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Anyone here seen Gensomaden Saiyuki ?

Posted: 2002-09-21 07:52pm
by NieA_7
Just asking. FOr all those wondering: it's an anime.

Anyway: anyone seen it ?

Posted: 2002-09-22 12:01am
by Kimango
I've seen some of saiyuki, and most of my circle of anime fans love it (Especially the girls <g>)

Posted: 2002-09-22 12:04am
by XaLEv

Re: Anyone here seen Gensomaden Saiyuki ?

Posted: 2002-09-22 12:09am
by weemadando
NieA_7 wrote:Just asking. FOr all those wondering: it's an anime.

Anyway: anyone seen it ?
No, I haven't. I'll have to talk with my anime group to see if they can screen it.

Posted: 2002-09-23 05:37am
by NieA_7
Kimango wrote:I've seen some of saiyuki, and most of my circle of anime fans love it (Especially the girls <g>)
Not surprising: the protagonists are all young men, and one's a feminist (he's not gay: he just likes women a bit too much). But, I must admit: it's q uite a good anime. ANd even the title music was not bad.

Posted: 2002-09-23 06:58am
by Kimango
Not surprising: the protagonists are all young men, and one's a feminist (he's not gay: he just likes women a bit too much). But, I must admit: it's q uite a good anime. ANd even the title music was not bad.
bishie heaven <g>
and yup i agree the music's pretty good. got a few on my anime playlist already.