some talk show with a fuck load of 100+ pound kids age 2-4 on. The parents where utter morons, "I wont deny my baby the food he loves." Though most of the parents rated as whales themselves so its not surprising.

Posted: 2003-07-09 08:28pm
by kojikun
thats unhealthy.

Posted: 2003-07-09 10:05pm
by thecreech
Fuck... walk his ass around the block. that is not something to be proud of.

Posted: 2003-07-09 10:08pm
by Demiurge
That article really pisses me off for some reason. :?

Posted: 2003-07-09 10:12pm
by Montcalm
What kind of dumbass parents would stuff their kids so they`ll turn into 4 year old butterballs. :roll:

Posted: 2003-07-09 11:09pm
by XPViking
That's unhealthy. That 4 year-old is heavier that my wife.


Posted: 2003-07-09 11:11pm
by Xenophobe3691
I foresee some quadruple heart attacks and a barrage of strokes leading to cerebral hemorraghing in two decades...

Posted: 2003-07-10 12:28am
by EmperorMing
And you wonder why other countries think the way they do about Americans...

EDIT: Oops!! Foot stuck in mouth again!! Did I read that country as Georgia?

Posted: 2003-07-10 12:30am
by Darth Wong
EmperorMing wrote:And you wonder why other countries think the way they do about Americans...
They're not Americans. There is a "Georgia" near Russia.

Posted: 2003-07-10 12:33am
by Darth Wong
closet sci-fi fan wrote:Could there be any medical reason for his obesity other than not exercising/eating shitloads?
Nope, that's it. The people who claim medical obesity are just pissed off that they weren't lucky enough to be born with grossly inefficient digestive systems like some people.

To be more exact, some peoples' poor digestion, which would ordinarily be a serious genetic defect that causes their premature death, perversely becomes an advantage in an affluent nation because they can afford as much food as they want, so it's OK if they need to eat twice as much food in order to assimilate the same nutrients as a normal person. This means that the person becomes one of those "naturally thin" people, who eats lots of food and never gains weight.

When obese people complain about their genetic problems, they are comparing themselves to the aforementioned poor-digestive people. However, their own lot in life is hardly unfair; they just can't abuse themselves the way the poor-digestion people can. They will still be thin if they don't eat too much food.

Posted: 2003-07-10 12:48am
by Arthur_Tuxedo
Darth Wong wrote:Nope, that's it. The people who claim medical obesity are just pissed off that they weren't lucky enough to be born with grossly inefficient digestive systems like some people.

To be more exact, some peoples' poor digestion, which would ordinarily be a serious genetic defect that causes their premature death, perversely becomes an advantage in an affluent nation because they can afford as much food as they want, so it's OK if they need to eat twice as much food in order to assimilate the same nutrients as a normal person. This means that the person becomes one of those "naturally thin" people, who eats lots of food and never gains weight.

When obese people complain about their genetic problems, they are comparing themselves to the aforementioned poor-digestive people. However, their own lot in life is hardly unfair; they just can't abuse themselves the way the poor-digestion people can. They will still be thin if they don't eat too much food.
Let's not get carried away. My uncle Jim eats great and works out like I wish I could get myself to, and he's still over 200. I'm not saying that your generalization isn't mostly accurate, but there are some people who are just naturally heavy.

Posted: 2003-07-10 12:48am
by EmperorMing
Darth Wong wrote:
EmperorMing wrote:And you wonder why other countries think the way they do about Americans...
They're not Americans. There is a "Georgia" near Russia.
That's why I put the edit in my post. I don't normally like shoe leather... :wink:

Posted: 2003-07-10 01:19am
by DPDarkPrimus
Well, some people are fucking idiots.

I hope that kid enjoys having triple-bypass at age 12.

Posted: 2003-07-10 01:31am
by Darth Wong
Arthur_Tuxedo wrote:Let's not get carried away. My uncle Jim eats great and works out like I wish I could get myself to, and he's still over 200.
If that's muscle weight, then he's fine. But if he's fat, then, well, let's just say that the human body is not capable of creating mass out of thin air.

Besides, a lot of people say they eat well but if you were to follow them around with a hidden camera 24/7 and add up, you might find that it's a case of false advertising. That was virtually endemic among the bigger girls at my university dorm; they ate like rabbits at mealtime but if you paid attention, you could see that they snacked constantly between meals.
I'm not saying that your generalization isn't mostly accurate, but there are some people who are just naturally heavy.
"Heavy" is not important, as some people can be quite heavy due to bone and muscle mass. It is fat content which is important.

