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Posted: 2003-07-14 12:28pm
by Sir Sirius

Posted: 2003-07-14 12:42pm
by HemlockGrey
That is quite possibly one of the most fucked-up things I have read in a very long while.

I think we have 1,000,000 nominees for the 'Biggest Loser Ever' award.

Posted: 2003-07-14 12:43pm
by Zaia
I would've sworn that this was going to be about video game mania or something...

Damn, that's unsettling. So many kids who've been bullied to the point where they withdraw to remain safe. Poor kids.

And yay that a study's being conducted by a doctor from UMD!! Rah, Maryland! I hope he finds something to help these people.

Posted: 2003-07-14 01:00pm
by Gil Hamilton
Perhaps Japan is starting to feel the effects of it's school system. Nothing like six days of school, plus school-after-school afterwards with almost brutal pressure to be perfect. It's only natural that some kids are going to crack, I'm just suprised it's that many.

Posted: 2003-07-14 01:33pm
by Zoink
I'd go with the break-the-door-down approach suggested in the article.

Posted: 2003-07-14 02:53pm
by kojikun
I can't say I'm not surprised. Japanese society places a massive amount of pressure on kids to do well in school, and its a stressful thing. Many kids comit suicide if they fail their first college entry exams. If this is mostly from bullying, however, then I'd say its time for these kids to read some good manga or anime (even pokemon..) and stand up for themselves.

Posted: 2003-07-14 03:12pm
by Sir Sirius
Kojikun wrote:If this is mostly from bullying, however, then I'd say its time for these kids to read some good manga or anime (even pokemon..) and stand up for themselves.
Out of the kids seen in the show bullying was mentioned as a cause in one case. Mostly they talked about school pressure and dysfunctional families as causes for Hikikomori.

What's really fucked up is that Japanese parents are often so ashamed that their child is behaving in such a manner that they often let the situation continue for years before seeking outside help. Not to mention that they let the kid isolate himself from the rest of the family in the first place.

I mean who here can say that their parents would have just stood by if you had tried to pull something like this when you were a teen?

Posted: 2003-07-14 03:15pm
by Balrog
That's just... messed up.

Knock the door down? Why not something more spectacular, like a couple of high explosives? Just warn the kid to keep his head down :D

Posted: 2003-07-14 03:22pm
by kojikun
And some the parents of the violent ones run away afraid! LMFAO These are some pussified parents.

Posted: 2003-07-14 03:23pm
by Trytostaydead
Sad sad sad. An enormous strain on their young minds probably swirls them into a state of depression and stupor and some into the dark realms of violence.