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As I looked into my Great Aunt's eyes....

Posted: 2003-07-25 03:06pm
by FaxModem1
...I saw madness. t was weird, as my mother and I were visiting my grandparents(her parents) 50th wedding anniversery(spelling error), I noticed while I was playing with my youner cousins at UNO that when I looked into my Great Aunt's eyes, I for some reason, detected some sort of madness. Now I knew my Aunt was mentally ill, but I had never noticed it in her eyes before. Is telling something about a person from looking at their eyes possible?

Posted: 2003-07-25 03:24pm
by Frank Hipper
The eyes are one of our most expressive features. They reflect emotional states much better than words ever can. Seeing something strange in your Aunt's eyes when you already know she is ill could be reading more into the situation than is actually there, though.

When my grandmother was in the later stages of Alzheimer's, her eyes would move around, and a few times I thought she was looking at me. But she was gone, completely. The impression that hindsight gives me is one of insect-awareness, or less. She wouldn't focus on movement, or turn towards a sound, but it still seemed like she was looking me in the eye....

Posted: 2003-07-25 06:15pm
by Robert Treder
I used to think that figuring things out about people just by their eyes was bullshit. But recently when talking to this one girl I know who's really smart but acts like a total stupid bitch, I realized that when I looked into her eyes, I could tell she was thinking and analyzing things, way more than when you look at the eyes of a lot of people. It creeped me out.

Posted: 2003-07-25 08:03pm
by Hyperion
I for one have major problems around people whose eyes I can't read, to the point that I need to avoid them. Same reason I prefer to talk in person rather than even on the phone, for me the eyes are at least half of my communication with other people.