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It smell like Big Brother

Posted: 2003-07-17 09:41pm
by Montcalm

Posted: 2003-07-17 09:43pm
by Darth Garden Gnome
*sets up hat stand*

Tin-foil hats! Get ya tin-foil hats here!

Posted: 2003-07-17 09:52pm
by kojikun
i'd do it. you could jam them by wrapping tinfoil around them. like with cellphones.

Posted: 2003-07-17 10:05pm
by Mutant Headcrab
Hah! Im prepared! I have an old British Pith helmet lined with tin-foil on both the outside and the in. Not only will I be safe from Big Brother trying to track me, but also Ill be safe from concussions as well! :lol:

Posted: 2003-07-17 10:25pm
by Sea Skimmer
Old news, I've already added copper mesh into my NBC protective suit.

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:16am
by UltraViolence83
That's fucking disgusting. They should be banned. I don't care if they can track kidnapped people, the bad guys'll just take a knife and start cutting until they find it.

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:18am
by kojikun
UltraViolence83 wrote:That's fucking disgusting. They should be banned. I don't care if they can track kidnapped people, the bad guys'll just take a knife and start cutting until they find it.
unlikely. he'll just wrap the person in tinfoil. its easier, and he wont be charged for murder.

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:25am
by Grand Moff Yenchin
[superstition]THE MARK OF THE BEAST!!! THE END IS NEAR!!![/superstition]

Maybe someday we'll see some stupid kidnapper bringing a trash can. :D

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:29am
by Xenophobe3691
I'd take it if I could turn it off. You don't know how much easier it makes life for paramedics and the doctors in the emergency room. One wave and they know EVERYTHING needed to save your punk ass, and prevent you from dying to an allergy to penicillin, to dying because of the wrong blood type, to dying of a bad combination of drugs...

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:39am
by UltraViolence83
That's all fine and dandy, but it's the tracking ability I don't like at all. Besides, if I were allergic to penicillin or a diabetic I would have several forms of information on my person that say this, no need for an implant.

I'm against chip implants in general. I don't want others to do it because then people who don't have or want them will become socially stigmatized and pigeonholed as old-faschioned unmodern cranks and curmudgeons.

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:44am
by UltraViolence83
Are ID cards so cumbersome that we need to be scanned like grocery store items?

Why not put the electonic information inside the card itself? For diabetics and others like them, it would be very conveinent. However, I'm not one to potentially sacrifice my privacy and tempt the gov't into wanting to track everyone. I don't even like the idea of tracking criminals.

Maybe I'm said tin foil can jam them, and I think I heard that mircowaves and powerful magnets would screw them up, as well.

I just find the idea of a society of walking check-out items disturbing. I will NOT be tracked, dammit! :evil:

Posted: 2003-07-18 12:48am
by Xenophobe3691
UltraViolence83 wrote:Are ID cards so cumbersome that we need to be scanned like grocery store items?

Why not put the electonic information inside the card itself? For diabetics and others like them, it would be very conveinent. However, I'm not one to potentially sacrifice my privacy and tempt the gov't into wanting to track everyone. I don't even like the idea of tracking criminals.

Maybe I'm said tin foil can jam them, and I think I heard that mircowaves and powerful magnets would screw them up, as well.

I just find the idea of a society of walking check-out items disturbing. I will NOT be tracked, dammit! :evil:
I simply see these as a method of making my life easier. I want to spend the least amount of time possible doing a task, while still getting it done in an exemplary fashion. That's why I want the ability to turn them off.

Anyways, I really want to make it a lot easier for the Paramedics and the Trauma Room personnel to do their jobs. It's damn easy to lose forms, or for the forms to get ripped or too soaked/torn to be read. The chip's under the skin, so unless something hits that place directly, and rips out a nice, healthy chunk of skin and flesh in the process, they'll know what I can and can't have.

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:01am
by UltraViolence83
That's the only application I'd approve for them. People with medical complications. Besides, you'd have to keep a form or card on you anyway because the chip could get damaged.

But for ID, that idea's got to go.

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:02am
by kojikun
UV, did you entirely miss that its very easy to block out a signal if you want it blocked out? shit, just being an urban area would render it useless. And even so, you could turn the thing off. What a shock.

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:24am
by UltraViolence83
Well, good then. I guess I missed that part. It's not like I'm an electrical expert or anything, either. Without people telling me this shit I would have no fucking clue on how they work.

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:31am
by UltraViolence83
Question: What's the point of tracking pets or whatnot if they can't work in an urban environment? Wouldn't you need streetcorner boosters or something?

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:39am
by Xenophobe3691
UltraViolence83 wrote:Question: What's the point of tracking pets or whatnot if they can't work in an urban environment? Wouldn't you need streetcorner boosters or something?
As I see it, if it's in an urban environment, it's already easy to comb through the streets for a pet. In a forest, though, this would help quite a bit...

Posted: 2003-07-18 01:59am
by kojikun
UltraViolence83 wrote:Question: What's the point of tracking pets or whatnot if they can't work in an urban environment? Wouldn't you need streetcorner boosters or something?
Noone said its perfect. But in, say, urban but low-building-height areas it works. The middle of Times Square no way but in brooklyn itll be fine.

Posted: 2003-07-18 02:18am
by Xenophobe3691
kojikun wrote:
UltraViolence83 wrote:Question: What's the point of tracking pets or whatnot if they can't work in an urban environment? Wouldn't you need streetcorner boosters or something?
Noone said its perfect. But in, say, urban but low-building-height areas it works. The middle of Times Square no way but in brooklyn itll be fine.
LOL, that's EXACTLY the place I was thinking of.

Posted: 2003-07-18 02:26am
by UltraViolence83
Meh. I've calmed down now. I still consider it to be an invasion of privacy (let alone body!) so I'd NEVER force my kid to put one in him/her so I could see what they're up to at all times, which is what I expect more people would want to do and say it's just for kidnapping precautions.

Now if it has a manual off switch, the kid wouldn't have to worry about their spying parents.

Posted: 2003-07-18 05:46am
by Coyote
Consider walking into a store and picking up whatever you needed; while just walking out while the autoscanner reads what you're taking and who you are and automatically deducts the cash from your account. Or waving your hand over the gas pump... no more carrying cash, getting mugged?

I can see a lot of people embracing this.

Most people don't really give a shit about privacy. They figure they're not doing anything wrong so why care, and the advantages far outweight the alarms of people "who are probably up to something to begin with".

And parents will have their kids injected as infants and just leave the chips in, continually charging their charge cards or accounts to keep tabs on Junior. Trust me, if the average parent can keep tabs on "Baby" their entire lives they would. You'll be 40 years old and your 65 year old Momma will still be able to check and make sure that you're in bed and taking your vitamins.

It is a good idea but the potential for abuse makes me want to toss my oats.