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So what's everybody reading lately?

Posted: 2003-07-26 09:59am
by Mark S
Personally I've just dug into Don Quixote. I like how an author from the sixteenth century discribes whores as 'ladies of easy virtue.'

Posted: 2003-07-26 12:14pm
by Admiral Valdemar
T2: The Future War is my current read, then I'll finally finish The Blind Watchmaker and start on Doug Adams' last book. May start writing again between them.

Posted: 2003-07-26 01:53pm
by Master of Ossus
I'm reading som e books and such on improving fiction humor, and Fast Food Nation, which I admit I haven't read before.

Posted: 2003-07-26 02:19pm
by The Yosemite Bear
presently Tolkien (Silmerillion), Arkham House (Return to Innsmouth), Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, Walter S. Miller (St. Liebowitz and the Wild Horse Woman), & Steve Pressman (Tides of War)

Posted: 2003-07-26 02:22pm
by Alex Moon
Watership Down, Hirohito: Rise and Fall of Modern Japan, and The Aenid

Posted: 2003-07-26 02:39pm
by HemlockGrey
I'm (very casually) reading 'The Honor of the Queen' on Baen's Free Library, and I just finished 'Imperial Earth'. I'm also reading 'Guns, Germs, and Steel', which is a very good read, even though it's nonfiction.

I'm thinking of reading 'Slaughterhouse Five' next, as there's a convienent collection of Kurt Vonnegut works on the bookshelf. If I can ever find it in a damn bookstore, 'Soldiers Live' is on my must-read list.

I also have to read 'Cold Sassy Tree' for school. Urrrrg.

Posted: 2003-07-26 02:41pm
by Isolder74
Right now The Count Of Monte Cristo, Just finished LOTR, again.

Posted: 2003-07-26 04:18pm
by Dalton
Just finished Heir to the Empire again and am casting around for my next selection (since my brother in law still has DFR and TLC).

Posted: 2003-07-26 09:22pm
by Singular Quartet
Just recently read Inversions (Iain M. Banks) again...
Presently working thorugh either Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman) (again) and Mona Lisa Overdrive (William Gibson)

Posted: 2003-07-26 09:33pm
by Ghost Rider
American Gods...Have a copy SIGNED by him...and now getting to it.

Oi....need new reading habits.

Also just finished The Stand

Posted: 2003-07-26 09:37pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Ah, Watership Down, I loved the film and that got me on the book... which I got all of 200 pages into and forgot about, must try again.

Singular Quartet: Ever seen the Neverwhere mini-series by the BBC? I saw it on VHS at my uni's sci-fi club, I hear it's a good adaption of the book.

Posted: 2003-07-26 09:53pm
by HemlockGrey
I've also been finishing around for a copy of 'Gormenghast'

Posted: 2003-07-27 12:03am
by Singular Quartet
Ghost Rider wrote: American Gods...Have a copy SIGNED by him...and now getting to it.
I got my copy signed by hinm at a convention where the term "Neil" became a verb that means "To block traffic" due to the lines that went from one side to the other, then out the door and down the hall of the convention hall he was at.

Posted: 2003-07-27 10:24am
by Grand Admiral Thrawn
With my Honorverse CD, Ashes of Victory.

EDIT: Now War of Honor. Holy shit, 60 chapters each twice as long as the previous book's were!

Posted: 2003-07-27 05:44pm
by Spanky The Dolphin
Mostly comics and manga right now. I just finished volume 11 of Love Hina, volume 16 of Ah, Megami-sama, volume 11 of Dragon Ball Z, books 1-4 of Bone, and am currently reading volume 11 of Dragon Ball and book five of Bone.

After that I should start this shoujo-ai manga I bought called Between the Sheets, as well as read the Battle Royale novel again...

Posted: 2003-07-27 06:07pm
by Sea Skimmer
Fleets of World War II

Posted: 2003-07-27 09:54pm
by Kuja
Nothing at the current time, although I recently blazed my way through several library books including PREY by Micheal Crichton and a bunch of spy-thriller types.

Posted: 2003-07-27 10:06pm
by RedImperator
Just finished Order of the Phoenix, have just started Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. American Empire: Victorious Opposition comes out in 3 days.

Posted: 2003-07-28 01:01am
by HemlockGrey
Right! I did finish Order of the Phoenix, too! Right...

Posted: 2003-07-28 01:06am
by Shinova
I've been reading lots of Java code lately.

public class Braindead

int LevelOfTooMuchCoding;
String name = new String();

public void Braindead(int l, String n)
this.LevelOfTooMuchCoding = l; = n;

public int HowMuchBraindeadage(int TimeSpentInFrontOfComputer)
return (this.LevelOfTooMuchCoding * TimeSpentInFrontOfComputer);

Posted: 2003-07-28 09:56am
by phongn
Six Days of War and The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

Posted: 2003-07-28 11:09am
by haas mark
Behold a Pale Horse - A book on secret societies
Scarred Soul - A book on self-injury


Posted: 2003-07-28 11:31am
by Singular Quartet
Shinova wrote:I've been reading lots of Java code lately.

public class Braindead

int LevelOfTooMuchCoding;
String name = new String();

public void Braindead(int l, String n)
this.LevelOfTooMuchCoding = l; = n;

public int HowMuchBraindeadage(int TimeSpentInFrontOfComputer)
return (this.LevelOfTooMuchCoding * TimeSpentInFrontOfComputer);
First off, proper way of doing this would be to use a code tag.
Second, you don't have a default constructer.
Third, those variable are way to long for my tastes, but to each their own...

Posted: 2003-07-28 11:46am
by Jason von Evil
I guess comics don't count, do they? I can't seem to get into normal books. Every interesting looking regular book I pick up I lose interest in. :? LOTR is included with this. :(

Posted: 2003-07-28 11:53am
by Ghost Rider
Aya wrote:I guess comics don't count, do they?
Don't see why not :P .

Seriously I read more comics(more because of influx) then books...and no one is going to tell me that Sandman, Watchmen, Maus aren't considered great works.

I just put down books because my comic book list is usually too long.