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Babies, babies, babies
Posted: 2003-07-24 11:21am
by His Divine Shadow
Whats with all the babies?
Or rather, I became an uncle again this Tuesday as my older sister gave birth to her second son.
I was kinda hoping it'd be a girl though, I'd figured a girl wouldn't have been as wild as a boy, oh dear, I'm gonna get worn out now :p
Re: Babies, babies, babies
Posted: 2003-07-24 11:55am
by Col. Crackpot
His Divine Shadow wrote:Whats with all the babies?
Or rather, I became an uncle again this Tuesday as my older sister gave birth to her second son.
I was kinda hoping it'd be a girl though, I'd figured a girl wouldn't have been as wild as a boy, oh dear, I'm gonna get worn out now :p
CONGRATS! kidz are phun! Especially other people's kids. Load 'em up on sugar, get them riled up at the park and send them home to mom and dad where they proceed to break stuff and puke on the floor. i have 10 cousins and nieces all under the age of 7. Not only that but i am a godfather to 2 of them. pretty amazing feat for an atheist, eh?
Posted: 2003-07-24 03:18pm
by TrailerParkJawa
My best friend has a 1 year old girl who I totally adore. She is pretty smart for her age. She figured out how to say "uh-oh" when she drops something or falls down all on her own. Although, she has'nt figured out "da-da" is for fathers, right now its for all adults.
I never thought I would be all mushy over an infant but she is a joy and if I ever have a little girl of my own, I hope she is a lot like her.
Posted: 2003-07-24 05:15pm
by Coyote
Kids can be fun, and many of my friends have kids. I used to be terrified of the idea but nowadays I think it is not so bad.
Fortunately I am never tasked to babysit. I told everyone that in order to keep kids entertained I would load them up on chocolate-covered coffee beans and Pokemon videos before sending them back.
Posted: 2003-07-24 06:37pm
by aerius
Oh...Babies...I thought it said "Boobies". Oops, carry on.