Posted: 2003-07-10 01:41am
by darthdavid
Darth Wong wrote:"Heavy" is not important, as some people can be quite heavy due to bone and muscle mass. It is fat content which is important.
Bones never account for more than 18% of a person's mass. Less if they're a couch potatoe. The body is allways trimming away un used bones and re-inforcing used bones so if you sit around on a nice soft couch not moving all day your bones become rather weak.

Posted: 2003-07-10 05:25am
by Gandalf
That's pretty shocking.

I weigh that much and I'm 6 feet tall.

Posted: 2003-07-10 05:41am
by UltraViolence83
I fucking hate fat people who complain that it's not their fault. Sorry land-whales, it works for some groups but it sure as hell won't work for your pork chop-stuffing lard ass.

I'm fat too, but you will never see me say that I'm big due to my genes or my metabolism.

As an aside, my town's homecoming carnival was last week and one of the booths was selling deep fried twinkies. I've heard of them on the internet before, but geez! I pointed it out and saying "and people wonder why Americans are so fat!"

Posted: 2003-07-10 07:14am
by Hethrir
I'm 6' and 140 pounds...i think (what's 70kg in lb?) and i'd almost be scared of loosing a fight with him :P

Posted: 2003-07-10 08:39am
by Edi
Darth Wong wrote:
closet sci-fi fan wrote:Could there be any medical reason for his obesity other than not exercising/eating shitloads?
Nope, that's it. The people who claim medical obesity are just pissed off that they weren't lucky enough to be born with grossly inefficient digestive systems like some people.

To be more exact, some peoples' poor digestion, which would ordinarily be a serious genetic defect that causes their premature death, perversely becomes an advantage in an affluent nation because they can afford as much food as they want, so it's OK if they need to eat twice as much food in order to assimilate the same nutrients as a normal person. This means that the person becomes one of those "naturally thin" people, who eats lots of food and never gains weight.
There's also the other type of naturally thin people who have faster metabolism than normal. Their body burns up nutrients at a rate greater than normal, so they need more food to keep the same weight as others. Three of my friends are like that, they can eat a lot, and they burn that food quickly too. Usually it's people with slower metabolism that get fat, precisely because their body does not burn stuff up quick enough.

Metabolism in general is controlled largely by the pine gland (or whatever the gland that's located near the adam's apple is called in English if it wasn't that) and a hormone it secretes. Tests have been done with people (sometime in the 70s, I think) where the production of that hormone was artificially either raised or lowered. The people who had increased production ate like wolves and still grew thinner, they were more active and generally like they were burning up from the inside out, while the others grew more lethargic and gained weight easily.
Darth Wong wrote:When obese people complain about their genetic problems, they are comparing themselves to the aforementioned poor-digestive people. However, their own lot in life is hardly unfair; they just can't abuse themselves the way the poor-digestion people can. They will still be thin if they don't eat too much food.
As I've understood it, the genetics argument usually revolves around speed of metabolism, and it is true that people with slower metabolism have to watch how much and what they eat more than people with faster metabolisms, lest they gain weight. In that way, the argument has some merit, but it isn't a get-out-of-jail-free card for tossing personal responsibility out the window. I guess the inefficient digestion thing is another, separate factor, but I think it's a whole lot rarer. This is the first I've ever heard of it at any rate.


Posted: 2003-07-10 08:46am
by Sarevok
That kid weighs more than I do ! How is it possible ?

I do not think he may live very long unless some medical procedures are undertaken to reduce his weight.
Could there be any medical reason for his obesity other than not exercising/eating shitloads?
I think so. There are fat kids of his age but none are as fat as him. Maybe it is some form of genetic defect.
To be more exact, some peoples' poor digestion, which would ordinarily be a serious genetic defect that causes their premature death, perversely becomes an advantage in an affluent nation because they can afford as much food as they want, so it's OK if they need to eat twice as much food in order to assimilate the same nutrients as a normal person. This means that the person becomes one of those "naturally thin" people, who eats lots of food and never gains weight.
Many people in third world countries, especialy children of well off people, fall into the "naturally thin" catagory. They are rich enough to afford multiple cars, eat like crazy but never become fat. However unlike western countries this is actualy disliked. Parents want their children to be nice and healthy. Since a chubby figure is rare in those countries a slightly heavy person can actualy be appreciated rather than be scorned for being overweight.