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A question for the ladies
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:28pm
by Alex Moon
If a guy admitted to knowing how to knit, how would that affect your opinion of him?
Re: A question for the ladies
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:38pm
by Xenophobe3691
Alex Moon wrote:If a guy admitted to knowing how to knit, how would that affect your opinion of him?
Well, seeing as how I've been trying to learn and keep forgetting how...
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:43pm
by Darth Wong
Sergeant John Spartan knew how to knit in "Demolition Man", and Sandra Bullock still wanted to wrap her legs around him. Admittedly, these are fictional people, but I just thought I'd mention that
Posted: 2003-07-10 09:44pm
by Enforcer Talen
I know how.
I just never use that skill.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:01pm
by Joe
I can do the Swedish weaving and the cross-stitching. In fact, I ended up enjoying the cross-stitiching a lot more than I'd like to admit...
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:03pm
by Wicked Pilot
I don't know how to knit, but I know how to cook. Is that worth anything?
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:04pm
by Saurencaerthai
I know this question doesn't exactly pretain to me, but what's wrong with knitting?
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:09pm
by Crayz9000
Wicked Pilot wrote:I don't know how to knit, but I know how to cook. Is that worth anything?
From my experience, hell yes.
Not all girls are turned on by a guy who knows how to cook, of course, but it seems to be a good thing for the most part. Especially if you know how to cook really well.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:09pm
by Montcalm
Saurencaerthai wrote:I know this question doesn't exactly pretain to me, but what's wrong with knitting?
A man who`d say to people he knows he`s knitting would be percieved as a girly man.
Personaly i know how to cook,but i still have trouble breaking eggs,i always end up crushing them.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:20pm
by Kelly Antilles
My husband is an excellent cook and can cross stich. Much better than me. I can't cook and the best I can do with a needle and thread is fix a button.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:25pm
by TrailerParkJawa
Montcalm wrote:Saurencaerthai wrote:I know this question doesn't exactly pretain to me, but what's wrong with knitting?
A man who`d say to people he knows he`s knitting would be percieved as a girly man.
Personaly i know how to cook,but i still have trouble breaking eggs,i always end up crushing them.
I dunno, am man who can admit to being a good knitter might be kinda like the knight in pink plate armor. He must be a total badass to survive to this point, so Im keeping my distance.
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:34pm
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
Darth Wong wrote:Sergeant John Spartan knew how to knit in "Demolition Man", and Sandra Bullock still wanted to wrap her legs around him. Admittedly, these are fictional people, but I just thought I'd mention that
However, he got the knowledge from being an icecube for 40 years, and their society was totally FUBAR.
As a completely off-topic note, why did Blondie (what was his real name) who was charged with murder of the hostages, get a parole hearing before Spartan, who was charged with manslaughter?
And the movie has the best line (aprox):
Reporter: Mr. Spartan, what about the fact you destroyed a 20 million dollar super mall to rescue a girl who's ransom was only 12 thousand?
Girl: Fuck you, lady!
Spartan: Good answer!
Posted: 2003-07-10 10:43pm
by justifier
Montcalm wrote:Saurencaerthai wrote:I know this question doesn't exactly pretain to me, but what's wrong with knitting?
Personaly i know how to cook,but i still have trouble breaking eggs,i always end up crushing them.
Buts thats only because of their insolence to your mighty manly hand!
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:23pm
by DPDarkPrimus
I can sew, but not very well.
But then again, sewing is a useful skill to know, while knitting isn't exactly necessary...
Re: A question for the ladies
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:33pm
by J
Alex Moon wrote:If a guy admitted to knowing how to knit, how would that affect your opinion of him?
I think my reaction would be something along the lines of
"You can knit?"
"You really can?"
"Wow, that's cool!"
It'll definitely be a plus in my books, and if he can knit me a pair of bunny-eared slippers I'll marry him...well...ok, that's taking it a bit too far but he'll hold a special place in my heart if he can do that.
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:35pm
by Saurencaerthai
Wicked Pilot wrote:I don't know how to knit, but I know how to cook. Is that worth anything?
So far, I've heard a number mention cooking as a rather positive trait. Actually, it's just a good thing to have in general, as it is an important life skill, in my opinion.
Posted: 2003-07-10 11:57pm
by Captain Cyran
I can cook. Not very good but I can. And I can kind of sew...
I'm sure I could learn how to knit if I wanted too.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:00am
by Alex Moon
BTW, I can cook as well. Not the greatest, but I'm getting better. I also need to learn how to sew better (I learned a long time ago but have forgotten it all). I'm learning to knit because I realized last winter that I needed a scarf, and I thought hey, since I've got all summer, why not?
Actually, I know a couple of guys in my family who can sew. According to my grandmother, my father is pretty good at sewing, and once made himself a teddy bear by hand when he was young.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:01am
by Alex Moon
Captain_Cyran wrote:I can cook. Not very good but I can. And I can kind of sew...
I'm sure I could learn how to knit if I wanted too.
It's actually not that difficult, at least so far.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:16am
by Howedar
I can make a fine batch of cookies. I can also make rice, raman or chili. Anything done with a microwave is doable by me. Thats about the extent of my cooking skills.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:19am
by Darth Garden Gnome
I don't know crap abotu knitting; I've never touched a needle and thread in my life. Not that I have anything against it, it just never occured to me that I should learn how to knit.
I mean, if I get a tear in my pants, I'm not gonna knit 'em back together. I'm gonna wear them and give anyone who gives me a dirty look the finger.
I bust a button...well...I might have to track down me ma to handle that crisis.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:21am
by Captain Cyran
Darth Garden Gnome wrote:I don't know crap abotu knitting; I've never touched a needle and thread in my life. Not that I have anything against it, it just never occured to me that I should learn how to knit.
I mean, if I get a tear in my pants, I'm not gonna knit 'em back together. I'm gonna wear them and give anyone who gives me a dirty look the finger.
I bust a button...well...I might have to track down me ma to handle that crisis.
Pampered sissy. Geez, what is it with the youth these days?
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:22am
by Enforcer Talen
Darth Wong wrote:Sergeant John Spartan knew how to knit in "Demolition Man", and Sandra Bullock still wanted to wrap her legs around him. Admittedly, these are fictional people, but I just thought I'd mention that
I love that movie. skip the censored version.
oh, and swarzeneggar library, anyone?
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:23am
by Master of Ossus
Guys know how to knit?
[Hanz and Franz] Puny girly man, with puny girly muscles. [/Hanz and Franz]
I have no idea how to knit, but I bake a mean batch of cookies.
Posted: 2003-07-11 02:27am
by Howedar
Once I ripped a shirt that I had to wear all day, so I patched it with duct tape on the inside. Nobody noticed.